Archives for the month of January 2009

Al, I'm coming!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I got to know YOU last summer - in fact take our romance so already two summers. How did that happen? Well, this happened so:

I was in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and I went there purely by chance in a very large book and music store, "click", I think. And right at the entrance of a very long table was there right up and covered with a large white sheet, and then a black cube was laid, which was covered with velvet, and the top of it, there sat a very large screen: And saw there I YOU for the first time and heard YOUR voice.

A limousine stopped, George Bush got out and walked up to him and DU cordially shaking hands with him. I thought YOU would have ushered in the election campaign for the third term of your friend; because it occurred to me: Thou art indeed an ardent admirer of him, and had as DU won the first time against him, because YOU have just let him go first and have given him YOUR victory in Florida generous. As you can tell, what kind of a noble, unselfish man DU. A true philanthropist and son of man (more ...)

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Yes, we can change the world!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jauchzet rejoice, to praise the day,
shout rejoice!
Sing, frohlockehet, ahauf praise the Tagehe,
rühuhümet that today the Saviour erkorn!

Ahahanen you, what is it?
Yes, exactly: To news from USA: Oh Bama!
A man writes history before he is president.
But thank God it's finally finished!
Whether Obama or Cainobama - the important thing is:
Yay! Democracy has triumphed! (more ...)

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