The correct answer must be 'no' hot course. But that should not prevent the following video, which was set in November 2009, a closer view and then analyze it.
The "Forbes" magazine provides annual lists of the richest celebrities of the globe according to their estimated annual income. Lady Gaga leads the charts of celebrities with a total of about 90 million dollars a year.
The Lady Gaga, singer, songwriter and producer sells its products in some cases 15 million times, their music videos have been viewed 1 billion times on YouTube (which nobody has succeeded), a whole generation of young people growing their self-Iinszenierungen approach, in my circle there are even babies who had their first dance steps to the rhythms of Lady Gaga.
Lada Gaga refers to her fans as "my little monsters", by his own admission has an obsession with monsters and "became a monster" as they - burning with ambition - began to advance their career.
It could be a finger on the end of the Lady ignore, but I decided to stay once exemplified the music video "Lady Gaga Apocalpyse, the Monster Ball Tour", the BTV-producer William Sikora III zusammenbaute with her to analyze. Subject of the video "Apocalypse. The Monster Ball Tour "is the aestheticization of an atomic bomb. The first sequences show Lady Gaga in a black costume, which looks like an X-ray image, which enables the look on her skeleton and announces the topic. Because we see a black bomb of a fire glowing sky falling bearing the word "bomb", so no one is left in doubt as to what is meant. The association must logically "Japan" and his dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
The next scene is pure blasphemy, we see Gaga as a clothes rack (which she is also) in blessing pose with outstretched arms. Here, the Gaga-hat stand is obvious despite the bizarreness of mass production and mass produced, because we see the same character several times almost identical losing itself behind her against the horizon. Only the blessing gestures vary.
The blessing and the blessing is the epitome of goodness and well-wishers, a particularly intense form of love and affection. We know the gesture in our culture for centuries of religious art in numerous altarpieces of the Saviour or saints and angels. Familiar since early Christian times, the image of Christ with a typical gesture of blessing: Most of the right arm is extended, the last two fingers are bent back. The left hand is either too stretched out or carrying the globe, a scepter, the Holy Bible or show the wounds of the crucifixion on the palms, so the stigmata. Showing the wounds in Jesus Christ is part of the Resurrection and Pentecost miracle in the Christian faith.
Epitome of obscenity, it is now that Lady Gaga and her film producer William Sikora III does not shy away to let them bless the dropping of an atomic bomb. Her right hand acts almost like outstretched in a revolver gesture, the left bears the palm no stigma, but on closer inspection a set maltes eye, which obviously is related to her right, through make-up in ancient Egyptian style strongly emphasized eye to the left closed.
Thus Lady Gaga accesses occult symbolism, which was the "all seeing eye" has always been important - we know from the 1-dollar bill as "Eye of Providence" of ancient Egyptian, but also from the Christian symbolism as "the eye of the Father ". In the background you can see the whole birds, obviously startled by the disaster, flee from right to left "through the image."
Next we see a completely unbegewegte Lady Gaga, who, a stylish sunglasses on the nose, the least observed Aster cool. This is strongly reminiscent of the first atomic bomb test in the United States that have been observed and admired by soldiers and observers anderern with sunglasses like safety goggles. Note the similarity of Lady Gaga's sunglasses with goggles on the above picture of an American nuclear test. The disaster and the nuclear flash, it seems, are reflected visible to the observer in Gaga's glasses.
A few seconds later a reptiloides monster behind a reddish skyline. This is evident in his left and the shed skin, reptile-way schlitzigen iris. It moves mechanically, spewing all one searing fire and drives a huge surge of nearly vaporized particles before it. The stretch of road where that happens, could be in New York, a sign on the left in the picture seems to belong to a fish restaurant - are the angular-looking Japanese characters maybe? The "nuclear monster" Lady Gaga is back in there completely uninvolved and melted by the heat from the back. First, their hair ends frizz, then you will quickly and melted within seconds the meat from the body - a realistic scenario for a nuclear attack ... What remains RECOURSE a skeleton wearing a mark on the forehead, which somehow reminds of the shape of a goat, whose image Gaga often used in their music videos. He has the outline of a Baphomet head (Baphomet = a favorite among Satanists demon).
The skeleton now has only a heart that still beats in the rib cage. The music accompanied this with a heartbeat-like beat that runs basically through the whole video. The monster takes the skeleton with a claw on, shake it a few times, your heart jumps out and flies directly into the maw of the monster. This is a clear indication of the well-known mythology monsters that tore out their victims heart and devoured it or even cannibalistic practices. A fascination with a bloody heart is in another music video by Lady Gaga expresses, in which she eats a bloody heart while the blood running down her mouth.
The next scene shows the singer in black with a Godfather-death-like scarf, long black leather gloves another, circular glasses frame reserved. In the two circular glasses are fire and brilliant light reflected - that it is a nuclear disaster will suddenly clear the fact that the sequence ends with the international symbol for radioactivity, which again found in both lenses.
The next scene is released by a fireball through the view of a glowing fire, the disaster obviously verhehrte skyline in the background you can see the sea. Stripes, reminiscent of white phosphorus or the fall-out after the attacks on New York's twin towers, draw in the background across the sky. Certainly, the video is also by the events of 11 September affected - but those events have officially nothing to do with a nuclear disaster.
