Irritation due to Persian phrasebook for the Bundeswehr

The Bundeswehr soon alongside Israel against Iran? The Federal Office of Languages ​​publishes a Persian phrasebook for soldiers, where sentences are read as: "I come from Cologne," "I belong to the United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces", "Iran is a beautiful country." Furthermore, there is the Persian translation mliltärischer commands like "stop stop."

Occasion for the members of the Bundestag Inge Hoeger nachzuhaken (Die Linke). Thankfully on youtube is a video with the questions and the answers woman Högers set the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Defence Christian Schmidt (CSU).

What you hear in the sequence, is hard to believe:

Schmidt winds clear, the questions obviously feels as an absolute impertinence, even aggressive towards the end. The babble can be inferred, however, that the phrase book was intended to improve the communication skills of the soldiers.

Then drop words like "Israeli President recently in parliament", "threat of Israel", "Israel's right to exist", "Iranian threat".

Schmidt recalls the Merkel-promise that "an attack on Israel as an attack on us" is.

What can we conclude?

Schmidt goes on, the Voice would be necessary because there would be people in Afghanistan, the Persian speak - but admits that this is not the case in the north. [Where the Bundeswehr is stationed].

Then he tried a particularly bizarre reason: The German aid organization "Help" (NGO) would cooperate with Iranian authorities, who have invested in school buildings. There must therefore be held communication.

It follows a swipe at the "Young World", which has the theme also accepted, and their "crude" ideas.

Can we accept statements such as citizens Christian Schmidt?

Let's take a look at the map of different ethnicities and languages ​​in Iran and Afghanistan:

Verbreitung der iranischen Sprache; Quelle: Wiki Commons

Dissemination of the Iranian language; Source: Wiki Commons

We see in the picture the broad language of the Persian belt, the focus runs through Iran and on through Afghanistan to Tajikistan hienein. However, we see that in Afghanistan the north and the south are recessed.

Sprachen in Afghanistan nach Distrikten; Quelle: Wiki Commons

Languages ​​in Afghanistan by district; Source: Wiki Commons

Here is a more accurate speech-map of Afghanistan. We see the wide "green belt" of the Persian language in the middle. In the south, the Pashtun. In the north, two languages ​​are spoken in the major, which are quite different from Persian and Pashto.

ehno-linguistische Karte Afghanistans; Quelle: Wiki Commons

ethno-linguistic map of Afghanistan; Source: Wiki Commons

Standing next to an ethno-linguistic map of Afghanistan. In the north we see a large area in pink. Here Turkmen is spoken predominantly. In green you can see the Pashtun area. Brown finally the Tajik language area. Kunduz, the city near which the attack on the hijacked tanker was ordered by the Bundeswehr, is the way in Pashtun language area, ethnicity, therefore, which is particularly strong to Pakistan inside. The Pashtun has with the Persian at most a few words together; who speaks Persian thus can not automatically veständigen with Pashtuns themselves. (That told me a Persian language teachers).

To summarize: In the north, where the German army is stationed, we meet three languages: predominantly Turkmen, Tajik and Pashtun this. We even see: The German flag is blowing in the north, is where no Persian spoken ...!

PS In the meantime, I have received the Voice of the Federal Office speech: It can find a lot more military commands, as I supposed; including "Keinene step further", "Are you armed?", "We must browse", "Give your weapons from" etc. The phrasebook is from 2008, and a reprint of of 2003.
However, this does not detract from my argument, because I put here the remarkable response of Parlamentarichen State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence in the Vordegrund. And that was not: "So we will print a thing routinely in all languages! etc.

Verteilung der ISAF-Truppen in Afghanistan; Quelle Wiki-Commons

Distribution of the ISAF troops in Afghanistan; Source Wiki Commons

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8 Responses to "irritation due to Persian phrasebook for the Bundeswehr"

  1. Cache says:

    The man speaks up to his neck.

    Furthermore, would be interesting to know whether the phrase book in Iranian Persian or Afghan Persian (Dari) is written. Since there namely differences. Why should the soldiers say in Dari "Iran is a beautiful country"?

  2. Cache says:

    The internet just does not forget anything. For Afghanistan, there is a phrasebook "Dari":

    And the cover of Sprachfuehrers "Persian for the Bundeswehr" interestingly shows the outline map of Iran: fuhrer-Persian-bundeswehr.jpg

    Schmidt's allegations are thus simply wrong. As Undersecretary of Defense he should know it is actually accurate. Schmidt has deliberately tells nonsense or is he really that ignorant?

  3. mahout says:

    hello, does anyone know if the BW was already print maps of certain areas or Iran can? That would be another, definite signs of invasion preparation! Can you understand, among other things good to prepare in WW II!

  4. nordlichtbk says:

    Companies that invest in Iran's own people have suburb either very well speak Farsi and Iranian company employees speak English very well, many of you also German! So the statement is dishonest. I thought German companies to stop investing with Iran?
    lol school buildings? the engineer for Iranian construction workers: stay "are Stop! Not a step further! Are you armed? We need to search "???

    I thought the BW would be no fighting force?

  5. Re dying German soldiers in Afghanistan! - Page 19 - - Portal f says:

    [...] You have a bit more reading, then h

  6. heinz sina says:

    Understand the irritation nicht.Persisch is certainly the first Wahl.Dari is not so verschieden.Gerade in the north are many multilingual.
    A language-A nation is a European construct.
    For the area around Kandahar Pashtu would also gut.Persisich but is the lingua franca weischen all ethnicities.
    Tajik is also a variety of Persischen.Es is not much teaching material and wahsrcheinlich you just saved and a textbook of Persian textbooks zusammengeschustert.Daher the cover etc.
    The Secretary of State winds because he is completely ahnhungslos and not there are people because of some hidden agenda.Solange who believe that the Iranians speak Arabic tman need not be surprised

  7. Is it wrong criticism of Google Mountain? "Memories Forum says:

    [...] See also the more detailed analysis with maps of the various ethnic groups and languages ​​in Iran and Afghanistan: irritation due to Persian phrasebook for the Bundeswehr… [...]

  8. Hamit says:

    In the north, where the German army is stationed, Persian is very well spoken.

    The Tajik fact is one of the three standard varieties of Persian Language [next Iranian Persian, Dari (Afghan Persian) and Tajik (Persian in Tajikistan, with Cyrillic letters)].

    The differences between Persian and Tajik are low: Tajik in Afghanistan, written in Arabic script, Persian * is * to be subsumed under the generic terms.

    Tajik is different from Dari as much as Swiss High German by the Austrian High German or British English from New Zealand English.

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