US-Russia deal: weapons against sanctions

S-300 Luftabwehrraketen; Quelle: greek military net

Weapons against sanctions: S-300 air defense missiles (Source: greek military net)

Our Chancellor is traveling in the region of the United Arab Emirates. There you have written out infrastructure projects amounting to $ 2.8 trillion, and Merkel rushes, after all, it is important to boost the German economy - especially in times where never-ending bailouts for losses relating to a financial sham industry, the real economy and its production more and more inhibit. Of course, Iran is once again high on the agenda.

We recall keyword: nuclear weapons, suspected of striving for.

The German chancellor wants to demonstrate the Arabs once again the German alliance with the United States and the friendly Middle Eastern state. Since it seems but on at least strange, if we read on the same day in the newspapers: "USA allow Russian rocket deliveries to Iran." (GA Bonn, 25.5.10). It continues: "A few days after the Moscow agreement on Iran sanctions, the United States gave the green light for Russian arms sales to Tehran. Previous objections to the sale of air defense missiles were dropped, reported the New York Times' on Saturday next. "

Yes it's even? Washington and Moscow are thus is now agreed that it is in Iran is a dangerous country, one has to impose sanctions on the other hand, are both of the opinion that one should Tehran upgrade quiet. Why is that? Order, as the "state of defense" against Iran should occur, crashing there a better way?

As always, if this is an interesting message this is, small, ugly, and without comment in any "penalty corner" of the newspaper. Time on "Russia Today" look:

Here we read that the American government has on 21 May sanctions against four Russian "organizations" picked up, who had been accused of having violated the agreement on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. The economic sanctions were still imposed by the former Bush administration against Russia for the alleged sale of weapons of mass destruction and sensitive missile technology to Iran, North Korea and Syria.

Moscow had repeatedly rejected this suspicion, claiming it was just about keeping suppliers from the market.

The ban against Russia's leading arms manufacturers "Rosoboronexport", a manufacturer of Tula, the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology and the Moscow Aviation Institute has been canceled.

In the cited article, "US-led sanctions against Russia to lift" is pointed by an analyst on the paradox that had always been an entrée for Russia sanctions to apply against third world countries as a reliable arms trade partner. This will not be possible now, after Russia had swung in connection with Iran on the US-line.

It is openly talked about it , that the United States have put a weapon against sanctions deal to to swear now all permanent members of the UN Security Council on sanctions against Iran.

However, to be delivered S-300 air defense missiles to Iran would enable to fend for. Example, an Israeli attack on its nuclear facilities.

Already in January, Iranian and Russian officials had announced that the Bushehr reactors would put middle of this year in operation; he was meant exclusively for civil purposes and may not be used for any weapons program.

Backstage often see things very differently from, only for the German Michel and its Chancellor is the image, as always, kept strictly black and white.

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