Vaclav Klaus against the Eurocrats (Part 1)

A few days ago I received a circular e-mail, in addition to an article by titled "Defenestration of Prague, Numero Four" contained (no author) also a call via online to encourage the Czech President Vaclav Klaus is the Lisbon Treaty not to sign.

[As I write this, it is quite possible that Klaus, as announced, Lisbon is signed, after being agreed across the EU with the tschechischerseits demanded suspension of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.]

Unrestricted sign worth, I thought, for the Lisbon Treaty should be stopped simply because of the reintroduction of the death penalty ... but I made the "mistake" to read the offered GFP background articles accurate and swallowed me whole with the motives of Mr. Klaus deal why he was at the signing of the document ratified by the Czech Parliament has still adorns.

My enthusiasm was dampened, because I came to the conclusion that Klaus has some questionable motives, and he is actually a highly iridescent, multi-faceted person. (He is also author the book "Blue Planet in Green Shackles") Despite this still worthy of ambivalence, it is pleasant to experience one of the few European leaders who still such a thing as life experience outside of party politics, personality profile and a very considerable debate has - a rar nascent counterpart to the species of the common party professionals, who, since he was in puberty and the first pimple plagued him from a party event to the next talking and before conformism is replete therein called only by the . Eurocrats to be outdone.

Eurocrats occur with preference in the pack. In this way, the narrowed by much sitting in large, soft chairs and a standardized EU-waiting on them princely pensions in their courage Brussels lace forces minimize the personal risk.

Subsequently, as evidence the minutes of an attack (5.12.2008) by three EU Wadenbeißern on the surprised Czech President. Participants of "Hau den Klaus": Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Brian Crowley and Hans-Gert Poettering. The three had agreed that Cohn only grab from left, Crowley then yapping of right and Poettering as President of the European Parliament in between should always make time from above "Dong".

First, however, the article "Defenestration of Prague", which has been found as a piece of "background information" widely available on the net.

The GFP-products initially criticized the reaction of the SPD MEP Jo Leinen, who encourages Klaus to remove from office, should not immediately sign the contract as soon as the called Czech Constitutional Court approves of this. Supposedly have probed a change in the Czech Constitution in Prague German diplomats. That would be quite possible. The article draws now without further ado, a straight line to the German "expansionism" 70 years ago and represents the comments and criticism of Klaus in the context of "German hegemony, massive interference experiments, nationalist media campaign".

Really? I consider this interpretation for a targeted piece of disinformation. First, not only German media and German politicians swelled the Zorneswölkchen from the nostrils, because Klaus delaying ratification. This happened in Europe. The sound is bad, the one obvious explanation so that the Eurocrats falls so close to their target, the mask or they lose their nerve: Because time is short-

For decades Britain holds the British people out in a degrading spectacle with a referendum. The Labour government denied this smooth and ratified the Lisbon Treaty. David Cameron, the Conservative leader, who will probably win the upcoming elections in March 2010, according to opinion polls, the population finally promised to hold the vote, the Lisbon Treaty should by then not yet be ratified by all 27 Member States. And that's the point, why Klaus now plays a key role.

Those who come with a memory will remember also that beating Ireland a year ago moved into Europe, as it dared to reject the Lisbon Treaty the first time. Whether there also German hegemony, yes were behind nationalism?

Or is Adolf at the end behind the EU ?, we see soon arise a Fourth Reich? These and similar theses dealt seriously with blogs and sites that want to talk about political backgrounds.

What does the development towards the EU, behind the now the Lisbon Treaty will set a point, because first of all? This creates a huge new economic space in which capital and human flows no longer be hindered by governmental laws, traditions or boundaries. By country of origin principle legal traditions, social standards Environmental standards health standards, guarantee security, etc. all lowered to the level of each is the "weakest" EU member. For all the legal systems of the Member States shall simultaneously and in Europe.

A deregulated economy in which the States have to say as little as possible triggers just the classic nation-state, eliminated him as an annoying obstacle, leaving the new EU citizens back without previous protection of their respective countries. In the EU, is practically the nationalism the basis removed, what could be welcome, the national identity is, however, made equal with the finishing off.