Lady Gaga stays true to its nuclear theme in the next scene: it now shows a frame-like structure, which superficially IS like a hoola hoop skirt exempts itself homegrown, is on closer inspection, however, clearly inspired by another icon: the nuclear energy: Next we see two menacing black columns of smoke and the symbol of the Eiffel Tower, probably an indication that the power verhehrende spared nothing, not even an ancient cultural city. In keeping with the Paris theme emerges from the bottom left Gaga in a chic and stylish Kostümchen Hutgesteck on, unconcerned, elegant, all in black of course. In the background staggers the Eiffel Tower, is threatening to the viewer, cut - Lady Gaga in black lacquer outfit again with blasphemous gesture of blessing, which is now clearly mutated to the turret-or-shooting gesture: the two hands are typical outstretched, fingers crossed rise like black spines or horns upward, like the shoulder pads of her costume, which also evoke associations with thorns of lizard-like scales armor or just devil horns, fits completely emotionally empty to that disinterested expression of the entertainer, her face back behind a thick, dark sunglasses hides. Meanwhile, the Eiffel Tower explodes behind her into thousands of pieces.
The final sequence comes back to the issue of radioactivity: The average change between the lady in the same "X-ray costume" as at the beginning and Gaga in the atom symbol - a powerful image of an atomized society of egomaniacs isolated and incapable of any empathic emotion are even in the face of unfathomable disaster that is unfolding before the eyes of Lady Gaga, are merely an atom, a nucleus, some electrons circling what - that's it. Gaga returns consistently to the disaster at the end of the back.
Uncredited both nuclear symbols are combined with each other: that of the atom and that well-known, with the three yellow beams. These are now converted headlights, start radiating out from the center of the singer and rotate them. In the last scene Lady Gaga stands with her atomic hoop skirt in ruins, reminiscent of Ground Zero, but also because of the bridge (left) goes over a river, to Paris or many other European cities.
It is interesting in the context "Japan" but also the similarity of the monster in the video of the lady with Godzilla - Japanese Urmonster from the movie of the same in 1954. This quasi verabeitet the two American atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hisroshima of 1945: The Japanese movie monster was described as forming by U.S. nuclear testing in the Pacific off Japan. Godzilla breathes atomic fire - much like in the video Lady Gaga discussed here. Godzilla, there are 28 films and quasi-sequels. Here are a few scenes from the Japanese movie from 1954, which shows you where Lady Gaga draws its inspiration:
After consuming a few other videos I realized that Lady Gaga commits systematic, targeted taboos in religion and in doing so, serves Mythical, mystical, occult, satanic, pornographic and perverts.
Gaga and her producer aestheticise, to name only some examples, violence against others, violence against oneself (suicide), torture (eg, electric shocks), cannibalism (the eating of raw meat, such as a heart) , violence with sexual connotation (eg rape or bondage), lesbian, heterosexual pedophiles and sex, which is mechanically and typically torn from any emotional connection, to name just a few ingredients that stand out even at a superficial analysis of their music videos.
Lady Gaga turns consistently to yourself is facade and packaging that changes constantly, Egomanin and changing clothes rack for cases that can not hide, because behind the masquerades nothing is hidden, the robot-like, barely modulated voice lets fears arise that artist was eventually signed and paid for it with their soul a contract. Shapes, gestures, formulas and symbols are about content.
Lady Gaga is a tragic figure, which drives the mindlessness of modernity exemplified to perfection, it stands for nothing and no one but himself, and therefore symbolizes the perfect isolation of modern man who frees himself more and more from all the bonds, and thus, isolated and insular, in endless Selbstbespiegelungen finally bored to death, despite tons of props and ultra strong stimuli "When you are alone - I am alone, too.".
Should Lady Gaga leave us indifferent, it should not matter with which corrupt, perverse food to be fed millions of adolescents?
Probably get the majority of fans of "Monster Mother" (self-designation Lady Gaga) not with what this actually "going": The music of this strip is lulling in infinite loops the same old simple note sequences are repeated, a church bell rings evenly with the aforementioned Heart Beat: All signs that consumers with these tricks want to komatisiert to them the heartless poison Lady Gaga, her producers and probably inspiring backers can be better instilled.
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First Lady Gaga wants with their videos reach the opposite of what is assumed their. Shake and the repulsiveness of the nuclear holocaust show. Second, it is called "Mother Monster". Third, they have no idea about the inner life of the woman, which they ablästern so envious, and truly understood none of their messages. And "if you have no idea, just a minute ..." - exactly. Hint: people with full beautiful voices are never ugly inside. (By the way: As their sounds?)
@ Eostre
I am now just assume that you're still relatively young, because otherwise I can not explain the comment.
As you can see, making the television of young people again. Without wanting to offend you, but what you wrote there is indicative of how successful has the media brainwash young people. As I said, I run it back to the naive age and do not want to offend you. Young people want to stop and enjoy the fun short period of youth. Was no different with me. With increasing age, however, one begins to question certain things. It can be seen over time, what game some Strippenzieher play with us. And not even related to MTV and VIVA music videos. They are harmless. There is still run entirely different, far more perverse games, for example, gender Mainstraming.
Lady Gaga, Spears, Aguilera and Co. are a kind of mouthpiece for the elite. Such satanic videos that are full of Illuminati symbolism and sexist allusions only to give the unsuspecting youth from the direction in which this is to be done.
Tells you what MK Ultra? The pop "stars," and the "Lady Gaga" are anything to envy, because they are exclusively produced for the self-sacrifice certain circles. The best example is probably Britney Spears. Just look at what happened to this poor woman:
Very interesting this page:
Have you ever wondered why a Lady Gaga or other "stars" always me nothing so you are not quasi-famous overnight although nobody knew before? Because the apparent "stars" not discovered, but are produced.
If a girl or boy out there have the programmed dream to become a "star", "big get out" in this world spotlight, forget it. This is nothing, even if someone has talent. No one comes to the world of appearances stand out, without being in the covenant. Nobody.
Load, non least: your guess, the blogger would be envious of the "Lady Gaga", is childish and naive. Yes, almost even sweet :-)