Archive for February 2009

Wild Geese (days Buchau crack)

Saturday 28 February 2009

26-27. February ... uniform days with little depth, I did not permit this at the moment. It is for this very often during the day into the evening twilight into the air:

A characteristic hoarse shouts and a distant noise make me feel attracted, in the most unlikely places to hold abruptly and stare upwards, because it is a play on the celestial stage to see, free admission: The return of migratory birds, the wild geese and cranes .

Apparently, the area of ​​Bonn on the Rhine is a strategic, because train to train crosses the Rhine yesterday and moved to the Northwest. Fantastic, order and harmony maintained in constant motion and change alive. I beaming me in the last goose the right flight wedge and fly with her ​​behind my front goose. (more ...)

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Monday 23 February 2009

♪ ♪ ♪ Listen to the audio track

A stop evil and full of malice,
the plan has made me upset.
The bulb is scheduled to go live there,
thou shalt bring the bulb from the socket drehn. (more ...)

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The ballad of the heifer

Monday 23 February 2009

My favorite hero is currently reality of a heifer:

She had fled shortly after Christmas in front of a butcher shop in Kreuth the cattle truck and ran to freedom, to the mountains high up into Wallenberg setting massif, far away. There she lived for weeks at minus fifteen degrees, day after day.

At a feeding place for deer in 1200 meters altitude it steals hay. First, she does not quite eyed and the deer hinds and very shy. Then they examined water and skin with her hoof a small hole in the ice of a frozen fountain in front of a Holzknechthütte to drink can.

You can not be captured and only at night and new moon it descends to the forest Kreuther house and deposited there a heifer cake and then returns to the mountain in the deer woods.

At the deer feed racks it mixes very slowly with the pack and requires from the top dogs of respect, because the sixteen final note: they do not have to do it with an ordinary, but with a very special heifer, and then enter the devotees silently to the side, when the heifer claimed a bale of hay for themselves. The mighty deer they look shy and tend reverently their antlers and make room for her. (more ...)

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People, attracts you warm!

Saturday 21 February 2009

Gore-bal warming (Quelle:

Gore-bal warming (Source:

I recently read two short messages pleasantly amazed following contents:

Arctic ice cap grows to new heights., The Southern Hemisphere (Antarctica) has quietly set a new record for the largest ice extent since 1979. The ice cover in the Southern Hemisphere is the largest since satellite records, surpassing even the years 1995, 2001, 2005 and 2006. A tendency towards the Gesamteisausdehnung growth since 1979 was recorded.

While the area around the Antarctic Peninsula has warmed in recent years and the surrounding ice volume decreased during the summer in the southern hemisphere, the interior of Antarctica was colder and had the ice-coverage and long lasting, which explains the increase in the overall expansion. Details of the (GIS) According NASA Godard Institute for Space Studies, the winter at the South Pole has actually cooled by one degree Fahrenheit since 1957, with 2004 being the coldest year was. The winter of that year I was in the southern hemisphere particularly rough, with cold and snow records in Australia, South America and Africa. (more ...)

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Our Daily Bread kick off daily

Tuesday 10 February 2009

In early February shocked a Munich newspaper readers with the impression of an image of a giant waste container full of bread, thrown away, every day.

It came out that the excess Munich bread ends up in a biogas plant, there is fermented and then converted into electricity! Along with corn. The gas generators drives ... a kilo of bread is equivalent to 2.5 kilowatt hours of electricity, to bake a kilo of bread, about 1.3 kilowatt-hours consumed.

That's pretty kinky, I thought.

(More ...)

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The banker has gone to the casino

Monday 02 February 2009

♪ ♪ ♪ Listen to the audio track

The banker has gone to the casino
And burned all your money.

Your coal is gone,
Account empty.
Your savings
that does not exist anymore.

Because: The banker is ...

Your government has just taken you hostage.
You have to be on the game for the bankers. (more ...)

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