Foreword - without words

Introduction - no comment

Dissertation Original
"E pluribus unum", "Out of Many one" - this was the motto, came together under the more than 215 years ago, the American states to the Union. A motto that is programmatically to understand. "E pluribus unum", "Out of Many one" - this was the motto under which together found the American States to the Union 200 years ago, and this motto is programmatically to understand.
The country that has like no other written pluralism on its flags, opened on this single, common base the scope for the development of multiplicity. The country that has like no other written pluralism on its flags, opened on this single, common base the scope for the development of multiplicity.
To unite a nation to exchange the originally granted against a variety autonomous from the central government, however, pluralism meant renunciation; To unite a nation to exchange the original autonomous diversity against a granted by a central government, of course meant pluralism waiver;
the hitherto loose Konföderationsdach largely independent states had to cut back for the sake of the common claim to own the rights of sovereignty and submit.
Note: on page 016 it comes from the same source continued.
the hitherto loose Konföderationsdach largely independent states had to cut back for the sake of the common claim to own the rights of sovereignty and submit.
Adapted from: Dr. Barbara Zehnpfennig, "The large-scale experiment of a Republic", FAZ, 27 November 1997.
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And now you should just - enjoy! A good wine or a cup of tea should provide the necessary framework to goutieren the following piece of art appropriately. The highlighted music and the manner of performance of the speaker have let the "Preface" to a unique little work of art to be! Cheers!

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One Response to "Foreword - without words"

  1. Guest says:

    Just your "Guttenberg dossier" of 2009 gleaned from current cause: Some interesting information, but review your sick considerably in a number of false or even tendentious translations from English:
    1 To "programming" is what the ACG for the purposes of program compilation series of events, a program within the meaning of brainwashing, what you make it, it has nothing to do.
    2 "Reaches out to" means "reaching", not "grabs".
    3 Can "Leader" with "leaders" to translate it already no longer only be described as biased, that's just maliciously! "Young leaders" in German means "management trainees", "makers of tomorrow" or similar. What carries the connotations German spokesman, yes you have presented themselves. How do you then get the idea that it was as a translation of the English "leader" suitable (although these connotations of this word has not at all), is a mystery to me. (Another example: "Leader" in English is also the standard term for a party chairman Would you without batting during compilation Sigmar Gabriel, batting, as the "leader of the Social Democratic Party" titulieren.?)
    4 For the same reason is also "opinion leaders" with "opinion leaders" play at least borderline, especially when it (orthographically incorrect) writes with a hyphen.
    Moreover, the translations are linguistically quite consistently clumsy, but that does not affect the evaluation of course content.

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