Dark Purple Iris (days Buchau crack)

The morning brings the discovery of dunkelilafarbigen irises.

With the beginning of spring I touch the morning about my favorite meadows to look like a botanical Accountants me all the familiar faces and to welcome satisfied. It gives security, certainty and satisfaction that this is successful every year. But the joyful greeting ritual is not all: I peer also looking for new faces, according to new discoveries for my collection.

And actually I succeed but every year after the "big holiday" to discover a new face . Last year there were pink irises on a small, shaggy surrounded by wild olive trees and cork oaks meadow. Going around the same area I discovered this morning but in addition all the little groups of dark purple, more delicate, of the same kind.

How could I have been so blind as last year? But maybe it is not only blindness but yesterday a testament to my obviously ever-expanding and sharpening perception? Or even better: My expectations have this petite onions produced tickled under the bushes and they can present me bold!

With these flourishing insights I go in the day and decide to raise the expectations of my future over unabashedly. Let's see what will present itself to me soon still perky!

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