Brought before the crisis the EU, a new class of migrant workers shows that were forced to possible jobs hinterherzureisen, so will the be necessary to a much greater extent, the longer the crisis and the closer the EU its objectives White: Desperate Unemployed from the small, threatened with bankruptcy EU countries (eg Latvia) will also want to work in Germany at sensationally low wages (Country of origin), which is now completely legal.

In Germany there were and are among the established political parties only EU supporters. An EU-wide and especially in Germany and is not only the economy deregulated, but also the traditional nation-state itself with its ethnic identity. The ethnic deregulation took place or by means of an active immigration policy after Germany promoted by all governments in recent years instead. It complements and accelerates the latter's economic deregulation within the new EU superstate.

The emerging chaos, ethnic unrest, social tensions, but, thank God, can be tamed by the planned deployment of the Bundeswehr inside.

Will reign Which sound soon, indicated with the criticism of Vaclav Klaus to know: It is the dawn of the Eurocrats, perched arrogantly and autocratically over the nations and be naughty speak on their behalf and now that she is with Lisbon in the bag in the distant Brussels factually practically evade democratic control by the actual sovereign (the people of Europe), they begin already to pop the verbal whip.

GFP has however identified German nationalism at a German MEP Jo Leinen (SPD), and unnamed diplomats. Sure, Jo has swung the whip, but on whose line he all about?

Linen was made famous in the 1980s for his anti-nuclear commitments (eg Brokdorf). But this is really quite long ago. It would be equally foolish to assume Joschka Fischer would still throw rotten eggs in Frankfurt.

Cap is now "arrived". Not only that, he sits in the European Parliament for many years, he also operates actively lobbying for the Transatlantic Policy Network (TPN). This is an amalgamation American and European companies, including important as BASF, Bayer, Bertelsmann, Boeing, BP, Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, IBM, Nestlé ...). TPN has employees in Congress (45) and in the European Parliament (80 MEPs), who work diligently on a transatlantic free trade area for the benefit of multinational corporations.

"With the recent activity against Prague Berlin takes first steps towards direct deposition or disempowerment of EU leaders, the German project does not feed." In so far as the interpretation of GFP - Wow! And: "Even before the entry into force of the draft Treaty thus proving a frequent criticism of the document to be correct: that the so-called European integration undermined the sovereignty of Member States and the access of Western European hegemonic powers is open."

Part 1 of the last quoted sentence is objectively true (which is precisely the sense of the Treaty on European Union!), Part 2 is stopped in the 19th century. Replace with "... and the access of multinational corporations and capital flows is opened." "Everything else is mothballs.

Is Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a German nationalist, the German hegemonic against the Czechs rudely enforce attempts? "" would certainly affirm.
I say: the German-French Red-Green MEP with a Jewish background is just "arrived". The supposedly still red Danny, vocal advocate of EU membership of Turkey, visited the Czech President on 12.05.2008 in Prague Castle a memorable visit that will certainly still be able to forget the Czech head of state. For nearly seventy years of economist Klaus, who also taught in the academic setting again, was literally "turned on" as usual unshaven and unkempt arising from the occupation youthful age of sixty.

Background was Klaus' criticism of the EU and specifically, his refusal to let fly an EU flag on the seat of government. Reason: Czech Republic is no EU province. Here the protocol (translated by me):

Daniel Cohn-Bendit: I have them brought a flag that you, as we have heard here are everywhere in the Prague Castle. It is the flag of the European Union, I imagine, therefore, in front of you.
It will be a tough presidency. The Czech Republic will have to deal with the work directive and climate package. The EU climate package represents less than our group would have wished. It will be necessary, it should be noted at the minimum. I'm sure that climate change is not only a risk, but also a risk for the future development of the planet. My opinion is based on scientific views and the majority approval of the European Parliament, and I know that you are agree with me. You can believe what you want, I do not think I know that global warming is a reality.

The Lisbon Treaty: Mir are your views on this matter. I want to know what you want to do, if the Czech Chamber of Deputies and the Senate will ratify it. Will you respect the will of the people's representatives? You will have to sign it.

I want you to tell me what level has your friendship with Mr. Ganley from Ireland. How can you meet with a person whose funding is unclear? You may not take it in your function. There is a man whose finances come from problematic sources, and wishes to use it to finance his election campaign for the European Parliament.

