Monthly Archives: June 2010

Concussive Video: On the plane over the Gulf of Mexico

Monday, June 28, 2010

The following video, what I just found on the net, is the most terrible documentation the oil spill, I saw so far:

I have no words ...

BP is supposed to remove such videos.

The following documentation also contributed this note.

A British journalist speaks on site with survivors of the oil rig disaster. These people were so far almost not present in the media, and if you listen to what they report in an interview here, you know why ... (more ...)

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BieneMaja sounds the alarm: German beekeepers are dying out!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Biene Maja; Quelle Wikimedia Commons In principle, we know very well all the importance of the honeybee. But the numbers are still always impressive:

  • 80% of our total domestic flowering plants are pollinated by honeybees.
  • Without the contribution of bees yield fruit cultivation for. B. would fall by 75%. Bees pollinate containing stone and pome fruit trees, berry bushes, rapeseed, peas, beans, clover, alfalfa, cabbage, carrots and all kinds of flowering plants.
  • Therefore, the value of bees is measured not only in their honey production, but at their pollination services and thus its contribution to the conservation of biodiversity.
  • In order to collect the nectar for 1 pound of honey, honeybees lay back a distance equal to three times the earth's circumference.
  • German bees (currently be seen on the black-red-golden sensor pads) meet with their work about 20-25% of German honey requirement.
  • Every German eats an average of 1.3 kilograms of honey a year

About 80,000 beekeepers, there are still in Germany, but they have, and that is worrying, with an average age of 65 years. There is a lack of young beekeepers and -Innen.

1952 alone there were in West Germany still 182,000 beekeepers with 2.1 million bee colonies.

1972 there were 87,100 beekeepers with more than one million people.

The last census of the German Beekeepers' Association, based in Wachtberg near Bonn in 2009 resulted in a number of 81,500 members with approximately 614,000 people.

A total worrying trend! (More ...)

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Hopi prophecy about the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico?

Monday, June 28, 2010
Ölteppich im Golf von Mexiko; Quelle: NASA

Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (source: NASA)

Yesterday I was quite sober for zeitgeist online with the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is concerned, today I do it at this point very emotional - and ask me some questions, of which probably the least can be answered.

Who, like me, has read as a child almost every book by Karl May and Winnetou's death shed hot tears white, of course, that the white man often speaks with a forked tongue and does evil, the Red Man against it often is noble.

Nearly every morning I go the same route along the river, my dog ​​a few feet in front of me or behind me. Almost always I feel already the place where he sits on the river bank and his dog watching. He is an extremely midget, compact South American Indio, under his red baseball cap that such sessile appear on a head, falling back a deep black braid out. The man was a musician and is now available for anyone dogs guardians, a small, impressive energy tuber with rolling "R".

"It has been shot in the abdomen Mother Earth," he says shortly and grimly, "now she's bleeding to death."

Well, as you can see the well. But how do you get this just bleeding to a halt?

"The earth is their blood and water voluntarily. Everything she still holds hidden deep down is not good for the people who brings misfortune, "he says yet. (Read more ...)

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Complaint to the Press Council against Germans the world has success!

Saturday, June 26 2010

logo On 3.2.2010 appeared on WELT Online the infamous call to WORLD-author Daniel Pipes "Obama should bomb Iran". A particularly blatant and repulsive case of warmongering in a German media. WORLD-author Pipes recommended the bombing specifically to improve the bad poll numbers of the American president.

At this point, I had imagined the WORLD-products and then also my complaint letter to the German Press from 4.2.2010.

Herein I pointed out that the global call was still covered to a war of aggression, neither from the Basic Law of the existing Press Code.

"As a German, it fills me with great shame that 65 years after the end of WW2 from German soil, in other words from a German newspaper [The World online], can be called back to a war of aggression. Resist the beginnings!"

Today I now received a letter from the German Press Council, the complaint of 4.2.2010 had been answered at last on 24.6.2010. Here the text of the letter: (more ...)

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Full nasty - all sweet

Tuesday, June 22 2010

Tiger cubs

A sad truth, hitherto repressed, came through the initiative of the "Bundesverband People for Animal Rights" in the headlines: Surplus, unused animals are in zoos often simply for reasons of space killed (population management by killing).

The animal rights organization had placed himself on his hind legs after the Magdeburg Zoo had euthanized 2008, three viable tiger cubs in May because her father was not a purebred Siberian tiger, but a genetic test had revealed some blood of the Sumatran tiger. (More ...)

