I just spoke with a friend. She is a single mother of two sons and lives in a West German city. She is delicate, more fragile shape and sometimes beat her things together above his head. She herself is currently retired early only once for a few months because of occasional anxiety attacks. Before that, she sometimes worked in 1-Euro-jobs; ultimately presented to her a full-time job close, some what to do with regard to their 15-clive youngest son who still need them urgently, refused. Further sanctions the offices could be blocked temporarily by their mental illness, but the problem remains with the youngest son.
I admit that I (name changed) since early childhood know Tommy and he has since been a "stone in my board". This may be due to such irrational things as the explanation he gave me at the age of about five to six years ago when I told him, Tommy then said, "Tommy, I like you.": "Itsch Ditsch auck" - he got something with the official pronunciation in collision, but moved well back then in his own logical system. During this time it was that Tommy always climbed wildfire on fruit trees and I eagerly picked fruit - very clear even then a real Gentle-man.
What I also liked about Tommy even then, his acting always something distended nostrils, giving a slightly imperious temper-temper suggested. This is now at the peak of his puberty in Mr-lichster bloom.
The two sons of my girlfriend grew up in the vicinity of deprivation. Multicultural biotopes were and are a daily reality. Street violence as well. A standard situation with the Tommy almost every day is confronted, is the Handyabziehen. He is surrounded by a gang of 3-4 (mostly) Turks, who calls for the release of the mobile phones. Tommy calls then one after another to a duel and usually must defeat each individual, if he wants to keep his cell phone. This has not worked, because he always appealed to the sense of honor of the "puller" and urging them individually to come forward and not cowardly attack in the group. Tommy is now almost 2 feet tall and towers over his mother by a head. He is extremely thin but also very strong and has a hedgehog similar Struwwelpeterfrisur.
Tommy has a problem: He hates school. His mother has a problem: She has a truant as a son and thus hovers constantly in danger, get deprived of custody. Cajoling and exhortations, threats and Barmen have long no longer effective. Since Tommy's older brother in training, he has taken the reins at home. His decision is simple: He does not want to be forced. Certainly not by women. One is his hated teacher who makes him constantly as lazy and stupid etc. maggoty, the other is his mother. Their educational efforts he perceived as a lack of solidarity with his campaign against the hated school. Tommy will not make the 8th grade, he already repeated. His hatred has somatisiert from: Heart stitches, loss of appetite, extreme aggressiveness, uncontrolled outbursts of anger ... but so far everything remained "still" verbal.
The "educational" approach of the school and the authorities that work together is simple: More pressure, threaten with the police, youth psychiatry. Tommy was admitted recently. He found himself with young offenders of all kinds and "Suchtis" again, that was all so far not be subject. Immediately at the beginning of the mother is the situation illustrates: Ritalin. After two weeks, the Perpsektive is of the conductive Ärtzin again demonstrated: Ritalin or out. Ritalin is a prerequisite for a Theapie, otherwise Tommy is set back to the door. Tommy introduced himself mind you "politely" on, he was then but a little intimidated. But without Ritalin is no longer treated today. The mother reports of concerns and therefore her son has to pick up again after two weeks.
Although I am perhaps not a complete laywoman, since I graduated from the accompanying study pedagogy for teaching years ago; I still seem to be two aspects obvious: Tommy is in the difficult period of adolescence, in which he has to work out a new male self-image. A father or a father figure role model and positive authority would be urgently needed to face the raging young deer in the barriers, but also to take him seriously and give him some tasks to which he can strip his bast of the horns is firstonce .
