Archives for the month of December 2008

Dusted - or the return of the hero

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I recently acquired a electrical shop vacuum cleaner. Waiting at the checkout, I grabbed mechanically by a catalog that turned out to be "Gamers Magazine", ie a catalog of video games and violence. I flipped at times: It looked to me martial against what already announced the title: The rebirth of the hero. The latter all looked kinda like cousins ​​or even clones of the current governor of California. Incorrect division. Slightly disgusted I wanted to let the catalog just fall - but wait !, as it flashed through me: I was grabbed by the short, crisp titles and content descriptions and captivated. Clearly, my vision was a little too dusty: I just had to wipe me something about the eyes to see the beautiful, crisp, plump poetry. With the gentle conversion of very few words, the content of the magazine turned out to be timeless and contemporary thoughts prose, as spiritual, heroic strengthening in time of trouble: in the crisis into which we were led. Let us see:

Yet there is hope:

The world has changed
And their human races
Need a new way
Find an order of things.

Record a viewpoint
In view of the war,
The closer.
Because only you are only large,
But together we are unstoppable.

We are on the way to the Inferno
Because we see the end of the rules.
There is only one way
get out of the Inferno:
To traverse it! (more ...)

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Advent, Advent, a candle burns

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

From drauss' of the forest I come here,
I must tell you, I fear 'very much,
to bring you bad news,
of financial collapse and climate things;
everywhere on the spruce tips
only dim little light I saw flashing
because the back burner is the new bliss
Avarice and greed the feast of the authorities.

Knecht Ruprecht, I say, old fellow,
give me my bag very quickly!
This year there's nothing to feast and to pack
no gingerbread and cinnamon things,
only the tail pack to me
so there must be enough! (more ...)

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Recording from the future (as encouragement for the present)

Monday, December 01, 2008

Location: CitizenChangeCommitee (CCC), (formerly Citizen Climat Change Committee), medium-sized town, Section EU West & Central Europe, (formerly Germany), City Council of the City

Number of people: Presiding Judge (V1), two associate judges and two dedicated, deserving citizens in Cycle Service

Time: 9:00 Clock, Date: 07/01/2020

Negotiations are among others the cause of citizen Serena Bahnsen (BB), a single mother of two children, daycare part-time employees: Various abnormalities in the period 1.4.-30.6.2020

We turn directly to the proceedings:

V1: ... citizen Bahnsen, to get started with the most unusual: We located Camera-material from the rear garage area of ​​your apartment blocks on the field road on the weekend of April 29 and 30 before that with one unknown to us citizens (in reality by the CCC already identified) along with your two children shows how you obviously driving an old Mercedes-Benz, built in 2000 to climb, and in a long weekend. Then come - very late - on Sunday evening at about 21:00 clock back home and drive the said vehicle back to the garage. Citizen Bahnsen, the CitizenChangeCommitee you want to ask three things:

1 Who was this man ?, because according to our records you are a single parent, life as a single, and owe to this fact a privileged 50 weeks hour part-time job in the near Kita ...

2 Where does the car come from? You will be aware that already over 10 years ago has drawn vehicles of this size and this horsepower from ClimatChangeGründen from circulation a decision of the relevant EU Commission. (more ...)

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Gordon Gekko and the delights of the devotees (mirror reflections)

Monday, December 01, 2008

If you look again in the mirror to see if the perm is still sitting, so it can happen that one is looking towards the somewhat unpleasant All Seeing Eye - the of the one-dollar bill. Take out the "Spiegel" 48/2008 ( "I always play by the rules" ) at hand: In the sophisticated photo of S. 76, the right eye is actually in the middle. I looked a little more closely, because I had a strange physical reaction: Escape mirror reflections. One actually follows this eye as look a the eyes of people on specific old master paintings from any angle.

Interview mit George Soros im SPIEGEL, Heft 48/2008
Interview with George Soros in SPIEGEL, Issue 48/2008

But now the topic: "Before Sunrise once the darkness comes." Got it? That's just in the world, and so shall it stand: We are talking about an alleged interview as intellectually news magazine with the notorious financial speculators Gordon Gekko, the money guru György Schwartz and the crisis Kassandra Georgina Soros.

The mirror came with the same three musketeers against the evil old man, one of the largest professional profiteers our active deregulated monetary system, $ 9,000,000,000 difficult and therefore a member of the club of the richest people in this globe. In tax havens such as the Netherlands Antilles and Curacao he stroked occasionally a profit of 34.5% per year.

Who had looked forward to a lively interview with a few probing questions and sleek saber strike was bitter disappointment: It was not even the usual levels of action. The interview was already too late, because it could not start. Because Gekko plays just always after (his) rules. You can not do anything. (more ...)

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You all a warm welcome ...

Monday, December 01, 2008

And ... congratulations that you have found this wonderful place!

This blog will have a special, what you might have noticed already:

In addition to a quite a variety of topics, it is sometimes serious, sometimes cheerful, sometimes rhymed, sometimes absurd, sometimes overly intellectual and sometimes more loosely-fuzzy, never go verzopft.

It's always more to Hintergündiges but because of ostensible - just the Beckground ...

In addition to these digital "fingerprints" You will often find "tracks", so usually sung to rhymed and Ungereimtem ... for the time being a capella, because I have made up my mind to find in this way people who have the desire, the site offered musical , z. B. with guitar, keyboard, percussion u. ä., prepare together with me.

I wish you MUCH FUN reading and listening and of course the always desired online search!

For comments, suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome. In this sense soon!

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