Swallows (days Buchau crack)

The white bellies of the swallows flashing on me; it is not easy to follow them.

As quickly as they materialize in the sky, they disappear in the blue, as in an optical illusion.

Fascinating how they advance rhythmically by a single, tiny flapping with wings folded, easily and efficiently propel through the air, are effortless.

I admire their elegance and weightlessness. Any type of air pressure is always the best for them: they can be casual in a deep fall or spring up on a high.

With a quick twitch, a barely perceptible pulse to give the swallows in a new direction: a precise small or even complete change.

It would be the ideal of my life:
Always can put a pulse: can make a very small or even complete change of direction as a matter of course.

His swallow, have a gleaming white belly.

Be free.

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