Terror. Wider public word confusion and medial incontinence

Bombeanschlag v. Oklahoma 1995; Quelle: Wikimedia Commons

V Oklahoma bombing in 1995 (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

Incontinence is, simply speaking, an inability to restrain himself or something. We distinguish several forms of the same:

Urinary incontinence, which is the inability or the inability to retain the urine, called urinary incontinence. Or fecal incontinence, called defecating, then flatulence, ie the inability to hold back farts, finally, the milk incontinence, which denotes the constant dripping from the corresponding organ, as well as the affective incontinence.
The latter is to control hysteria the opposite of restraint, self-mastery and control, commonly the inability emotions, such as:. Therefore hysterics are people who, for example, are unable to adequately reflect events..

If you look at the current terror reporting on the alleged terrorist parcel from Yemen in the media, one can not help but state that it has to act in the face of a still completely unexplained facts about a particularly severe form of media incontinence, all bears marks of the just-defined.

Ceaselessly dribbles and drips it from all media tubes, verbal Dauergefurze determines the scenery and childish Dauereinkoten before a perceived threat of terrorism is a political strategy. A frame of affect incontinence - Reason nowhere; the inability events appropriate to reflect and evaluate - everywhere celebrated.

Here the hysterical hype, the eagerly-scribbling and drooling drivel, there the icy election strategy to miss the waning popularity of the president a terrorist fresh cell injection.

I accidentally saw a talk show on national television, in which an analyst for Obama demanded an Oklahoma (= bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City in April 1995); by this event, President Clinton had at that time in Meinungsumfragesinkflug reconnect with the people ("to reconnect") can: " Today our nation is joined with you in grief, we mourn with you ".

2 US-Militärjets kümmern sich um ein Gerücht...

2 U.S. military jets take care of a rumor ...

As a few days ago a Saudi Arabian airliner, the rumors had a package from Yemen on board, accompanied by two military aircraft was forced to land, you could almost feel the President cared - to its popularity.

Given the Gegreines and Gekreisches the media, the heyday of security busybodies in all sorts of uniforms, the transformation of the respectable citizen in one to be checked, endlessly to be checked being screened, and X-rayed suspected, the transformation of Travel in Spießr (o) utes - the queue, not the journey is the goal, because it is a flight to nowhere - the transformation of the freight and transport paths of connection and lifelines in times of monumental megalomaniac, institutionalized paranoia, it is urgently necessary, once in the tweak arm and to enter a medial Ausnüchterungszone.

Before we allow that two packets of an unexplained sender, any anonymous joke Boldes or matted head, whose father asks probably has long desperately to leave his poor son but watch anyway because he has fallen into the bad company of any services, such as the poor dripping from Nigeria, also known as "underpants bomber", whose father ran even in the American Embassy to warn his son ... before we allow our law and our daily life turn into a paranoid period cramp, we should - or less so therapy and antidote - visualize what terror really is:

On 11.08.2010 the General-Anzeiger Bonn published an excellent article on the topic of Christiane Oelrich, entitled "Deadly legacy of the past. 40 (!) Years after the Vietnam war are taking cluster bombs in Laos every year new victims. Now the country hopes to help. "

Moment, the Vietnam War took place in Laos? But yes: As of 1970, Cambodia and Laos were bombed because they allegedly terrorists (Viet Cong) offered refuge and retreat were. Today, the Afghanistan war is indeed held not only in Afghanistan.

"Cluster bombs are among the worst weapons of war because their consequences are still being felt decades later (...) They look like tubes or small bathtubs that open up when launched. Fall out up to 300 mini-bombs that explode on impact. "

"In Laos suspended the U.S. Air Force in the 1960s cluster bombs against the Viet Cong from neighboring Vietnam, use the jungle trails in Laos. 500,000 bomb flights there were, according to the U.S. Air Force. This corresponds to a bomber every nine minutes, nine years. "(Hervorheb. Represented by d. Aut.)

"The Americans dropped more bombs here than all the Allies in World War II. Even today complained Laos up to 300 bomb victims a year. "

"Around 270 million bomblets - so hot the small explosive devices in the cluster bombs - went down over Laos. 80 million are believed still in the ground. "

So much for terror - terror true. Although it is not excluded under the circumstances that brought about geredeter terror and genuine terror at the end have the same source and cause, it is always good to put things in the right place and then to assign the right words.

So I would like to spare us to describe what happens when a man plowing, a child playing on such old cluster bomb occurs ... In any case, I want public money for "terrorist" security for the support of countries such as Laos be used and not for new body scanners, whose acquisition is to fill the fat suitcase of money security specialist companies, or new gigantic cargo X-ray systems, which we soon may be financed through increased packet charges.

On August 1 of this year is the cluster bomb convention, a legally binding contract, entered into force, prohibiting the manufacture, use and disclosure of certain types of cluster bomb. Have not signed the United States, Russia, India, Pakistan, Brazil and Israel. Why? Because they are producers and / or ejector of cluster bombs. Also this is terror.

The inspiration for the terrorist, international law bombing of Laos and Cambodia was the then National Security Advisor to the U.S. President Nixon, Henry Kissinger, to this day a highly honored and welcome guest, also in German political circles. Here is a list of his terrorist acts.

Gruppe von Agent Orange geschädigten Kindern; Quelle: Wikimedia Commons

Group damaged by Agent Orange children (source: Wikimedia Commons)

When it comes to terrorism, one should also once again force them to think of the Vietnam War itself, for. Example, the use of 80 million liters a high poisons, mutagenic chemical called Agent Orange. After the Vietnamese have 4.8 million people were exposed to this poison Hell, there are 400,000 victims, half a million children were born until now crippled, and there are still more.

In 2004, tried a Vietnamese victims group in New York a number of manufacturers, including Monsanto and Dow Chemical to sue for damages. That action was shot down last instance in 2009. Reasoning was, inter alia:.., The use of the chemical would have been back then, not prohibited. The U.S. government is immune and, consequently, firms that acted on their behalf. Defense Secretary Robert Gates commented on the matter simply: "War is War".

To be able to lead a normal life, we must horrors, as enumerated above, displace. One can not so something constantly keep in mind. Only when it comes to z. Example, to see the proportionality to clarify words, it is necessary to recall what terror really is.

Finally, an absolutely anrühende picture story show of Gmx, the rats in how they eliminate the consequences of terror: rats as minesweepers! I suggest these cute, intelligent creatures definitely before the next Nobel Peace Prize. They would finally earned it a try! Sugar!

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