Monthly Archives: February 2011

Foreword - without words

Monday, February 28, 2011

Introduction - Never commented

Thesis Original
"E pluribus unum", "For much of" - this was the motto, came together under the more than 215 years ago the American States to the Union. A motto that is programmatically to understand. "E pluribus unum", "For much of" - this was the motto under which together found the American States to the Union 200 years ago, and this motto is programmatic understanding.
The country that has like no other written pluralism on its flags, opened on this uniform, common base to the unfolding of leeway for multiplicity. The country that has like no other written pluralism on its flags, opened on this uniform, common base to the unfolding of leeway for multiplicity.
To unite a nation to exchange the originally autonomous Variety against a granted by the central government, however, pluralism meant renunciation; To unite a nation to exchange the original autonomous Variety against a subsidy granted by a central government pluralism certainly meant renunciation;
the hitherto Wi Konföderationsdach largely independent individual States had to for the sake of the common scale back entitlement to the own and give sovereignty.
Note: on page 016 it comes from the same source continues.
the hitherto Wi Konföderationsdach largely independent individual States had to for the sake of the common scale back entitlement to the own and give sovereignty.
Adapted from: Dr. Barbara Zehnpfennig, "The experiment of a large-scale Republic", FAZ, November 27, 1997th
Documented in: scan at

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Light bulb: In September comes from

Sunday, February 27 2011
Kommt: Die giftige Quecksilber-"Energiesparlampe"

The toxic "mercury bulb"

Many of us supplant it: The popular, environmentally friendly and eye-pleasing light bulb is in September finally die after the EU will this year.

The mortality indicator lights for the following types:

  • the 100 and 75 watt bulb (clear)

as well as all frosted bulbs,

  • 25 W,
  • 40 W,
  • 60 W,
  • 75 W

Who had ever screwed with an "energy saving lamp", it will have noticed: The life does not keep what it promises. This personal experience of many a has now been reviewed by Ökotest in a test series. Conclusion: The life specifications of the lighting manufacturer does not correspond to reality. Allegedly living the "energy saving lamps" namely 12 times longer than a standard bulb. "Wrong," says Ökotest. (More ...)

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Ge- "peakt"? - or not? Huge oil and gas discoveries in the Mediterranean are conflict

Thursday, 03 February, 2011.

In zeitgeist (Print as online) multiple contributions to abiotic or biotic origin theory of hydrocarbons (oil, gas, coal) have been published. The aim was to discuss the question of whether we really have to deal with an impending shortage or rather with a "threatened" shortage.

Recently, my humble self had tried me and the readers with the article "Are we all hostage of 'Peak Oil'?" (Part 1 and Part 2) and the report: "Secret holes: Run on non-konvenionelles gas in detschland has already begun" to provide an overview of the current state of affairs.

The representatives of the fossil, so the biotic Enststehungsteorie our energy reserves, bring them as one of their main arguments, that it no longer succeed for some time to discover truly big oil and gas deposits. The promotion will also always more complicated and expensive.

In the linked articles I had already given some examples that this assertion is only partly agree: (more ...)

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Friede Springer establishes 3. Foundation! On the board: Merkel Husband

Thursday, 03 February, 2011.
Merkel-Ehemann im Kuratorium der neuen Springer-Stiftung;Quelle wikimedia commons

Merkel Husband the board of trustees of the new Springer Foundation (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Foundations have two main purposes: 1. They are a tax shelter. 2. You buy influence with their help.

Of which there are in the house Springer obviously not enough because Friede Springer founded in addition to the existing, the heart and the Axel Springer Foundation, yet another - the peace Springer Foundation.

(WORLD from 29.1.2011): "Berlin (dpa) - publisher Friede Springer has set up a foundation to promote science, art, culture and education. The initial capital of Friede Springer Foundation amounts to 80 million euros, as the organization announced on Monday. The money came from the personal assets of the widow of Axel Springer. Chairman of the Foundation, headquartered in Berlin is Friede Springer itself. In trustees sit next to her and the former German President Horst Köhler and the current Federal Commissioner for Stasi files, Marianne Birthler. The new foundation is independent of Friede Springer Heart Foundation and the Axel Springer Foundation. "

"Welt am Sonntag: How is the new foundation be structured? And who decides?

Friede Springer: There is a board of trustees, which consists of six personalities: Marianne Birthler, the physicians Manfred Gahr from Dresden, the former Federal President Horst Köhler, Christoph Markschies, Joachim Sauer (hervorg FB.) And Eric Schweitzer by the Executive Board of the ALBA Group. As you can see a wide range, a really high professional trustees. It will advise the requests. The final decision-making power but I reserve the right, the Board of Trustees in an advisory capacity. The Foundation will be clearly separated from the publishing, it will not be a corporate foundation. She is alone my personal project and completely independent of the publisher. The capital of the Foundation comes solely from my assets.

Welt am Sonntag: How high is the starting capital of your foundation?

Friede Springer: There is 80 million euros. Because foundations may even operate only with the proceeds, probably each year two million euros will be available for the award are available. "

Thus it is clear that Angela Merkel's husband, Professor Joachim Sauer, the board of the Foundation is located. (More ...)

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