"Rules of Deception" (The rules of deception) or: How to achieve writes the war

Regeln der Täuschung

Rules of Deception

About three weeks ago I accompanied a friend to an English-language bookstore a large Spanish shopping center. While he collected books ordered, I strolled around easily bored and grabbed a book from the shelf: RULES OF DECEPTION (Rules of Deception) by Christopher Reich, an American author.

I opened it and read: "Switzerland was founded in 1291 and considers itself to be the oldest continuously functioning democracy in the world ..."
The thriller of an American author therefore played in Switzerland. That seemed interesting, and I bought the bright red thing.

Right from the first page of the book developed a vortex that Prolog even achieved literary level. Consistently short chapters not include each half to two pages, so the book is clocked incredibly fast. Each new chapter is connected to a Perspektive- and scene changes, which makes it incredibly exciting. In such perfection I had for the last time in Ruth Rendell's "Do not talk to strangers" admired this narrative technique. Reich pursued and however wove not only two storylines, but up to seven!

Jonathan Ransom, an American physician who works with his wife for "Doctors Without Borders" in Geneva, it loses by a fatal accident at a ski tour near the Swiss Furga north wall; she suffers a broken leg, he must leave them in the dense snowstorm to get help, only to eventually determine that they, meanwhile, has tried to move on and has fallen into a crevasse ...
The distraught husband travels alone back to the hotel and found among the personal belongings of his wife is also a luggage removal order. And so begins the nightmare:
He came into possession of such baggage and Ransom's pain over the loss of his wife joins more and more nearly even more painful knowing that his wife has led a double life that she was involved in dangerous things, so that they do not even meant so , as he called them.
This shock is the driving force for the subsequent efforts Ransom to pursue the question of who was actually his wife and in which she was involved.

If I had read the prologue carefully, I realized would be equal to the beginning, what is at stake in this book. However, I reread a word "nashi", because I was too lazy to look up ...

From the prologue: (translation FB)
The cold breeze swept across the plain and wore a butterfly on their gusts. The remarkable insect fluttering around, amount winning, is dropping, high and low orbital. It was a beautiful specimen with wings of a vivid yellow with a black lattice work, and it differed entirely from all others in the area. His name was as unusual: Papilio panoptes. The butterfly flew over the road guarding, electrical safety fences and rolls of barbed wire. Beyond the fence lay a field of wildflowers, incredibly diverse and colorful. There were never any buildings to see. No houses, no scales, no buildings of any kind only the hill of fresh zusammenstampfter earth that could be distinguished beneath the canopy hardly flowers, bore witness to the recently completed work. Despite his long journey of the butterfly avoided the flowers (...)
But "after seven days a cutting wind from the north came on, the Nashi". The Curious Butterfly is finally destroyed on the ground and found by a guard: "What he saw made ​​him tremble. Inside the chest a lined in aluminum battery was no bigger than a grain of rice; associated with it a microwave transmitter (...) His hands trembled as he anfunkte his superiors. "They have found us."

However, had I "nashi" looked up, so for me would have been cracked immediately the "nut", so my eye-opener drew a few chapters back ...

"Nashi or N'aschi is a northeastern wind Which the occurs in winter on the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf" ...

While Dr. Ransom his personal nightmare lives by trying in Switzerland to discover the secret of his wife's double life on the track, we are made simultaneously with a CIA agent to a "Special Removal Unit" known, whose job is to making suspected terrorists locate and kidnap. A certain Walid Gassan finds himself in the custody of the CIA in Damascus again, since one has suspected him to have acquired in Leipzig of a Russian arms dealer plastic explosives. The cries gas Sans, he was an American citizen, use him nothing. What follows is a long, pleasurable described torture scene that takes me for the first time against the author. For he describes it not with a narrative distance but as a "successful company" to interrogate an effective and guarantee the success rendes agent suspects:
After the amputation of a finger you go with Gassan so on:

"Hot. A guard turned on the nozzle, which regulated the butane gas burner. The temperature gauge showed 140 degrees. "Suspect is boiled alive in an old Ottoman bath at Aleppo in Syria." Hot said the Colonel, "it goes to 195 degrees." Colonel Michael was born for torture as the jockey for riding. "
"The first thing falls, is your dick. He bursts like a overcooked sausage. "" Since the break, dam '", after more than 24 hours of continuous torture. The suspect spits out all the required information: names, dates, passwords etc.

