I found everything as if it were yesterday: joy and sorrow. The time must have been a carousel with a center around which glided the events or riding or was it perhaps the other way around? The center revolved around things? Because there is no visible progress, at least not linear. Apparent standstill in the center frightens me, but also in the periphery.
I think the red Iris again, and it was yesterday, I find a new, checked Nest - empty because of the gap between the ceiling beams and shade is too narrow for anything round, as usual; caught in an open concrete box held hunting dog, which is about four times retrieved in hunting is, as always given birth at this time with boys - they tried again a few sawdust, making a kind of nest and suckle their young, up the owner, as always, the end of the week to clean the "pig sty" appeared and the boy with the same ausmistete. Since then, the bitch has as always at this season fever and chills, a mammary gland as a rock and creeps and winds with fear like a trampled worm on the ground, the tail extent pinched that it protrudes below the chest.
Again, I am perplexed by the shed and stare at the thick padlock. Even if it could be smash, it would be an intrusion. And nobody needs nervous hounds, at least I own.
Therefore, I'll always like 10% Greek yogurt cream and push it through a day below the grid. Joy and greed tugging and biting the dog in the potty to make it draw in more quickly, while they spilled as always half on their own droppings and in the damp, urine-soaked sawdust - but it will be the highlight of the day, even an empty yogurt cup is distraction and he can as always be completely eaten away by all the rules of art.
My horror device somehow become routine and the routine is close to boredom. Bored I wonder why there are still people who are dogs with pigs, dogs and both with mindless, to Vernutzung and wear imaginary everyday objects and himself be confused with people.
As always honored me my cat mint every two years around this time of year - a sure sign that the food situation is hopeless. Mint with her green eyes flashing enjoying my secret admiration. A likeness of independence, love of freedom and wildness, sometimes years untraceable, especially when I wore myself with thoughts of castration, then resurfaced as though everything happened yesterday, launched purring to caresses. It does around her tail and her Hinterteilchen been stretched high, as it would require even a hint on what is now happening again. I dig out my supplies two Patébüchsen and a potty Greek yogurt cream produced. Mint eats, swallows and licks at a frantic pace and finally remains for a while sitting dazed in order not to burst. The next day, her belly has grown by exactly the scope of the two doses and the potty.
I peer up and try to make the entrance hole of the bees find that successfully transform my house now for the third year in a hive in the gable. I try to imagine how it might look good in there. I can, once again, only guess. Somehow I had hoped again, the bees have the cold, damp, as-also-always not survive the winter - but no, because they are, as always busy at work. There can not be a big stick, because I hear her "standing up" in the morning at about 7:30 on a regular basis. And at night I wake up with my reading lamp at most times a bee that comes startled hummed through the ceiling and manic umsummt the light, so I inevitably interrupt my reading, as always resort to lying ready flap and must carry the pesky Summerin outside. The hysterical growl and the interruption of my comforting Voreinschlafphase make me angry. But again and again soothed me the thought of the many divine moments in my life that gave me these busy creatures: with shimmering, Piedmont acacia honey, I me for breakfast on a par thick oatmeal, Greek yogurt and sliced kiwis, bananas, red grapefruit pieces and dripped apples, or with karamellartigem, pale yellow French lavender honey, the, tone on tone, a thick smeared greaseproof sheet or slightly resinous, dark Amazonian honey from Brazil, the tastes somehow orchids, colorful parrots and giant jungle plants.
Since it is surely the least that I repair my house as a refuge available these creators of my honey happiness.
This small sacrifice it must me probably - be worth - as always.
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