Human Development Index (HDI; data from 2007, published on 4 November 2010)
- Libya has an index of 0.755, the highest standard of living of the whole of Africa. According to the criteria of the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2007 there has been more than comparable to European countries such as Poland or Portugal. That's amazing, especially since 85% of Libya is desert (Sahara) and the country is extremely dry.
- Libya has the highest per capita income in Africa.
- Medical care is free. In more complex diagnoses or necessary operations Libyans were sent abroad for decades. Even Bonner clinics example did good business with patients from Libya, where their stay was state funded entirely. Each Libyans was equipped with 5,000 euros for the hospitalization.
- The Libyan social security also includes widows, orphans and old-age pensions.
- School attendance is compulsory; Tuition is free until the age of 15 years.
- In recent years, Libya recorded a high economic growth and attracted migrant workers from neighboring countries.
- Over 70% of gross domestic product (GDP) is generated via the oil. Largest trading partner is the former colonial power Italy.
- After the attacks of September 11. Libya supported the right of the USA to "self-defense" and joined the "fight against terrorism" to.
- 2003 Libya declared the renunciation of weapons of mass destruction. A variety of components for chemical weapons were destroyed.
- Libya signed in 2004 the so-called Additional Protocol to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The International Atomic Energy Agency has since comprehensive control in the country.
The following politicians have partially cleaned until recently until a few days ago when revolutionary leader Gaddafi latches:
Guttenberg: "knocking on doors at Gaddafi. Germany will participate in the Libyan economic miracle ". (FAZ v. 27.4.2009)
"Libya never sought. The old mild become revolutionary leader Gaddafi has announced his late 2003 decision to renounce international terrorism and its weapons of mass destruction programs to trust the Americans to store, made his country to dream of the sleepless nights recession plagued entrepreneurs throughout the world.
After forty years of dictatorship of the Green Book and fourteen years of sanctions Libya, the fourth largest oil supplier in Germany belonged to the most backward n [Note: FALSE]. African countries, but it sits on huge oil and gas reserves and has magnificently before the collapse in oil prices in mind earned.
At eleven percent the Libyan economy is supposed to be last grown and continue to grow so, where else but almost everywhere govern the red. Money is in Libya during the crisis more than enough here and now also the will to use it for the benefit of the country -. Already stabilize alone to the existing power relations tens of billions will the Libyan leadership every year in the maximization of energy to stuck in the renewal of the complete infrastructure, the construction of schools and hospitals and in the industrialization of the country towards the use of solar power, Foreign Direct Investment and related know-how are therefore very welcome -. as long as everything remains under the control of the Gaddafi clan. (...)
The German Wintershall AG about, now reinforced by the partner Gazprom, has there been drilled since 1958 after the high-quality oil and this is not abandoned even during the sanctions. "
Foreign Minister Steinmeier will be examined several times to help with the training of police officers. (SZ, 04/13/2008)
"The Focus reported in the autumn of 2004, the head of the Libyan secret service abroad have asked the former head of the chancellery Steinmeier for help. During his tenure as foreign minister finally 2006, the son of Gaddafi and Libya's ambassador to Berlin had made representations.
SPD parliamentary leader Peter Struck said at the training of Libyan security forces by German police and soldiers had nothing to complain about. It is good, 'that we can cooperate with a state like Libya - in the fight against international terrorism', he said the same sheet. Any State which declare their willingness to fight against international terrorism must, get German support. "
BASF subsidiary Wintershall in Libya actively (Focus v 15.11.2006.):
"The Group has so far invested 1.3 billion euros in the oil production of the country and now produces seven percent of Libyan oil. Additional € 700 million are to follow in the next five years. Zwitserloot speaks of Libya and Tripoli as a "second home" and says: 'The competitive advantage that we have here on the doorstep of Europe, you have to exploit it.' "
"Steinmeier ensnared Gaddafi" (Focus v. 15.11.2006)
"Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Libyan leader Muammar el Gaddafi against the interest insured in working more closely with the oil-rich desert state. Had also been noted in Europe that has changed much in Libya, Steinmeier said on Wednesday at a meeting with Gaddafi in its headquarters 'Bab el Azizia' in Tripoli. (...) Libya is the fourth largest oil supplier in Germany and covers 12 to 14 percent of Germany's oil needs. "
Blair: "Blair, Gaddafi and the BP Oil Deal" (Telegraph v 20.5.2007.)