When I think of Tommy, I connect it somehow always with rural life. And sure enough, he was once some time on a organic farm, was allowed to go on the tractor and make himself useful and he liked it great. . Physical work, the presence of animals, a positive authoritarian employers, for example Tommy's auxiliary and dedication and his love of animals estimated ... probably currently a dream, because the authorities see everything differently:
Tommy MUST go in the hated school, because 10 years have been. Then it's off to the consortium, where Tommy, probably then, in the army does not have to be divided qualified for the next best sorting job without a diploma. He does not take the to, equal to 60% of his unemployment benefits it is truncated (provision applies to under 25 year olds), ie young people are practically forced into youth crime because they can not survive with if necessary. Performed cuts.
Tommy has somehow my sympathy, because he does not want to break the system. His freedom he goes about everything. Of course he hurts himself with his desperate resistance itself, because the authorities sit ultimately has the upper hand. However, I was wondering one thing: What pedagogical insight arises from the fact that a completely hopeless situation by even more pressure can be unblocked? What Tommy did well, would simply be a more flexible education: Young men at puberty, (still to grow up without a father had), should, if they do not turn out as beschulbar currently simply taken for 2-3 years out of school and in be a meaningful internship is over, where they have a stable master or instructor. There, you should give them the opportunity to simply prove in life is to learn practical and to have success, so that they can their male self-esteem gradually rebuild and recover from the humiliation of the school. A permanent gedemütigtest Jungwölfchen as Tommy is otherwise for fear aggressive biter that is already noticeable.
Tommy is crass unintellectual but not unintelligent. He would never read a book. But such people must be able to tolerate a society. In any case, such natures always preserve their originality. You will never have anything in common with the myriad Nachbetern, yes-men and Köffernchenträgern dashing to thousands with button in ear through the underground shafts. And that's why I like Tommy.
A unblocking the situation described with second-wise suspension of schooling and transfer of such young men in quasi-apprenticeships, could be a large part of them probably ripen because they were no longer exposed to the mentioned specific school stress. Stress that would have to be a consensus, it's not conducive to development, but blocked precisely maturation.
Well, this way would of course be too simplistic. School authorities and see truancy as a kind of criminal offense. The psychologist or psychiatrist to make henchmen and refuse treatment without previous intake of the controversial Ritalin. This strikes me as an incredible bankruptcy this guild, which had anyway always struggling with problems of legitimacy.
I think pragmatically, it should be possible, even temporarily depart after the 7th, 8th or 9th grade and to be transferred to an education similar situation, without being branded as school dropouts. 10 years permanent schooling is increasingly becoming a fetish. Finally, there are still the good old night school and similar adult schools, where even next to a work or training can qualify further.
Meanwhile, Tommy's mother in the evenings has set the phone so that it rings in the morning at a certain time and then speak to her son's room with a fictional policemen, that the Son competes angry-frustrated the (currently rather pointless) way to school.
Finally, a few Ritalin-critical links:
The page is maintained by the Scientologists. However, I am of the opinion that it is worth reading, because I am firmly convinced that a mature reader does not automatically with the operator thereof is the same in all areas through the reading and values of information a website ...
This page has criticized the former. However, it suffers turn out that they a little too uncritically accepts the assumption that a Ritalingabe always ahead would also be a correct diagnosis "ADHD" u. Ä.. There are critics who claim that only a small percentage ever vorliege a pathological abnormality in adolescents with this or related diagnoses. The majority of diagnoses thus serve only to obscure educational and social deficits and the lack of willingness to deal adequately with the youth.
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Tags: adolescent psychiatry , Ritalin , school dropouts , truants
Well posted -'m curious on the other comments, what was still everything is written.
Since I no longer forced my son to go to school he hated, he is very balanced and kind to me. It often helps to house, says more often Thank you, there is again a dialogue. There are post-compulsory time nor the opportunity to catch the conclusion. Above all, that no change of school is possible, was a disappointing experience for us. The schools have their tricks and excuses to not having to take student who want to change because they do not get along at their school.
The use of Ritalin also presented a prerequisite to all other therapies, such as talk therapy, sports therapy ... Continue dürfen.Als if there is only one answer to the suffering of a student: even more pressure and drugs. An indictment of our education system.