Political thriller in Germany

Wolfgang Schorlau: Das Münchner Komplott

Wolfgang Schorlau: The Munich conspiracy

I had been completely unaware that there is a political thriller author are in Germany, just his fifth book published ( "The Munich conspiracy. Dengler's fifth case" , Kiepenheuer & Petrovich 2009) and has invented to an investigator named George Dengler, the comparisons with other successful investigators of the crime scene does not need to be afraid.

Because I started to coincide with the fifth book of the series Dengler, I had to soon give an account of how little I actually knew about the Oktoberfest bombing of 1980, which soon will mark the 30th time.

This early German "9.11" today seems to be almost completely disappeared from the public consciousness, although it really should not be so both from human and from most current reasons.

The terrible bombing on 26.09.1980 leaving behind the entrance of the Oktoberfest like a battlefield, 13 people died and over 200 were injured, 68 seriously people thereof; they have since been defaced or continue to live with missing limbs. Nevertheless, the event acts with his victims as a sunk "black hole".

Wolfgang Schorlau , ie as the crime writer, writes close to the wind, ie at the facts, without the plot would seem somehow constructed very close. However, he is also kept manageable. Just the idea that the facts are just not fiction, but part of our yesterday BEEN past, gave me even as a stress factor. Since it did not matter to me that the crime presents the characters just psychologically designed. Or that in some places Schorlau left background comes pretty cliché.

Of course, I was wondering how Schorlau came to his detailed knowledge of the facts and background. This question is completely answered at the end of the book from him so:

"'We have something for you that will interest you.'
The voice was determined, sympathetic, but not sympathy. It was clearly a police voice. This was probably the reason why I was getting into the adventure. We made ​​an appointment in the early evening, met the three of us, drove almost an hour without speaking a word. Then they gave me files of the Special Commission Theresienwiese. I read until the early morning, the two men rarely interrupted me. Every now and then they made ​​me aware of individual documents, records or memoranda. I could neither create nor Notitzen copies. They pointed me out on interviews that do not appear in the final reports, the many contradictions in the investigation. They wanted to put me on a track, which was soon clear to me. Finally, she referred me to a book by Ulrich Chaussy: Oktoberfest. An assassination attempt. At dawn, they took me back to Stuttgart. The two had unnamed presented. Obviously they did not agree with the Ergebissen the Oktoberfest investigation. But I thanked them, you have actually made ​​me curious. I got myself Chaussys book, a thorough and shocking research about the Oktoberfest bombing - and had found a new case for Dengler ".

The political thriller about this fifth case reads with high voltage. I made comparisons about how much but the German public awareness and perception have changed. In 1980, a stunned public was much easier satisfied with superficial lone-theses. And 30 years later? Perhaps a wider public is also through these thrillers now ready to look more closely. We could all only benefit.

The city of Munich (Culture Committee) refused meanwhile, grant a request of the Greens, on the 30th anniversary of the assassination to submit a brochure and hold a commemoration. Why is that? Afraid to re-discussions?

The Munich attack was a far more terrible ahead: The train station in Bologna with 80 dead. However, a committee of the Italian Parliament promoted backgrounds to light that had to do with the infamous secret NATO operations named Gladio, the desired "strategy of tension" and the use or creation of neo-fascist groups. The former Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti confirmed this publicly. Then the parliaments of many European countries studied these backgrounds. Only in one country there was never an appropriate committee of inquiry: in Germany.

Wolfgang Schorlau is highly relevant: on the one hand, times have changed, but not the other hand, only a few name tags are different become, it seems.

Always in sequence - - I just take off my book one of the Dengler-thrillers pure: "The Blue List" . A political thriller about the assassination Rohwedder. I had almost forgotten that Germany can be so exciting.

Somehow I have the feeling that our world could be more certain, the more people deal with these issues ...

Here's a link that sums up the theme.

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