Monthly Archives: December 2009

Germany has the bomb!

Monday, December 14, 2009
Bombe (Quelle:Wikimedia Commons)

Bomb from WW2 (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

When I want to inform me of the new long-haul Airbus A400M military transporter, of which Germany has ordered 60 pieces, also available on the official site of the "Ministry of Defense", I find there to nothing, but on the very first page something else:

The reference to a speech of Federal Defence Minister zu Guttenberg occasion of the ceremony "Bundeswehr and American Jewish Committee: 15 years of partnership and trust" on 8.12.2009 in Berlin.

Quite clear: I had overlooked something.
The AJC is a private organization founded in the US 1906th So far I did not know that the Bundeswehr received official partnerships with private organizations.

The AJC looks, according to self-reported, especially in the role of "ensuring the welfare and security of the American Jews, in Israel and around the world; to strengthen the key principles of pluralism as the best defense against anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry world; to improve the quality of American Jewish life, by helping to ensure Jewish continuity and deepen the ties between American and Israeli Jews. "

So far so good. I would have understood if so there would be a partnership with the AJC and German memorials - but the Department of Defense? So I had the speech read Guttenberg, and do my best to be more understanding:

"We Germans want to keep the memory of the Shoah awake. We provide our special responsibility that we carry after the barbarism of Nazism; the responsibility that we do not tolerate anti-Semitism and that we stand up for the right of existence and integrity of the State of Israel; the responsibility to ensure that freedom, human rights and tolerance are the uppermost maxims of our actions. This responsibility is unalterable part German raison d'etat. This responsibility obliges all Germans -. And therefore the Bundeswehr as an army of the democratic Germany "(more ...)

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60 new Airbus A400M (Military) for Germany and the war in Afghanistan?

Monday, December 14, 2009
Airbus A400M

Airbus A400M (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The media celebrate the (2-year delay) maiden flight of the new European A400M military transport.

Here films from first flight and on the technical details:

On the website of Airbus, a video from the maiden flight in Seville is available.

The house high flying fortress costs about 1.36 million Euro per piece; of the 180 at EADS, the largest European aerospace and defense group, pre-ordered aircraft ordered Germany alone 60!

The 15 m high and 45 m long military transport plane can carry tanks, helicopters and crews on the 8700 km distance and is intended to replace the smaller Transall, which only has a range of 1850 km away.

The Bundeswehr previously served as a transport aircraft of the Airbus A310, the Transall C-160D and the Challenger CL-six hundred and first (more ...)

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The sleight of climatologists

Friday, December 11, 2009

The day before yesterday told us IMAGE tearfully the 7 biggest problems of our world, and how it really is to us. Oddly enough, you pulled out of the question, even to represent at least one of the seven problems.

Could the combat boots sheet together with its editors for publishing Selbstentleibung decide, so to speak, to stage a media-savvy journalistic Harakiri in the interest of the climate or how Greenpeace lead by example so heroically to compete a consistent journalistic hunger strike for the climate, one of the points would be on the list at once to underline and the CO2 exhalations in Germany would drop abruptly: Less hot air!


Amid the media frenzy controlled air on the occasion of the Copenhagen Climate Conference, the public had no chance to learn that at 5:12:09 in Berlin, another international "summit" was held, that is already the 2nd time a conference of scientific opponents of official climate theorists. Participants at the first-mentioned summit, from 192 countries around the world coming, lushly upholstered with taxpayers' money and with a huge journalistic entourage in tow days currently in the Danish capital. 15,000 people from 150 scientists in Berlin. David against Goliath?

I found a very interesting report by Dr. Klaus Peter Krause, summarizing the meeting the critical scientists in Berlin. (More ...)

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Protection against blue light through filter glasses?

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Before some time wrote me at this point about the harmful for our eyes or the retina blue light component in light of "energy saving lamps", fluorescent lights and computer screens.

This excessively high proportion of blue light is not only for the production of hormones relevant (interferes z. B. the pineal = epiphysis and its production of darkness hormone melatonin), but also can directly cause damage to the retina, which can be virtually "burned".

Before I explained to me closer to the subject of "Light Biology", I asked, in fact, for me, I always put in several hours a day on the PC, on a regular basis a sharp pain, so to speak "back in the eye" fixed.

So I put myself, as announced here, finally a yellow PC goggles to which I define now every day for more than three months.

My settling-in period was zero because my somewhat modified color spectrum (direction yellow) prepared no problems, neither in writing nor. I have the same the "Heavy version" so do not bother the "Light-glasses" risen, but thought , "more is better", because I do a lot of sitting.

The stabbing pain in the eye "background" stopped abruptly.

However: Even the yellow goggles can not prevent it after a few hours of work, (for me at least such as by 2 clock at night Wink ), Eventually gets dry eyes - to go one character, and decrease sleep spectacles ...

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Federal Government squandered EUR 1 billion of taxpayers' money: The Growth Acceleration Act ...

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

... In favor of the pharmaceutical industry can not be upheld: swine flu shots are not in demand. Virus fails.

Yet exactly one month before the new Bundesimpf- and Health Minister Dr. Rösler had med. A beseeching call ("Rösler calls for more vaccine") to the vaccine industry (GlaxoSmithKline) done, but only yes ramp up production, so that the 50 million vaccine doses for 40 million Germans soon stood complete disposal: "It is important now that the industry provides the vaccine in sufficient quantity." He warned tirelessly against the looming Impfverdrossenheit and skepticism and castigated "false public statements of opinion."

One may suspect that our top Bundesimpfarzt the objections of radical opponents of vaccination, the alleged virus for swine flu was never properly isolated and photographed, as well as the various objections equally radical opponents (inadequate testing of Impfzusatzstoffe, harmless course of flu, etc.), a thorn in eye were.

"The citizens asked Rösler to trust in the work of the authorities. 'I can understand that people are confused by the many, sometimes contradictory, or even false public expressions of opinion, so they need information they can trust," he said. Reliable information around seeding could be found among the experts at the Robert Koch Institute and the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. They are world-renowned experts in the fight against infectious diseases and vaccines. "

Minister bei der Impfung gegen die Schweinegrippe

Minister for vaccination against swine flu

On 7.12.2009 then Rösler, the German Federal Ministry and the assembled representatives of the medical profession, cash and Impfinnung launched a last-ditch appeal for swine flu vaccination for a "summit meeting".

"Joint Appeal for vaccination against the new flu"
"In the Federal Ministry of Health is now a second top-level talks for vaccination against the novel influenza A (H1 / N1) at the invitation of Federal Minister of Health Dr. Philipp Rösler took place. Minister Rösler had representatives of the German Medical Association and the German Hospital Federation, relevant medical associations and professional societies, the German Care Council and the National Association Federation of health insurance for an interview invited (...) The aim of the discussion was to consult together how the vaccinations of the population and can be increased of health professionals. "

And then a "wave" predicted: (more ...)

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