President Vaclav Klaus: I must say that no one has spoken in the past six years with me in such a style and sound. You are here not on the barricades of Paris. I thought that these manners would have ended with us eighteen years ago, but I see that I was wrong. I would not dare to ask how the activities of the Greens will be financed. If you fear a rational discussion have in this half hour, we have left the parquet but please someone else, Mr. Chairman.

EU-Parliament-President Hans-Gert Poettering: No, we have a lot of time. My colleague will continue, because each of the members of the European Parliament may ask whatever he wants. (To Cohn-Bendit out) Please continue!

President Vaclav Klaus: This is incredible. I am never before seemed so little.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit: Because you have not had experience with me.

President Vaclav Klaus: This is incredible.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit: We always had good talks with President Havel. And what will you tell about your attitude with respect to the anti-discrimination law? I will very happy to inform you about our financing.

Hans-Gert Poettering: Brian Crowley, please.

Brian Crowley, MEP: I'm from Ireland and I am a member of a governing party. My father fought all his life sounded against British domination. Many of my relatives lost their lives. For this reason I venture to say that the Irish wish for the Lisbon Treaty. Mr. President, it was an insult, what you said during your state visit to Ireland for me and for the Irish people. It was an insult that you met Declan Ganley, a man who has no mandate. This man has not disclosed the sources from which his campaign was funded. I wanted to just inform you what the Irish felt. I wish you that you get by and carry out what European citizens want to see the program of their presidency.

President Vaclav Klaus: Thanks for the experience I was able to make it through this meeting. I never thought that something like this would be possible and have not experienced anything like this in the last 19 years. I thought that there would be only in the past that we live in a democracy, but in reality it is the post-democracy, which rules the EU.

You mentioned the European values. The most important values ​​of all freedom and democracy. But democracy and freedom lose today in the EU soil. It is necessary to stand up for them and fight.

Above all, I would like to underline what felt most citizens of the Czech Republic, that for us the membership in the EU has no alternative. I was the one who handed the application for EU membership in 1996 and signed the Treaty of Accession in 2002. But the agreement within the EU have many alternatives. One of them must be regarded as sakrosant, untouchable, where you can not log in doubt or criticism, is against the very character of Europe.

With regard to the Lisbon Treaty, I would like to mention that he is not yet ratified in Germany. The Constitutional Treaty, which was the same as the Lisbon Treaty, basically, was rejected in referendums in two other countries. If Mr. Crowley speaks of an insult to the Irish people, and I must say that the biggest insult to the Irish people is not to recognize the result of the Irish referendum. In Ireland I met with someone who represents a majority in his country. You, Mr. Crowley, represent a view that is in Ireland in the minority. This is the tangible result of the referendum.

Brian Crowley: With all due respect, Mr. President, you will not tell me what the Irish think. As an Irishman I know the best.

President Vaclav Klaus: I do not speculate about what the Irish think. I quote the only measurable data which were proved by the referendum.

In our country, the Lisbon Treaty is not yet ratified because our parliament has also not yet decide. This is not the fault of the President. Let's wait for the decision of both Houses of Parliament, which is the present of the ratification process, in which the President plays no role. I can not sign, he is not on my table, it is now the Parliament to decide on the contract today. My role is to come to the possible adoption of the contract by the Parliament.
Hans-Gert Poettering: ... In summary - and I want to leave this room for good - I would like to say that it is more than unacceptable, if you compare us with the, with the Soviet Union. We are all deeply rooted in our transhipment sites and our constitutions. We strive for freedom and reconciliation in Europe, we are benevolent, not naive.

President Vaclav Klaus: I do not compare with the Soviet Union, I 'do not use the words Soviet Union in the mouth. I only said that I have such an atmosphere, not experienced in recent years such a debate style in the Czech Republic, really.

A really interesting document! We see Klaus, a European old-style in a good defense of his views against Europeans new style, the Eurocrats. Overall, a painful, undignified but also instructive staging, which left the trio Cohn-Bendit, Crowley and Poettering from the pile!

(Minutes of the meeting can be found in several places in the network, for example, here .)

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