Federal Centre for Internet-clearing, good day!
Uh, yes, hello, is there the Internetklierstelle?
Yes, how can we help you?
Yes, well, I was there just in such a Jetroom, yes, and since I've seen someone announces a massacre, I believe.
So, please tell us anything, as was the phrase exactly?
So, the person said, they will soon be time to take up a few people.
Aha, that's very interesting, please tell us exactly where you have found the entry, and how ...
Uh, yes, hello, this is this, well, you know, where you can turn aside, if you can find someone funny?
Yeah right, you tell time!
So, although I have no internet at home, but I still would like to report that there's a neighbor of mine is so funny; I think of planning a massacre. He always runs in so black clothes through the area and is also in such a club, I think.
Do you have a name and address?
Yes ...
Guttenberg Takk, I would like to file reports.
Yes please!
It's about Mr. Egon Müller (name changed by editor), Herbert Street 3, here in Essen. I have reason to believe that he is the one who gives suspicious and offensive comments against measures of the Ministry of Interior on a blog.
Thank you that's enough, thank you for your reference, we're on our way!
The chairman of the Federal German Police Horst Jansen Sparks "SOS". He is not the only one who keeps his list of demands in the face after the latest rampage shocked the public. For the deep penetration of the Web, the police were ill-equipped, and he calls for the establishment of an Internet clearinghouse.
"'There should sociologists, therapists, IT professionals, lawyers and police officers around the clock (!) Sit in to rate cases can immediately', says Jansen ... There was the 110 for police, 112 for the fire department, but no contact for alarm cases in the net. "(General Anzeiger Bonn, 16.3.2009).
Jansen therefore wishes all seriousness an Internet emergency. Sure, this measure would create tens of thousands of jobs. You can on the labor market might hope again!
However, it is not without quite the comedy, imagine how an army of serious experts "around the clock" in chat rooms hysterical gibberish forming teens, will review each bid on its Amoktauglichkeit and inspect any comment of an Internet forum with the help of therapists and police officers and expert is valued at more serious mien!
But maybe we need to take it seriously this madness: Because he has a strong project "motor":

Schäuble: The New World Order
I wanted again
Go shopping
But what I need for there
see again?
A security camera.
The Schäuble wants to know,
Schäuble is torn,
Caution steep step.
Brake it out!
I wanted again
fahrn by rail,
but what looks at me because there
again to?
A security camera.
The Schäuble wants to know ...
I wanted again
go to school,
(So that I can also count to 3!)
But what I need for there
Already meet again?
(High ey man, that's full fat.)
A security camera ...
The Schäuble wants to know ...
I wanted again
Go to church,
to check on my Savior,
but what I need for there
see again?
A security camera
Dominus tecum, dominus, tecum.
A security camera.
The Schäuble wants to know's ...
I wanted again
Go to the Sparkasse
(To behold if my money is still there)
But what I need for there
Already meet again?
A security camera ...
The Schäuble wants to know ...
I wanted again
go to Pipimachen.
But what I need for there
see again?
A security camera.
The Schäuble wants to know ...
I wanted again
go into the bedroom,
but what do I have to see again because:
A security camera,
(This is just purely a routine check to see whether all rules and regulations have been complied with.)
(Oh God, and that's where I wanted to just above the bottom without without and with straight and without!)
The Schäuble wants to know ...
(And drop me as merely not!)
A few days ago I visited the Bonn city museum behind the university; and how life goes: I had time for little girls. But oh dear, over the door of the ladies room hung a sign with big red letters: THIS TOILET IS WATCHING VIDEO.
What now? Naturally eyes (so nobody sees me) and then pee.
I now knew: the monitor arrived in the midst of society.
Shortly afterwards, I read an article that again reconciled me something and offended my sense of shame a little easier ". Intimate sounds are deleted" Uffzzzz! (Taz.de 14.3.2009)
The TAZ spoke with August Hanning, State Secretary, Federal Ministry of the Interior. In individual cases Hannning will even monitor beds and outhouse to prevent terrorist attacks.
Question: "Should there be privacy areas in which the State can not look into it reliable?
Answer: "Of course not. If you leave a vacuum, it is clear that this is used for appointment of crimes. "(...)
"So a bug terminals under the bed?"
"For example."
"And if the police hear Groaning noises, they switched off the tape?"
"You do not think that there all the time a policeman sitting and listening in order to squeeze in time to the off switch? In practice runs since usually a band with that one then sounds. And then intimate noises are immediately deleted and only the relevant police will be saved. "
Thank you Mr. Hanning!
(Anyone who wants to edit the above music site with me [guitar, drums u. Ä.], Is should simply contact me.)
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Tags: Schäuble , monitoring
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I think it's worrying as we seem to be learning and not resistant and do not want to learn from the past. After the Second World War, went from fear of mass poverty and its follow (increased demand authoritarian structures) on the welfare state. Then to neoliberalism, which in turn brought back more poverty (can already imagine that it is more for the rich nice to have choices, but for the majority of the people who are now the necessary services must pay more and more out of pocket and up all this can hardly afford to?). With caused by neoliberalism and continuously expanding mass poverty - vorrauszusehendermassen - increased nationalism and authority figures lately again in combination with a moralizing state that restricts us more and more to our human rights under the pretext that they are for our own good, into reality. are lobbies to satisfy profitably for such measures (which, of course, as thanks to the state a little bit of money grab under the arms).
Marx was right in everything, except that it has not come so far to a solidarity of the lower strata of society, indeed the opposite is happening.
At the moment we can still smile about it, but for our children Internet-Stasi and camera on the bedside table might actually already be everyday.
By the way, you never told us whether they did not attend the Orwellian toilet or -]