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Picture you your opinion: Finkelstein versus Pollak on the Gaza incident

Sunday, June 20 2010
Norman Finkelstein: streitbar, umstritten

Norman Finkelstein: contentious, controversial (Source: Ben Heine, Tlaxcala)

In the television channel of "Russia Today" recently has been a fierce debate on the subject of "Gaza - who is to blame?" Broadcast:

It went high forth between Professor Norman Finkelstein, a political scientist and son of Holocaust survivors, author of "The Holocaust Industry. As the suffering of the Jews is being exploited "and" anti-Semitism as a political weapon: Israel, America and the Abuse of History "and (his latest book)" A Farewell to Israel: The coming break-up of American Zionism "(German:" A Farewell to Israel: The impending breakup of American Zionism ", not translated yet) and Daniel Pollak, co-director of the Zionist Organization of America for government relations.

Here are some key points of the two opponents:

Finkelstein (F): "Israel has severe Verbechen guilty. The Gaza blockade is a flagrant violation of international law. "

Pollak (P): "The embargo and the inspection of goods with target Gaza are completely legal." Israel has a legal right to defend himself, since the Hamas rule in Gaza and had called for the killing of Jews.

As is known, an aid convoy with 10,000 tonnes of aid and about 800 human rights activists on board had been boarded in international waters by special forces. It came from an Israeli perspective to provocations against the Israeli military, which ended with the death of 9 activists. The movement "Free Gaza" had repeatedly stressed that it is completely illegal, to besiege 1.5 million people to starve and be subjected to a collective punishment. (More ...)

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Iran: Propaganda ducks accumulate

Sunday, June 20 2010

Earlier this month, the popular media (here an example from the Handelsblatt) against the backdrop of the "Euro crisis", Iran plans to rebuild its foreign exchange reserves. So would the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) redeploy the euro massively in favor of the dollar and gold. Because of the persistent weakness of the euro is planning around 45 billion euros to sell the share of the euro on the foreign exchange reserves should be lowered from 55% to 15-20%.

A somewhat strange message that, without question, of course, to the current "Euromiesmacherei" fits. So bad it is so to the euro, one might think, even if the US nemesis Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to invest in US dollars again! Cui bono? Certainly not the Europeans, because although introduced undemocratic-dictatorial, the euro is currently nunmal the currency in which our accounts are held ... (more ...)

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Political thriller in Germany

Sunday, 06 June, 2010.
Wolfgang Schorlau: Das Münchner Komplott

Wolfgang Schorlau: The Munich conspiracy

I had been completely unaware that there is a political thriller author are in Germany, just his fifth book published ("The Munich conspiracy. Dengler fifth case", Kiepenheuer & Witsch 2009) and invented to an investigator named Georg Dengler, the comparisons with other successful investigators of the crime scene does not need to be afraid.

The fact that I started to coincide with the 5th book of Dengler series, I had to soon accountable about how little I actually knew about the Oktoberfest bombing in 1980, which soon will mark the 30th time.

This early German "9/11" now appears to be almost completely disappeared from the consciousness of the public, even though it really should not be so, both from human as well as from highly topical reasons.

The terrible bombing of 09.26.1980 left the entrance of the Oktoberfest like a battlefield, 13 people died, over 200 were injured, 68 seriously people thereof; they have since been defaced or continue to live with missing limbs. Nonetheless, the event acts with his victims as a sunk "black hole".

Wolfgang Schorlau, ie as the crime writer, writes close to the wind, ie to the facts, without the plot would act somehow constructed very close. However, he is also kept manageable. Just the idea that the facts are just not fiction, but part of our yesterday BEEN past, handed me already as a stress factor. Since it did not matter to me that the crime presents the individual characters barely psychologically designed. Or that in some places Schorlau left background comes pretty cliché.

Of course, I asked myself how Schorlau came to his detailed knowledge of the facts and background. This question is completely answered by the end of the book by him as follows: (more ...)

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Splits in Kopp online news

Sunday, 06 June, 2010.

Honestly, I was looking forward about the coup: Since 1.6. 2010, there is the Kopp-Verlag online once daily news: read by Eva Hermann - there could be properly nostalgic. And the first few days I was satisfied - really news that are otherwise not find as easily. This is sorely needed in Germany, the most ill-informed country in the Western Hemisphere, where opinion is constantly confused with news, official messages consist of disjointed information snippets and anyone who wants to find out, anyway must consult foreign media.