Blair and Gaddafi called themselves at their meeting in the desert tent affable their first names and Blair described Gaddafi as a "reliable ally". The English Premier, the article says, was accompanied by BP representatives, who could sign a contract to drill 17 new oil wells. The wells were worth 13 billion pounds in Zuklunft.
The article praised 2003 as a turning point in terms of Gaddafi: He had passed his entire inventory of weapons of mass destruction British and American experts and disclosed a camp of illegal chemical weapons. He also took over the responsibility for the crash (1988) of PanAm flight 173 over Lockerbie, the demanded extradition of two Libyans granted and paid to the victims of the attack on the Berlin Dikothek "La Belle" compensation in the billions.
Sarkozy: Here is a video in which Gaddafi's son Saif al Islam told how the French president had officially invited him a month ago; Sarkozy had wanted to sell him warplanes and flatters him ("He was like a pussy-cat"). Now he might bring on like a tiger. He knew the game, it was about oil, gas contracts. Moreover, Libya had Sarkozy's election campaign paid what he wanted to prove based on remittance receipts.
Was that perhaps the reason why the dwarf from Paris, who is facing elections, the first to the bombing of Libya demanded and then also carried out?
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Tags: Blair, Gaddafi, Guttenberg, Libya, Sarkozy, Steinmeier, Struck
Yet another reason?
The reason why such a hurry has with the bombing, is threefold: 1) Libya's water project of the century is about to be completed, and then the Libyans are overtaking us in the living standard 2) Libya is not Egypt and Tunisia dominant together to a factor 3) The oil and planned by BP and the French oil company Total development of a giant oil field right in front of Libya's coast.
It feels good to others, apparently closer oriented to reality, to read articles, as these that fly us for a few days from all media around the ears, and the only one thrust know: Gaddafi is completely evil and must go. Lo and behold, more than 60% of Germans are supposedly the same opinion.
The question of why we should get involved but just in Libya, while a few kilometers further south also and still happen in Cote d'Ivoire far worse massacre, though no one can answer really. It is surely not related to the fact that there is oil in Libya? And Qaddafi can build his water projects by the South Koreans, instead of letting dig the ubiquitous "Halliburton" and consorts?
good presentation, as can even be jealous German :)
Berlusconi forget.
EuroTanic - the Germans could be envious of so much ...
I envy the author (not only today) to their consistent knowledge link.
My Opinion: Do not trust anyone Hungarian French dwarf! In addition, French dwarfs belong to St. Helena, and nowhere else.
Konrad Fischer
Hobby historian
Always nice to see how the world left understanders also support the largest Massenmoerder as long as it is only one's own anti-Americanism useful.
Would you 1941 for Hitler written if they had sat abroad to comment on the bombing of Germany?
From your own armchair, it governs itself simply the easiest as pocket world politicians.
A quick question: I as a consumer of mass media (eg Tagesschau) it turned so far always so is as if a large part of the people against Gaddafi rebels and his troops massacred the insurgents bloody and bombard residential areas with rockets. Then the rebels have asked the international community for assistance.
Quite apart from the reasons listed here - that's so wrong?
a very entscheidener point has been forgotten in the 10 reasons:
Libya has its own State Central Bank!
(One of the last 5 on our planet)
Or how do you think these conveniences for people's otherwise be funded, - with a public debt of 3% (also holds global leadership) ???
The Cameroonian author Jean-Paul Pougala linked in his article
conceived some extremely plausible facts surrounding the under construction
African Monetary Fund, the African Central Bank and the African Investment Bank. Projects that would have the Western financial elite set foreseen prior to the African door. Hence the remarkable creation of the "rebel Central Bank" ...
Links to articles and comments here:
Tsk, tsk. This bloodless Zahlenhuberei. Since the prisoners still missing statistics: In Libya there are fewer inmates than in the Czech Republic. Well, and why? Because many political opponents were killed.
On the social situation:
Just look but please very carefully:
I've guessed it, the "humanists" who support a "rebellion" abroad, are afraid to be asked in light of the social facts in their own country for the causes of the malaise ... A shame!
@ Jürgen Gundlach
You're a clown. The US has by far a higher brain direction quota Libya.
So shut up.
[...] Uranium ammunition bomb. What could be other reasons for a NATO intervention? Friederike's Becklog brings here ever 10 [...]
[...] 10 reasons to bomb Libya: [...]
[...] Its leaders demonized. In the case of Libya this is particularly nasty, it was but when Libya under the regency of not flawless certainly Gaddafi to one of the [...]
Such authors are really rare to find nowadays.
World class ;-)