I am an economist in Action

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I am an economist in action,
I have a thick Harvard diploma,
The black suit I wear perfectly.
I'm talking English almost flawlessly.
And the Haargelgraduation
Is the secret of my qualification.
And my motto is: Juchuhuhu!
Anyone who has, gets too!

I am a wise economy in action,
I sit on the board of Bank Union.
I'm so successful, so much in demand,
Of doubt I was never bothered.
Even with billions of euros Meanies
I was never, never despondent.
Because I know Juchuhuhu!
Anyone who has, gets too!

My bank I have set in the sand,
My bank I gefetzt against the wall.
Billion euros simply washed into Clo,
And the meltdown not come felt
For I know a super trick,
As I still war bonus.
And that is why I sing Juchuhuhu!
Anyone who has, gets too!

I get hundreds of billions in advance,
And if you do not pay, I hold you on your toes,
You get otherwise no more loans,
And I'll make you life really difficult,
You are so brave and blind:
Because can print money but every child!
Meanwhile, I still sing Juchuhuhu!
Anyone who has, gets too!

If you want to edit these and similar musical construction sites with me (guitar, drums, etc.) should simply contact me.

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