Since the announcement on 19 January in my daily newspaper, I had no more good time: I was nervous, jumpy, nightmares plagued me increasingly at night, sometimes I cringed during the day seemingly unmotivated together. I igelte a strong and began to seal windows and doors with materials I specifically got at the hardware store. I had increased sweating, began to whisper and mutter, then to stutter; the smallest load brought me out of the socket, I no longer answer the phone, do not leave the house, trying to store supplies; Friends and relatives began to worry about me; the problem: I could not tell them because I did not want to burden you with my fears:
So I was completely on me and began to break under the mental strain: Over almost ten days I transformed myself increasingly in a bundle of nerves, a physical and mental wreck.
At worst it was on 27 January: I had set the alarm clock in the morning I already at 5:30, because I wanted to miss anything. For this day I had decided to keep all windows and doors closed and to remain steadfast even in ringing at the door: I wanted to focus on the news. The radio I kept constantly employed, therefore, to respond to any event at the slightest hint can. Overtime - nothing. Anyway, it seemed. Around midnight I was completely exhausted and worn out from the long hours of tension, even in a tracksuit to bed.
But what a shock the next morning when the postman slid the new daily newspaper in the mail slot: Right on the first page - a ball of fire on the airport Cologne / Bonn. The event had so feared but yet occurred. I knew it yes! I had guessed it!
On January 19, I had proposed in the newspaper the announcement of a terrorist attack read:
"Dusseldorf. Dealing with terrorist attacks is on January 27 at the center of a large-scale exercise with 2,500 forces in NRW. In Cologne, Dormagen, Gummersbach and will Lemgo practiced with firefighters, emergency and rescue services and the police, the Interior Ministry announced yesterday. All four trials found in a realistic environment instead: So in Cologne the rescue at the airport is rehearsed by detonation of a dirty bomb '"dpa.
What was announced here, were no less than 4 (in words: four) terrorist attacks, even if the sample. What still particularly worried me, so alarmed was the threat of a "dirty bomb" - after all, a long-standing project of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
I am a very sensitive and delicate nature, and so of course I could immediately recall the threat of the then Interior Minister Schäuble of January 28, 2006: "Schäuble expects dirty bomb."
Well so it should be a reality almost to the day four years later! The anxious, years long, grueling wait was me anyway fallen hard enough! And now so now a dirty bomb on my favorite airport Cologne / Bonn!
But something else happened. The keyword "large-scale EXERCISE"!
I wonder why not more people are afraid of this dirty bomb EXERCISE had. Am I really the only one there? Anyway, probably the only one that leads eagerly book. For this scary topic I run it were a medical record. You now have before swells newspaper articles I always edit with a thick red felt pen, underline and hand are animals.
The reason for my quasi-nervous breakdown was certainly in a certain extent potentiated, not to mention prolonged deja vu. If I lie on my black couch, or else in all situations, the keyword or the trigger for my conditions is the code word "EXERCISE".
And now I leaf a little bit in my medical file with the newspaper clippings: You remember the "rampage" of Winnenden in March 2009? Thank you. Me too.
Improbably enough, was exactly the same time an EXERCISE of hundreds of special police units (SEC) very close, so to speak, around the corner, instead, the th for the upcoming NATO summit in Stuttgart OA. This approximately 1,000 police officers were predestined for use at the date lead morning.
This was all very confusing at the time. The situation was no easier by the announcement : "There will be a next rampage" of an SPD politicians on November 23 of 2009.
But first things first: you still remember September 11? Thank you. Me too. And since it started with the EXERCISE s. Yes madame! Just in the morning of that fateful day so took a EXERCISE instead of military aircraft of the United States Air Force, who had to pretend to be hijacked airliners. At the same time there were now randomly this actually "kidnapped" machines, but not on sflügen were EXERCISE, so seemed clear. Who was who? I wondered then already worried. As yet, there is the danger that one because what messed gets, loses the thread and the air defense vertüttelt between real and unreal world, so the virtual and the ritual, and that's what seems to be indeed happened in the sky or on the ground.
And since I'm on EXERCISE s in any form allergic abolut: With or without aircraft on the ground with or without tank, with or without special units or to, on or under water, with or without dirty bombs, even with clean bombs: I get red bumps on the face and start to shake. I have a total allergy: (! Real-And Real Time And really!) With the announcement of EXERCISE s Simultationen and simulations fast my EXERCISE s allergy titres to dizzying heights and put my early warning system in question and let my immune system go haywire in such a way that it will auto-destructive, unfortunately! So to speak, self-destructive-auto-aggressive.
