Bravo! Karlsruhe sets boundaries of public debt

Ausschnitt FAZ

Original-Neck FAZ

I sigh with gratitude and emotion about the courageous act of our Federal Constitutional Court: Finally! Finally, our supreme court, the third pillar in the architecture of our separation of powers, once taken the initiative. "A ruling with consequences," it says in the commentary of the FAZ. Finally, the judges have not let the development of the events depend on light years, but are courageous and timely state Schuldenmacherei opposed and have limits shown. But it was just yet.

Just do not make bad now! After all, could the Supreme Constitutional Court, if not the generation of grandchildren, then at least keep the generation of our children's children's children-before the dreary life in the hamster wheel of Schuldenabbezahlens.

I press the newspaper happy to my chest, while my gaze on the date. Oh my God! Because yes is April 19, 1989 and the FAZ then cost 1.60 DM!

Had the judgment then but no consequences?

It was in this judgment to a debt of 34 billion DM in the federal budget of the social-liberal government of 1981. Then strained 231 deputies of the CDU / CSU fraction [those were the days] angrily to a judicial review. The decision of the court was six and a half (!) Years later. So very timely for the ratios of the BVG.

To date, had been subject to a new federal borrowing that they should not be higher than the government spending on investment [those were the times]. The SNB must be interpreted the legislation at that time so that the budget is not only a "meet demand function" TO ISSUE, but he "also in the service of an economic controlling economic and fiscal policies" placed.

Seen in retrospect, can not see why supposedly "fixed boundaries of a future state debt," according to FAZ were from the judgment - on the contrary they were then for the first time, approved by the BVG, softened.

The federal budget does today also in the "Commissioned". The services were just, again, somewhat expanded with current approval from Karlsruhe: Today we see ourselves in the service and taken for the economic and financial policies of other countries in the department of the finance and banking industry.

Karlsruhe thanks be!

PS It is of course inexcusable that was not the obsolete date line of FAZ fell right eye. However, in my defense I would like to quote from the incredibly current headlines this past FAZ-edition:

"With 4000 workers against the oil, Exxon's plan for Alsakas coasts. The American oil company Exxon wants to go to a plan of the government was now presented, set 4000 employees, to eliminate the worst environmental damage the oil spill in Prince William Sound before Alsaksa ... "

"Before the summer palace of Prince Eugen, a Turkish food stand. More than 300 years after the siege, the Turks in Vienna. "

And: "The failure of the Hindu Kush. Afghanistan is not to subjugate. The 'Vietnam' the Soviets in Afghanistan. How long Afghanistan is still a 'bleeding wound' - as Gorbachev - remain "?

You see, it is understandable why I initially ran the small date error ...

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