Two days ago I overheard a discussion in private circles. At EU level we have allegedly decided the swine flu forced vaccination. Could this be possible? Was there something to it? What do the individual (EU) countries and or states?
The German federal states ordered in July 2009, 50 million doses of vaccine against swine flu. Impfstart is mid-October.
On the side of Bundesgesundheitsministeriu m s states on the subject of swine flu vaccination: "Only on a voluntary basis". However, should be "primarily" vaccinated health workers, firefighters and police.
The Grippeimpfrate should be increased continuously since 2002, is to be read in medical journals. From 10.7 to 33 percent in the total population. In relation but can be considerably more elderly people vaccinated at their primary care physicians (about 59%). Interestingly, the vaccination rates are traditionally low in the medical profession! Nevertheless, they should be grown in recent years from about 10% to about 26%, but are still below the average. According to other press reports , the vaccination rate last year but was still at the hospital and nursing staff of only 10%.
On 22.9.2009, published medical journal a report that only one in three had been vaccinated. Therefore, a mandatory vaccination for this occupational group is excited. Also a working procedure at the University Hospital Frankfurt would have to face masks for unvaccinated workers can increase immunization rates.
Now there are 195 million doses of swine flu as a nasal spray or injection available.
The vaccination rate is traditionally high in the United States. Each year, approximately 100 million Americans get vaccinated against seasonal flu.
The official recommendations follow the priority list of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the WHO:
The recommended order for vaccination:
- Pregnant woman
- Medical staff (health care workers)
- Personnel in emergency service
- People who live or work with children under 6 months
- People between 6 months and 24 years
- People aged 25 to 64 years with underlying medical conditions
On 28 August 2009 it was decided for the state of New York that all hospital and Plegepersonal (or private sector) must be positively oriented e vaccinated against seasonal and swine flu. For the staff time was granted until November 30. On possible sanctions for not complying has been officially nothing can announce.
There already were protests against this sanction.
As in the New York Time s from 21.9.2009 was read, there is at the executive level of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention a divided opinion on this measure. The former Director Dr. Julie Gerbering is quoted as follows:
"We tried to market the idea to initiate people to educate them ... But when you look back, it must be said that we have missed the mark on the whole. It is time to take a more aggressive approach into consideration. "
The current director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas R. Frieden expressed against:
"This here is just not the right flu season to the conduct."
United Kingdom:
On the official site of the British Department of Health says on the subject of swine flu vaccination in the headline: "Who will be vaccinated?". It follows the slightly modified known priority list of the CDC:
- People between 6 months and 65 years
- All pregnant women, perhaps depending only after a certain stage of pregnancy from vaccine
- Households in which people living with immune problems
- People over 65 years, belonging also to the seasonal flu vaccination a risk group
- Hospital staff, medical professions, nursing professions (doctors, dentists, midwives, nurses, medical practitioners, ambulance drivers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, radiologists, students, interns and volunteers of these disciplines).
The aforementioned people get the vaccine "available".
The vaccine used in the UK are from Baxter without adjuvants (additives) and by GlaxoSmithKline with adjuvants. The license for this was given by the European Medicines Agency EMA.
Austria signed a preliminary agreement with Baxter from about 16 million doses of vaccine.
The influenza vaccination rate in Germany is comparable (about 30%).
At 7.10. authorized the EU Commission the Baxter vaccine "Celvapan", is inoculated with the in Austria. The official Impfbeginn is now on 27.10.2009.
First "should'll vaccinated n":
- medical personnel
- from 09/11/2009 then the chronically ill and pregnant women.
A m 12.10.2009 will discuss a "plan of action" in terms of swine flu and seasonal flu, the EU Health Ministers. This involves a recommendation to submit to all member countries of the EU Council. The aim is to achieve by 2015 a vaccination rate of 75% in the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. Therefore, each country should report by 2015 the EU Commission annual progress report. From 2015 only every three years. In particular, it reminds us of an increase in the capacity for vaccine production in the EU countries.
Swissmedic, the approval body for vaccines will end in October 2009 to share a Novartis vaccine. The U.S. market has been supplied, but only with vaccines without adjuvants. In a broadcast on Swiss television on 6.10.2009 spokesman for the Zulassungsbhörde Joachim Gross said that would be used in Switzerland vaccines with adjuvants. However stood "no data which regards Pregnant" and only "insufficient data for children" available.
In summary, one can say that the tone and wording of the listed authorities suggesting a compulsory vaccination or even pretending. A swine flu forced vaccinations, however, there has not, with the exception of the State of New York.
Just opponent of the swine flu vaccination or vaccination should generally be careful not to spread false information about the actual situation, there is a risk that they may make their (correct) arguments implausible.
Basically, you can but observe the trend of the CDC, the WHO, the European Commission and the ministries of health, want to sound very authoritarian in a skillful word choice and to seek more and more control and coercion. Therefore, we must remain extremely vigilant in this area and defend our freedom as responsible and patient demand - against disease bureaucrats world and for our future.
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Tags: Center for Disease Control and Prevention , swine flu , swine flu forced vaccinations , WHO
Incredibly, disease expert Professor Dr. A. Windorfer predicts a swine flu scenario for Germany, which is beyond the worst fears! He speaks of 35,000 deaths in the famous tabloid.
It is a skillfully controlled marketing campaign in conjunction with the pharmaceutical lobby the WHO and several governments, managed by finance capital.
Course scaremongering on the part of the Axel-Springer-Verlag reached many people. Even the models from the Paul-Ehrlich and the Robert-Koch Institute reported so far "only" 7,000 dead in an infection rate of 28% of the total population. It fits together nothing more.
Dr. Angela Spelsberg (doctor, immunologist, epidemiologist and Transparency International) describes alongside Markus Grill (mirror) the hysteria debate as such.
The two were in "hard but fair" on 21/10/2009 attacked vehemently. There were attacking interlocutor (Klaus Theo Schröder - SPD State Secretary Federal Ministry of Health, Prof. Johannes Loewer - President Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Dr. Siegfried Throm - Managing Director Association of Research-based pharmaceutical companies, Prof. Beda Stadler - immunologist Uni Bern) their true colors.
The Federal Government had not even negotiated in the summer of 2009 about the price of vaccines. Prof. Stadler criticized that the state is dependent on the company. The Swiss bank UBS estimates the sales of the influenza vaccines against H1N1 alone at GlaxoSmithKline, one of many pharmaceutical companies in Impfgeschäft to 1.5 billion euros.
What Big Pharma is capable of showing the documentation of Klaus Martens' cure undesirable ", which was shown on 19/10/2009 in First, since is researched very well over a year and is with cheap arguments denigrated by the lobbyists. From this conspiracy market radicals speak the same and lack of studies. Of course, the official studies are poor, because they were finally suppressed with all forces by the pharmaceutical companies. Money rules the world. Greed is punishable.
The international roots by subsidiaries of pharmaceutical companies is threaded ball for years. Thus, Germany can gem. Basic Law, the company did not smash (One suitability, nationalization), because the Holdings sit in the havens and laughing up his sleeve. We citizens are still powerless against this as against the war in Afghanistan.