Do you remember the attack on the London Underground, 7.7.2004? Thank you. Me too. And what was there? Exactly! A EXERCISE ! And this led security company with 1,000 men at the same time a EXERCISE for or against by that London Underground would be shaken by bomb strikes, which then also happened at the same time, so again a Simultation or simulation. Have also read that they call the duplicity of the situation.
You may be thinking that the course in 2005 a winner for me was, I mean my attack EXERCISE sallergie, because unfortunately I suffered a complete relapse.
What I then Schäuble has done in 2006 with the announcement of a dirty bomb, which can not fathom: "The question is not if, but only when!"
Many nights I sat upright in bed and indeed with red pustules all over the body, even on the tongue! Also, I lost my job, is to blame: My nervous twitches and this constant futile waiting for the inevitable ruined me and let lose interest in life and in my work, so I already half a year later had to apply for Hartz IV! I am aged years! He has very few indeed his punishment already gone, though not simultaneously, but as it were temporally out of phase.
This latest cowardly terrorist attack on my nerves at the Cologne / Bonn airport meant any case, the end for my zartbesaitetes Nerve costume and my delicate mental and spiritual balance: I suffered, still s-Gazette holding the General EXERCISE in the hands, one stop, uh seizure: And I te the UB on the first page of the daily newspaper. Since then, we go with better. My allergy has not been set for the first time. It has done good! People, people! I'm still a bit cold sweat and shaky but the first time I'm back like to go outside. And that's something!
At least until the next EXERCISE ...
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Tags: 9/11 , attack on Cologne / Bonn on 27.1.2010 the airport , stop on the London Underground , dirty bomb , Winnenden
Thank you !! Thank you !! I thought in the last two weeks already, I am the few who waits for us the sky falls on his head.
After the dramatic perfect fear-compliance by Unterhosen- and laptop bomber I had looked forward with such a beautiful fireworks. But on this Al CIAda is simply no longer be relied upon. No wonder where her boss (or his spirit) has just converted to climate religion of Islam. Are not there any more clever villains?
well, the difference is but that was known the exercises of real attacks not before.
anyway, I know nothing about it ...
True, but changes little in reality - there is just exercises with attacks that are announced or not and attacks with exercises that are not announced or just yet. :)))
congratulations. You went the masterminds of such false-flag attacks full on the glue. You're sitting at home and you shiver knees when an exercise is announced.
Definition Terror:
[...] Is the systematic and often seemingly arbitrary distribution of fear and terror exercised by or threatened violence.
's True 100% to you.
You are doing exactly the wrong. You should enjoy your life, have fun, the fun side of life more appreciated and less afraid.
Clarifies friends and related to, but not alarmist, but with easy to understand, historically verifiable things.
A satire is a satire - it should be liberating, because laughter is always the best medicine. Therefore, I will not comment on the comment by donald duck further, but respond with a set of Dr. Daniele Ganser, University of Basel, Switzerland from the DVD "The Dark Side of the West, covert terrorist activities of NATO, Kai Komilius Publisher:" We must of not let terrorism affect! "
This sentence I was writing me is nothing to add; could at most be noted, we should observe with extreme sensitivity those politicians who always respond back to the (alleged) terrorism by restricting z. B. Civil Liberties, suggest always grotesque methods of surveillance of citizens and thus elaborate terrorists. Greetings!
All right and important - to the:
"... .my Exercise Allergy Titterwerte ..." ???
Otherwise, everything is in 5.Kommentar ... ditto ...
Is here somewhere scaremongering to find? I can only find anywhere those in the mainstream media. Here I find only satire and also find vital in such a super-good times. Now I have to go, but just comes my helicopter flying me in my cloud cuckoo land. Hosanna ...
Wow, this is me now but really embarrassing: Besides, I got myself somehow subconsciously outed as a woman. That can not be! Expectant immediately lend a hand and point out what does not belong there. Thank you.
This poignant text has definitely opened my eyes.
From tomorrow morning sechs clock is back practiced on all fronts.
Outside would run just at that very moment a squirrel long!
Animals feel when danger threatens - but they are better off because they only respond and not have to think what could happen!
We humans can / could also be the ...
Escalation is used in the TV so can I watch part 2 or the reality show will be even more pronounced next time ...
The 9/11 case will fade in time ...
It is close to that there are events in the future, try "beat" to the ... how and in what manner whatsoever, and regardless of their origin ...
The question that I spot: When man has finally reached the maximum level of cruelty and learns that this finally (He) lead to no satisfactory solution also?
camm .. Good text,
only some commentators have simultaneous events probably not on the screen.
-> 09.11.2001 At least five exercises the leg hold something ended what then happened.
London, Madrid and Oslo was the same ...
Always exercise and Booooooom, oops real bombs, terrorist attacks.