Post from Afghanistan

Yesterday I had a call a living in Chicago Afghans under my Epost, I decided to translate: Dr. Mohammed Daud Miraki had obviously still have my email address because I had ordered his book "Afghanistan after Democracy" some time ago.

Afghanistan After Democracy

Dr. Mirakis book "Afghanistan After Democracy"

I would then find out first hand what is happening in Afghanistan right: Finally, German troops are there. Dr. Mirakis picture story shook me. Then I read the book nor the German Afghanistan connoisseur Christoph Hörstel ( "bomb Afghanistan: The Bundeswehr in Your Eyes" ), I can only recommend if you want something closer to deal with the matter.

If anyone in the world I'm sorry, it's the suffering people of the Afghans, the Iraqis and the Palestinians.

Dr. Mohammed Daud Miraki has already been heard by the UN Human Rights Council and has now managed to gain some voice in public for the scandal of the ongoing use of depleted uranium by the allied forces in Afghanistan; I think he's serious and admire his commitment to his homeland and tortured countrymen.

Here the call of afghanischstämmigen U.S. political scientist and sociologist:

Mohammed Daud Miraki, PhD

"It was last winter when the door of my house flew by a blast from the Angel in the middle of the night. My family and I were awakened by the mere noise of the explosion. My pregnant wife, my two daughters, my son and I came out of the house in our yard. As we approached the ruined door, the invading American soldiers had already entered the building and began to fire on us. The bullets hit all of my family, including my pregnant wife and our unborn child, two daughters, my son and me. All were killed except one of my daughters and me. After the shooting, the U.S. troops ordered vicious attack dogs to drag the bodies of my family members out of the yard out on the avenue. I was also bitten by a dog after I had protected my surviving daughter, who was seriously injured by a US-hitting-sheaf. As I stood with my body in front of my daughter, to protect them from attack this vicious dogs that U.S. troops ordered me to attack.

While my daughter and I overcame us because of our injuries in pain, my pregnant wife's body, my daughter and my son were mutilated by the attack dogs of the U.S. troops. The terror that had been triggered by the U.S. troops, had assumed such a fearful extent, that my daughter and I were not quite conscious, and everything could not fully grasp until the U.S. troops withdrew and our neighbors came, for us to provide medical care.

The grievous assault and mutilation of the members of my family by the attack dogs and their bullet-riddled bodies are always haunt me and my surviving daughter until the day we die.

After my daughter and I were recovering from our wounds, we took some of our belongings and a tent and moved in the middle of the desert in the province Laghmen, because I could no longer live in the same house, the yard and with the blood of my wife my children is soaked. "

(As far as my interview with the victims in the province Laghmen 2009).

Ladies and gentlemen, I break on 23 April 2009 to Afghanistan to. I would like to ask on behalf of this father and his daughter about to donate money to build them a modest house away from the place where they lived before, because the painful memories of his father would not even allow him his own village visited. I know that those kind people who have always been worried about the victims in Afghanistan, would be able to stand these victims to help. Donate please or contact me by e-mail contact:

With best regards

Mohammed Daud Miraki, PhD
5347 North Ravenswood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60640

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2 Responses to "Post from Afghanistan"

  1. Get out! «News from mutton castle says:

    [...] Refer explicitly to respect Afghanistan's recent article my esteemed colleague Beck here in their [...]

  2. Strongly depleted brain «News from mutton castle says:

    [...] Had long been of the (heavily depleted) uranium ammunition is fired by NATO and Israel for nearly twenty years, as the toxicity of [...]

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