Dusted - or the return of the hero

I recently acquired a electrical shop vacuum cleaner. Waiting at the checkout, I grabbed mechanically by a catalog that turned out to be "Gamers Magazine", ie a catalog of video games and violence. I flipped at times: It looked to me martial against what already announced the title: The rebirth of the hero. The latter all looked kinda like cousins ​​or even clones of the current governor of California. Incorrect division. Slightly disgusted I wanted to let the catalog just fall - but wait !, as it flashed through me: I was grabbed by the short, crisp titles and content descriptions and captivated. Clearly, my vision was a little too dusty: I just had to wipe me something about the eyes to see the beautiful, crisp, plump poetry. With the gentle conversion of very few words, the content of the magazine turned out to be timeless and contemporary thoughts prose, as spiritual, heroic strengthening in time of trouble: in the crisis into which we were led. Let us see:

Yet there is hope:

The world has changed
And their human races
Need a new way
Find an order of things.

Record a viewpoint
In view of the war,
The closer.
Because only you are only large,
But together we are unstoppable.

We are on the way to the Inferno
Because we see the end of the rules.
There is only one way
get out of the Inferno:
To cross it!

The world has changed:
After decades of coma
And after betrayal
By your own people
Is now the time had come,
The reins of your life
Again, to take into their own hands!

And the most savage way!
Brothers in arms, you upset and acts:
World brothers raise yourselves!

Whether you're ugly, fat
Or a rabble are!
There is a place for you!

The world has changed:
The disaster is here -
The day of the exam!

Imagine that
Your city or your country are suddenly
Covered by the Apocalypse:
Politicians fail
No power,
No more television,
No oil to fill your tank,
No more announcements.
Only laser and tasers.

And suddenly everything is only
To you.
Up to you!

You will learn how to on a single,
Authentic crisis day
Save your country can.

For a group of invisible
Will take advantage of the chaos:
You penetrates unstoppable -
In their possession is the bomb
And an army of tens of thousands remotely controlled.

Everything now depends on you:
You have to see through it
And stop their plans.

But when your mission
Will you incessantly
Encounter numerous obstacles and problems,
They put in your way.

They will try to hinder you,
Where they can.
Try incessant clashes
To tire you and to wear down.

It is for you
Very, very difficult!
But not impossible!

You may be
As you wish -
You'll find your place!
For things get pretty ugly.

But the threat is forcing you to activity,
For the world has changed,
It's getting worse
And your help is needed!

The moment has arrived!
Personal service!
We repair your console in 1 hour!


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