But on the fourth day of the "bereavement": Eva Hermann announced the Gaza aid flotilla was led by a boat of a Turkish "terrorist organization", the "IHH". This was the "confirmed Dutch secret service." "Renowned Danish Institute for International Studies" and the

I looked again where this "message" because came and met with Kopp author UDO ULFKOTTE, who is known that he would like and often etched against Islam, but also opponents must admit again and again that his statements usually well documented are.

First, it is surprising that Ulfkotte has no word of sympathy for the oppressed population of the blockaded Gaza Strip. The humanitarian situation there is intolerable that illegal Israeli blockade, about one is international in complete agreement. Gift!

So now lay actually once again a self-defense situation, which is why the fleet stopped and a few passengers - unfortunately, unfortunately - had to be shot (more ...)

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Stops Post haggling politicians! Let the President finally choose themselves!

Wednesday, 02 June, 2010.
Margot Käßmann For President! Quelle:wikimedia commons

Margot Käßmann For President! (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Horst Köhler has resigned. That was a coward, because Germany is in dire straits, and a captain is not the first of board (even if he is not the master control has in hand).

Instead about important matters of world events to report, the press now now torments us with long side Politgemauschel and post haggling of the parties, which political pensioners because destined to land in the cemetery called "Schloss Bellevue".

How interesting! Actually, the President belonged already directly elected by the people!


When it comes to Köhler are things (as so often) ambivalent. Yesterday I had a conversation with someone who knows some consultants Kohler and has often entertained with them. Accordingly Köhler should have felt for months behind the scenes with the FDP and Merkel "gezofft" and more and more isolated. In the FDP, it reportedly went to the tax cuts, which held Köhler impracticable. With Merkel CDU to the reduction of social charges and extended savings, while Köhler should have announced its concerns. Lately, he is said to have increasingly used for the "turbine control", ie the taxation of financial transactions that Germany 12 billion euros. Could bring year. Whether the information is correct, I can not (yet) check, however, the source seemed serious to me. It will perhaps be able to hear something retrospectively about.

One thing is certain: Köhler had repeatedly campaigned for more direct democracy. On this subject I have a at Zeitgeist online products set: "More direct democracy: a way out of increasing political apathy and declining voter turnout"

Köhler told the WORLD about direct election of the President by the people: "I think it is an expression of anxiety or uncertainty when one refers immediately to Hindenburg on this issue."

Indeed, the incumbents retch repeatedly cast off, working for a direct election of the President with the tag "Hindenburg". What does it mean? I quote from the above mentioned article: (more ...)

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Free Gaza Fleet incident: a war provocation? Possible reasons.

Wednesday, 02 June, 2010.
Free-Gaza-Flotte; Quelle: Creative Commons

Free Gaza fleet: the "Mavi Marmara" (Source: Creative Commons)

A flotilla of six ships with about 700 people from 32 different countries, including such well-known public figures as the Irish Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Corrigan Maguire, the Swedish writer Henning Mankell, European parliamentarians, including 3 German: the Left deputies Inge Höger and Annette Groth and the former MP Norman Paech and a Holocaust survivor ... a purely civilian enterprise in favor of the continued siege and still war-torn Gaza, with its 1.5 million penned, the Israeli authorities have been notified in advance exactly on the content and composition of transport ... medical supplies, building materials, wheelchairs, toys and much more, is served each morning in international waters by 4 clock by special forces of the Israeli army attacked, from helicopters are fighters rappel, from the sea to come armed, there are so far only shaky video of the disaster:

freedomflotilla; Quelle:

freedomflotilla (Source:

Result: So far, the number is called from 20 dead and 50 to 80 injured. Accurate not yet known.

Attacks on aid shipments to Gaza it had previously given, but without any media attention, thank God, without deaths. What's different this time?

Is Israel quite simply crazy? True to the motto: "As allies of tyrants" or is there something else behind it?

I take the liberty to gather in the following arguments that suggest that this incredible violation of international law, a deliberate provocation was and is to still trigger an the Middle East war, after the chances of that happening after the Brazilian-Turkish nuclear agreement with Iran are increasingly viewed disappearing a few days ago, the action window threatens so close.

The state violence against an international group of human rights activists is now the culmination of a chain of Unliebsamkeiten and increasing deterioration of relations between Israel and Turkey.

At the same time Israel has suffered some deterioration of its relations with the US for the first time and suddenly finds himself of his previous status as sankrosante the Middle East power that stands above the international law, their seemingly never-ending special status' deprived.

"Our relations [with Israel] will never be as before," citing Turkish newspaper Hüriyet a spokesman for the governing AKP party. (More ...)

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