Archives for the month of October 2009

Obama calls on October 23, a state of emergency due to H1N1 and can vaccinate daughters

Friday, October 30, 2009

The swine flu hysteria has been the first victims demanded: Alleged victim because of the vaccine, alleged victim because of adjuvants in vaccines and mutmaliche victims of hysteria itself. The network is a fat pig bladder emptied of wild speculation about just that Obama's daughters have not been vaccinated. And I wonder why ... (more ...)

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Wal-ride-nut; Days Buchau crack

Friday, October 30, 2009

Every year in October, I pilgrimage to a large walnut tree, which seems to be observed only by me. Very often, the weather resistant, long rain, for example, let the nuts are wet, soften and all sorts of creatures interested in quickly for the content of it hard but not insurmountable shell. This year I am absolutely right.

It rained only once. That can burst almost apple-sized green outer shells. An oval small window shows a delicate brown contents. One need only reach inside and extract the hard, almost completely dry walnut slowly from a fine, white, stretchable hair net. Perfect.

Every night I go with a huge, heavy bag home. This will go for days so if all goes well. The nuts are so big that they fit into any of my Nutcracker. The flavor is incomparably better than the bland, bitter the "golden", sulfurized "jumbos" from California, which will then soon be on supermarket shelves.

A few of these nuts put together with an apple, persimmon or pomegranate a meal with a hour-long saturation effect is. Unless fruit of all kinds and nuts rot tons, it can obviously be no crisis, except that the collection and harvesting engines in autumn together with must be the Bückreflex completely atrophied in a majority of his contemporaries.

All the undisturbed I can indulge unseen under the reaching down to the ground branches of the walnut tree in peace my passions: I keep my nose in the smooth, green walnut skin and always inhale again. An irresistible fragrance composition: base note is a sick-making, self-satisfied, herb-round odor, including supportive is a certain severity, the top note is fresh, fragrant, noble-sweet removed. Actually a perfect men's fragrance that could be unseen refine in a bottle. Name: Easy Walnut or trendy: Wolnat. A proposal for Hermengildo Duzzi and Massimo Bazzi ...

Because it occurs to me that this scent composition would also apply for the concise description of a (in my eyes) interesting man:

If you drop by at the right time, he granted unobtrusive some insight into his inner life, first you will notice a pretty tough, but not quite impenetrable shell, then firstonce a certain rigor, the conversation is interesting, it reveals some fresh ideas without garrulous to be to surround himself with a bitter-male aura. Sometimes even inviting, but when he reveals emotions or heart, never cloying.

How will it all end? Presumably, if everything is spot on, I'll get sometime out my crescent Nussmesserchen and carefully open the hard shell by accreting I am sensitive nut Abel. And then I see his incomparably delicious and rich interior. It makes me happy. It is enough for the rest of life. Saturated Make Believe. But not when it comes to my stomach, for that already provide the walnuts.

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In Tyrannis - Is the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland the death penalty in the EU reintroduced?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A serious question, the answers to the 1,200-page Treaty of Lisbon does not become easier. Anyone who has ever read it from beginning to end? And above all, our elected representatives have actually read it? I decide to search for the relevant EU texts.

Reminder: Our Constitution says in its Article 102: The death penalty is abolished.

Then we could've been pretty much abandoned. In demonstrations example we have been able to be sure that, even if masked "anarchists" against the will of the majority of the demonstrators began to throw stones, the police would not shoot suddenly sharp. As it stands now, we must heartily consider in the future, on which demo we want to go in case of doubt yet. After all, a few violent "Autonomous" can quickly appear out of nowhere. But first things first:

First there is the Charter of Fundamental Rights (replaced by v. 14.12.2007) , which made ​​a proclamation in Nice early as 2000 the EU. She has had no validity, since the EU treaty was not accepted by all EU members. The (second to last) obstacle seems now with the Irish "Yes" to be cleared at the second attempt out of the way.

Said Charter of Fundamental Rights says in its article 2. Section 1 and 2.:
1 Everyone has the right to life.
2 No one shall be condemned to the death penalty, or executed.

So far everything seems in butter. However, the Charter of Fundamental Rights sets, in Article 52, paragraph 7 states that an "instruction manual", namely the so-called "explanations" of the Charter for all EU countries are authentic..:

. Article 52. 7: The explanations drawn up as a guide for the interpretation of this Charter shall be given due by the courts of the Union and the Member States to take into account.

And now what say the most important explanations for all fundamental rights, namely the right to life? (more ...)

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War is Peace: Obama the Nobel Peace Prize

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First reaction:

The United States received the Nobel Peace Prize.

This is a strong reminder that we live in Orwell 25.

Overtaken the reality satire and he receives a golden medal dynamite.

The American quantum leap of 2009.

Do not forget, always remember:
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength.

Second reaction:

A Nobel Peace Prize, it is harder than a mere President may, to declare war on Iran and not to declare war against Pakistan.

Is this an attempt to create a peacekeeping operation do?

An act not of madmen, but by wise Nobelen?

It is a good thing. Fucking for virginity and waring for peace. The main thing, the manic warmongers, notorious torturers, Bombardierern and bombers is thrown between the legs of a stick. And it was a Nobel Peace Prize in the form of a President. A presidential form as dragon fodder. Perhaps the monster swallowed so only once or at least get a severe digestive disorder?

Then may be black from me from now on black and white.

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Is there any truth to the rumors? If the swine flu forced vaccinations?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Two days ago I overheard a discussion in private circles. At EU level we have allegedly decided the swine flu forced vaccination. Could this be possible? Was there something to it? What do the individual (EU) countries and or states?

The German federal states ordered in July 2009, 50 million doses of vaccine against swine flu. Impfstart is mid-October.

On the side of Bundesgesundheitsministeriu m s states on the subject of swine flu vaccination: "Only on a voluntary basis". However, should be "primarily" vaccinated health workers, firefighters and police.

The Grippeimpfrate should be increased continuously since 2002, is to be read in medical journals. From 10.7 to 33 percent in the total population. In relation but can be considerably more elderly people vaccinated at their primary care physicians (about 59%). Interestingly, the vaccination rates are traditionally low in the medical profession! Nevertheless, they should be grown in recent years from about 10% to about 26%, but are still below the average. According to other press reports , the vaccination rate last year but was still at the hospital and nursing staff of only 10%.
On 22.9.2009, published medical journal a report that only one in three had been vaccinated. Therefore, a mandatory vaccination for this occupational group is excited. Also a working procedure at the University Hospital Frankfurt would have to face masks for unvaccinated workers can increase immunization rates.

Now there are 195 million doses of swine flu as a nasal spray or injection available.

The vaccination rate is traditionally high in the United States. Each year, approximately 100 million Americans get vaccinated against seasonal flu. (more ...)

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