Russian moss (1) or: Green with Envy

First I'm going to pale green and then: Before envy. Among Vultures, the Treasure of Silver Lake, in the valley of death, the Deerslayer, through the wilds of Kurdistan, Winnetou ten, sigh, an Indian dream come true - the Pierre Brice of the East Riding over. With a brown horse in person at the eastern border of his vast empire along, and checks the condition of the frontier forts on the Mongolian border in the province of Tuva. Freedom and adventure! The Yearling!

Could we imagine in our Chancellor or our President us perhaps? That the Chancellor would launched in the desert or wilderness? The well known, there are no more in Germany, just as an eastern boundary. All this was long ago abolished, and one can hardly imagine any politician who personally Pace off the border or would ride. Or you might imagine Merkel, as in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on the border with Poland over the fresh begüllten fields of a former LPG, now pig plant for 100,000 sows rides?

Well, biceps and body of Putin are just perfect to use. And he celebrates a matter of course in public. He uses his body and his country, he demonstrates what can be there so run everything; especially you can live there - and in all situations!

Putin convincingly demonstrates how to swim in Russian waters, especially dolphin of course, is the frictional and effective, it strengthens the upper arm muscles and makes simultaneous attention to the natural beauty. Russian Moos: So far the country. So the white sand.

And in Germany? Can you think of a single politician who would finally steeling his muscles by swimming butterfly? Frank-Walter ?, Jung ?, Guttenberg? Westerwelle, Özdemir? Gysi? Everything nil. Although it would offer in Germany the North Sea. In flood warning and ball politicians could put their crisis suitability of media attention in scene. Strange that no one perceives this opportunity. It is still summer. It would be a real confidence-building measure. It would be but at least a / e find politicians / In which / that would be willing to share through the waves on Wangeroge.

Well, Merkel was observed while swimming on Ischia. At least something. • Whether that will be enough in the crisis , seeing itself:

Premier Putin still leads the other hand, as the elements in the handle has, and thus creates a permanent trust among his compatriots: The calm, especially since the next tsunami wave of the crisis is already showing its whitecaps. On land, on water and in the air, and on earth anyway, he ruled. In the SUV, with white water rafting and on the control stick of a bomber.

Descent is called in Russia, in a U-boat to the Lake Baikal to get to the bottom; in Germany that means only one filled with pools of water, also known as the silly season, putting on all politicians her head and so drown the problems before the election.

The Russian Premier puts his political opponents still highly self on the cross , according to a bow and all the rules of art! This is a very elegant method in comparison to German conditions, where officially a silly puppet theater for adults is listed, but behind the scenes takes place an unfair cut and thrust.

Putin does not shy away from a fight with the big cats and big game if need be. Last summer he saved a cameraman's life when he pulled the trigger responsive and a Siberian tiger attacking numbed with an anesthetic rifle. Such people we need, such properties are in demand in the crisis: can make lightning fast decisions ... Can you imagine a German politician who would show in the jungle or in the taiga or from me in the Bavarian forest functioning reflexes? Angelus ?, Frank-Walter ?, Jung ?, Guttenberg, Özdemir? Gysimir? Or, Oh dear, Westerwelle? All reflexes are as yet clear. Trained away. It finally applies whip in Germany. Do you think any of you would vorm save tigers ? I would not count on it!

Russian Prime Minister lay even with the most horrible of horrors - with a grasshopper on. The oligarch Oleg Depriaska who wants to perform with Sherbank and Magna happy as Opel savior (!) With his car company GAZ. Depriaska had bought cement plants in St. Petersburg two years ago and took the world economic crisis now as a pretext to his workers to pay for months no more wages, according to the motto: ". Demand is very weak" Desperate workers blocked then the highway. The Putin took the occasion to personally turn. If you visit the factory snapped the Premier, Depriaska have left the factory degenerated into a "dump". Putin urged the oligarchs front of the camera to a signature and remittance to the workers. Bravo! So it is correct. The locusts should also be identified in Germany and reminds them of their responsibility. Here are opening up for profile-seeking politicians unimagined possibilities. For example, if trapped in a banker of bank credit, although he has just received billions of tax dollars, it should be in front of the television camera to sign a loan guarantee ... Or is this method as too coarse for our subtle Western oligarchs and our sensitive politicians? In any case, we should be warned, because who can degenerate into landfills because of its economic slump cement works "Basel Cement", the Adam-Opel-AG is treated no better, if it is only once exploited ...

Today was to read in the newspaper: "majority of Germans has no party capable of solving Germany's problems". When "ARD Germany Trend August" stated 52% of respondents, the problems are so great that they were confident to solve any party. This survey result corresponds to the deep insight of the responsible citizen in the profound inability of politicians.

The crisis cries namely by special measures. The country can no longer afford to leave a solution of the same politicians who have trained as any other muscle the speech muscle. Rhetoric is simply not enough. Special skills crisis are announced, which are: boldness, fearlessness, stamina, reaction speed, reflexes functioning - just mens sana in corpore sano. Acute care measure Bundestag debates should be held only shirtless, so that the Germans can check the condition of the upper arm muscles of his people's representatives. For the People's representatives can selbstverfreilich no exception be made - woman is finally equal.

In order for the forthcoming negotiations with predators of all kinds, such as locusts, so-called. Investors to be prepared, money sharks, brash bankers and West-Eastern oligarchs, they need to toughen up physically and mentally in the future, ie from now on! For Putin serves as dankenswertes Prototype: Since Germany has in the absence of a taiga or Siberian tigers do not have a suitable training place, must be such just created. As a stopgap initially serves the Großkatzenmagnege of the Knie Circus and the Piranjabecken the Cologne Zoo. Once the politicians camps are completed, be the first all party leaders transferred with government ambitions there.

The politician-Camp is not to be confused with a drill camp in the style of Yes-sir-no-sir. Quite the contrary: This should not be humiliated and kicked in the dust, or even to learn to discover their masochistic side, if you are not already live this anyway, no, here are the noblest qualities and muscles to deal with a crisis systematically tested and trained will. A kind of jungle camp in the premium class indicated.

In the group chairmen eg waiting for a shark tank, they may thwart, then a snake pit, then they have to spend a night in the lion's cage, the security camera is for security reasons of course always there, then the politicians must abseil from the Berlin Reichstag or jump alternatively in the Spree , crowning does not form a continuous run under an hour, because the endurance muscles is just especially important in an emergency.

The educational effect is clear: If a top candidate once cuddled one night with a big cat, he is then guaranteed to be able also a large bankers to tame. The many memorable moments in the shark tank and in the snake pit shall raise him on his further Politikerweg many believed spilled properties again ...

It could happen, of course, that no leading politician can meet these stringent new skills and crisis criteria. But that would be the least of evils. Then we write the points just simply been replaced from.

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2 Responses to "Russian moss (1) or: Green with Envy"

  1. Amor says:

    Все отлично, только бы подробнее.

  2. happyone says:

    funny :)

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