Then the reader is instructed to Vienna, we are "witnesses" a secret meeting of the "International Atomic Energy Control Authority":

"That can not be possible, 'ElBaradei said, flipping his fingers in the report. , I'm afraid there's no doubt, "said the man next to him, Yuri Kulikov, a Russian poker face, the head of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy. "But how?" El Baradei looked searchingly into the faces at the table. "If that is so, then we have failed in any way in the exercise of our duty." A program of institutionalized deception, "Kulikov said. A deception. For years, we have our efforts during inspections concentrated on one spot, while they have worked very secret to another "confirms Another member of the IAEA Board"., The accuracy of the data is beyond question. The sensor was equipped with a chip of the next generation, which is able to identify the signature of gamma-rays "...
This notice airs at the same time definitely the secret of the beautiful butterfly: he was a tiny spy drone!

"For the use in nuclear power plants, the radioactive mineral must be enriched to 30 percent. To use it as a fissile material - ie a nuclear reaction to set in motion - it must reach a level of 93 percent. The report under the eyes EL Baradei spoke of a gamma-ray signature of amazing 96 percent. "

The radioactive enrichment takes place in the novel so underground in a well-disguised system instead. El Baradei wonders why they have been able to find. Answer: The clue came from an Iranian government official. Then El Baradei is asked whether the Americans already know about it. He denies. "Keep it that way."
A Japanese IAEA Member declares El Baradei that Iran possesses 50,000 centrifuges, which were smuggled.
"Sir, we have come to the conclusion that the Republic of Iran at the time a hundred kilos of enriched uranium 235 has." "One hundred? And how many bombs they can build it. "" The Finn swallowed. Four. Maybe five. "
El Baradei committed then all Council members for preliminary silence. "God help and all," he whispered. "There will be war."

In his 2008 published by Random House book, the author Christopher Reich provides for us readers so the evidence that to date all 26 U.S. intelligence agencies could not provide: The miraculous Papilio panoptes provides the certainty and measurement data on the production of atombombenfähigem uranium by the Iran and at the same time lets Reich the former chairman of the IAEA Mohamed ElBaradei as (almost unconscionable) accomplices stand.

In the novel, a member of the Vienna inspection authority, however, does not comply with El Baradei of silence, but shared with. And so we sit in the next chapter in a meeting of the Israeli intelligence Shahab. The discussion is about the likelihood and consequences of a nuclear strike by Iran. There follows an interesting assessment:

"The President of Iran believes in apocalyptic end times, as described in the Koran. He sees it as his personal mission to accelerate the return of the twelfth imam, who is also known as the Mahdi, the rightful descendant of the Prophet Mohammed. It is written that his return a confrontation between the forces of good and evil precedes, resulting in a period of extended wars, political turmoil and bloodshed with it. At the end of this period, the Mahdi will lead the world into an era of universal peace. However, when first he must destroy Israel. "

This digression from Reich is correct as far as Ahmadinejad is actually a follower of the Mahdi faith and he calls this speaking in public to like and frequently. However, the last sentence of the excursus is an evil empire addition seal.

A few chapters later we find ourselves in a Mossad meeting again. In an emergency meeting immediate measures are discussed, and it is certain that "It was no longer a question of a preventive measure, but of self-defense."

"The Iranians have ten plants that are able to produce weapons-grade uranium. (...) The most important in this context for their efforts installations are of Natanz, Isfahan and Bushehr. And of course the newly discovered system of Chalus. ., If a first strike is to succeed, we must destroy all four "The head of the Israeli air force one applies:" Four are not enough "The man thinks of at least 20 goals, which are distributed all over the Iran.. To make matters would be that they lay underground. It discusses the details of a bombing. The Bunker Buster Paveway III? Somewhat problematic, since it reaches only about 10 m deep. If the plants but 40 or 60 or even 150 feet deep are, then what? The solution is easily found:

"Paveway-N's with a B61 warhead. A nuclear-tipped bunker busters who has a discharge weight of several kilotons. In just ten times as potent as Hiroshima. "
The Mossad chief makes it clear to the Prime Minister again: "We know their capabilities. You have the bomb and they will discard it. (...) We can acquire nuclear weapons in the hands of a regime does not tolerate that has clearly made ​​clear his desire to wipe Israel off the map. "
The chapter ends with: "All Said The same words. Long live Israel. '"

Later in the suspense thriller are confirmed for both the doctor and widower Dr. Jonathan Ransom and for the reader the certainty that there is a conspiracy on a very high level here. Ransom discovers that the Iranians were shipped directly from the USA Material. And in fact, a highly decorated Vietnam veteran and Major-General has set up with direct permission of the US-President of the Pentagon issued a top-secret "Division", "the blackest of black ops".
Unfortunately, the general is also due to an almost complete combustion after a helicopter crash, fanatical fundamentalist Christian. His secret force has acquired in Switzerland firms that Iran supplied with illegal technical goods, and also owns real estate. Because the diabolical plan is:

They want to shoot in Switzerland near the airport Zurich-Klothen an Israeli civilian machine to provoke a strike against Iran and leave this as a legal retaliation look like in order to hasten the coming of the Redeemer.

