Monthly Archives: December 2010

"Heat Ball" - or electrical resistance

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


About the "off" the popular, cheap and friendly eyes bulb after the EU will, at this point was already a lot written. More gratifying is the message that it is now known as a consolation prize "Heat Balls" are. (See also the article. "The bulb is dead - long live the Heat Ball" in Zeitgeist Issue 30). The "Heat Ball" is not a lamp. But fits into the same socket as the incandescent bulb; It is intended for heating, which is also available separately on it! - Nice to have even in its healthy, because the sunlight spectrum can read similar light here. And without nerve-damaging mercury emissions.

The Heat ball does not have the special: When it breaks down, you simply return it together. Breaks an energy saving lamp, their remains must be disposed of after application of a respirator, the carpet o. Ä., Where the mishap happened, must be carefully excised.

Even more outraged a message the press (General Anzeiger Bonn, 11 / 12.12.2010), that for weeks 40,000 Heat Balls from China are detained by Customs at Cologne / Bonn airport (!)! Two engineers from Niederzier they wanted to import to Germany. The Cologne regional government commissioned in the dispute over the heat balls the Association of German Electrical Engineers with a report: Are the Heat Balls small heaters or light bulbs? (More ...)

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Julian Assange, Wikileaks: His manifesto "Conspiracy as Governance" in German

Monday, December 13, 2010
Julian Assange in jüngeren Jahren;

Julian Assange in recent years (source: Archived Blog 22.11.2006 v.). "Those eyes. All pink ribbons in the world, they can not hide."

In the current debate about Wikileaks and its chief Assange I do not want to interfere me: I have not had time to read thousands of leaked pages. With the current sex allegations against the Wikileaks founder, I will not even like to discuss - which come directly from me in the bin for residual waste. I wanted to know rather: Where come from this man, what moves him?

Apart from an initial overview, which can be obtained on the Internet, I found it strange that Assange's Manifesto "Conspiracy as Governance", to German about "conspiracy as a form of government" is not to be found in German. This document is fundamental to the understanding of the activist-philosophers. She was born in 2006 in two versions, both of which can be found on the net. However, it is in principle the same manifesto. "Conspiracy as Governance" (conspiracy as a form of government) and "State and Terrorist Conspiracies" (Terrorist and government conspiracies).

I set an overall version of both texts below in German one. (More ...)

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"Air" as Orwellian term

Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Mangroven; Quelle: Wikimedia Commons

Mangroves (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

"Air" has become an Orwellian term. Tagged with "air", "global warming" or "climate change" are obscured facts, distorted and placed in misleading contexts.

The world has always been a rather insecure, never quiet village. The climate has undergone diverse variations. If you recapitulate ancient creation myths, so this report from fearsome gods wars, collapse of the firmament, the bursting of the sky, several suns, deluges. Compared with such perils klimamythologischer times we are doing well still excellent overall.

Of course, were and still are some areas (whether A-, B-, or CO2) uncertain than others. Always. Among the more insecure places count (t) s z. B. anytime, anywhere in the world in areas close to the sea. Things are different today: Today the weather is.

It is also hardly talk of deforestation, over-exploitation and environmental destruction of all kinds, or even hunger, poverty and an unjust global economic order - no, always and reliably raises the increasing climate change out as alleinge causes of all effects.

In relevant reports mainly from distant countries you are consequently hardly bothered to analyze factors carefully and name, so keep to no longer: (more ...)

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III. International Climate and Energy Conference: "Meeting the climate deniers"?

Friday, 03 December, 2010

iii_int_eike_konferenz While the whole of Germany quacks in the icy grip of an early onset of winter, is spread with increasing intensity in the media the thesis, the weather had nothing to do with the climate in the slightest, but global warming go undaunted - guilt was: the man-made CO 2.

At the same time there is a wave of support article on the subject, just as would "Climagate" not take place, as if never temperature measurement data has been tampered with and as if the so-called invented by US climatologist Michael Mann. "Hockey stick curve," with the help of which directly impending heat exhaustion of our planet should be taken into dramatic image due to man-made warming, not proved brazen forgery ...

The following is an excerpt from the campaign:

T he levels at 4:10:10: "lobbyists. The science as an enemy "
On 17/11/10 The world: "Anti-air lobby. The Earth is getting warmer - so what "?
The time from the 26.11.10: "climate summit in Cancún. The assistants of the doubt "
And the Frankfurter Rundschau from 29.11.10: "Climate Summit: The clear objective: No compromises"

Those who do not inform themselves on the Internet, has not undergone any chance that the CO 2 is by no means fully discussed theme in science (see. Also Zeitgeist Issue 29). That it scientists are internationally who argue convincingly that the climate in the course of the earth, and even in the time of human history, we can see, have always changed and it would constitute a human hubris of wanting to engage in the climate. These researchers emphasize z. B. the importance of the sun for the sensitivities of our planet.

As painfully familiar, all these scientists and researchers together with their arguments are carefully kept out of the media and the people so that the impression of a world unity unison opinion conveyed on this subject, which does not reflect reality. The mass media thus feign a scientific consensus. Something called manipulation or ongoing systematic and deliberate deception. (More ...)

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