The leak in the Iranian government interprets the situation as follows: "Jinn believed that ye have delivered the equipment to start a war. He said we had made ​​a mistake to go into Iraq without having to prove that they possessed weapons of mass destruction and that we would not do that again. "
An interesting aspect!

Things come to a head, the planned launch of a El Al airliner on approach to Zurich-Klothen is only a matter of hours. The "division" of fanatical major general is on the home stretch ... His secret force is described as follows:
"They called themselves Austen's Rangers but this time they preached the word of Christ and the ultra-hawkish views of its founder and namesake. America was the city on the hill, the beacon of democracy for the whole world, and Israel was his closest ally, which had to be defended at any cost what it may. "
"Division" -Anführer Austen: "Do not you see that? All conditions are as described in Revelation. The Israelites keep Jerusalem. The Lord is ready to recur. You can not do the slightest thing to stop it. None of us can., We can only help to bring it on the road. "
And does the General:

The El-Al plane has already left the Ben-Gurion Airport and the Swiss police, Ransom and the CIA try eleven fifty-five feverishly, close the locality discovered where the conspirators have established the launch pad for a sophisticated drone, the Israeli Airbus shoot and will deliver the official justification for a military strike against Iran. The IDF Air Force, meanwhile, is already ready and the Flyers have been the engines of the F-151 bomber to warm up. They are equipped with bunker-busting uranium ammunition, which sweeps away any structure to a depth of 250 feet. However: "It would be hurled into the atmosphere also 60,000 tons of radioactive waste."

Meanwhile, our fanatical fundamentalist General leads blasphemous conversations with his Savior and is preparing for the launch of the drone named "Mahdi I":

"He had fulfilled his mission, which had been entrusted to him. Israel, which was in the lawful possession of the Holy Land, bereitetet himself for the attack. Iran itself was adequately armed. The forces of Gog and Magog were set to fight out the battle on the battlefield Amageddon. Until the brilliant detail he saw in his mind's eye how the conflict would unfold, all according to God's plan. Israel's bombing offensive would fail. Iran would practice with the Kh-55 cruise missiles from its arsenal retaliation, missiles, whose sale he had personally supervised. The nuclear weapons with a ten-kiloton warhead would fall on Tel-Aviv, but not in Jerusalem. The Lord of the ITS power would protect HIS holiest city. The Americans would descend in return on Iran. The Fundamentalist Islamic Republic would cease to exist. "
So far so bad.

As it goes, I will not tell. I have already worked out the only politically relevant script, because I think it should be made known to a German public: best-selling author Christopher Reich writes with his political thriller things in reality that are in truth hypothesis and Fiktschen. A broad reading public is made with the "fact" familiar that there is an Iranian bomb and that Iran has achieved an enriching uranium to 96%.

Needless to say that Christopher Reich also tried the controversial Ahmadinejad quote, that Iran wants Israel supposedly wiped off the map. However, the Iranian president was always only (and in fact often) over the Zionist regime from which "disappear" would like a "decaying, rotten tree" or disappeared once the Soviet Union "was.

"Rules of Deception" is so far a good title, as the reader is misled about facts or duped facts about topics that you actually not so safe to "mess up" should.
Torture looks kingdom, all following the retrograde spirit, as an effective and good way of villains to elicit valuable truths. She is portrayed as "high art". Welcome back to the dark age!

The author also prepares the ground for a writer the use of bunker buster bombs with uranium warheads. According to the motto: dirty, but the goal it was.

Immer noch der klassiker über apokalyptische US-Netzwerke; Grace Halsell, "Gottes Hand zwingen"

Still the classic about apocalyptic U.S. networks: Grace Halsell, "God's hand force"

But his excessive display of fundamentalism (especially the Christian) is one aspect of it should move more into focus at all exaggeration with regard to the Iranian president. Because it actually Hardly a political speech of the Iranian leader, without him the second coming of the Mahdi's summons. Under certain circumstances, this could even be a motive for his often provocative poker behavior that has already surprised many a political observer: Why does not he keep a low profile ???

Recently I found particularly interesting but, as Reich an attack on an Israeli civilian machine in Switzerland staged to justify a strike against Iran.
This affects the area "False Flag Operations", and it would not be the first time in history that a war would be unleashed so. We should therefore keep in mind empire screenplay.

Because: "We must not let ourselves be influenced by terror." (Daniele Ganser).

Overall, despite all the criticism, a fascinating read. And do not worry, I'm not the most betrayed!

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