Lady Gaga: "Government Hooker." (With German translation) - (Part II)

Here is the text of a new song by Lady Gaga is to be examined with an interesting title in his main passages:

Lady GaGa - Government Hooker

I can be good, if you just wanna be bad
I can be cool, if you just wanna be mad
I can be anything
I'll be your everything
Just touch me baby, I do not wanna be sad

I can be good if you just want to be angry easy. I can be cool, if you want to be just plain crazy, I can be anything. I'll be your everything, I just berühr only baby I do not wanna be sad.

We are talking about a function: just a touch causes (such as a button) everything: every role, whether good or evil.

Government Hooker

Whore, hooker, government hooker.

I could be girl, Unless You want to be one.
I could be sex, Unless you want to hold hands.
I could be anything, I could be everything.
I could be mom, Unless You want to be dad.

I could be girl, unless you want to be a man. I could be sex, unless you want to hold hands. I could be anything, be anything. I could be mom, unless you want to be dad.

This verse speaks of arbitrariness, of exchangeability - even gender and identification with the male or female role: Anything is possible for the "Government Hooker" on command.

Put your hands on me
John F. Kennedy
I'll make you squeal baby
As long as you pay me

Put your hands' make me John F. Kennedy, I will that thou quiet screeches, baby, as long as you pay me.

Government Hooker

Government Hooker

Here the relationship is obviously trying to Marilyn Monroe had with the U.S. president. The Song of paid love sung - an insult to Marilyn, which is what we know after all about her relationship with Kennedy, was actually in love with him and did not pay (even if their encounter with Kennedy may well have been arranged).

Love, Love
The placenta you were born
And now you strove
The sex is good, invite your mates

Love, love, the placenta, in which you were born, and now You struggle from you. The sex is good, a lad your pals.

However, it also give ambivalence about the role sung the "government hooker":

I'm gonna drink my tears tonight
I'm gonna drink my tears and cry
'Cause I know you love me baby

I drink tonight my tears, I drink my tears and cry, because I know you love me baby.

Government Hooker, hooker
She wrote her heart prayer
Pull the trigger off ...

Government hooker ... She wrote her heart prayer. Pull the trigger (shooting).

The multi-billionaire-Lady Gaga has as a target group primarily minors who delight in appropriate forums for them and take them as a model and "Mother Monster" against any criticism. Impressionable, impressionable children get an unimaginable disorderliness presented, even male and female, mother and father, dissolve, are roles that you take on, ostensibly as self-evident as to be "Government Whore".

Maybe you should take some serious Lady Gaga: Her productions actually tear one each line they represent. This means that Lady Gaga is actually in complete agreement with what is mainstream. In schools arbitrariness is discussed for some time in Europe and the USA in extenso on the alleged "electability" of sex, feigned and interchangeability suggests. Gaga scandalized by the sex preference, and always in his pronographischen but also homosexual variant (and all shadings within their favorite genres). She stages herself as "bisexual":
When asked by an interviewer (Barbara Walters) from the US-ABC if she was bisexual, have you ever had sexual relations with a woman, Lady Gaga haws around a bit first, then says, but she was always veliebt only in men, but would have fantasized about women, when she was with her boyfriend; then she admits sexual relations with women. To be without love ... Sex possible is it that everyone knows (adults), which effects could, however, have such statements and presentations on millions of impressionable children, is another matter.

Towards the end of the interview, says Lady Gaga, that they aspire to be a teacher for her young fans and it was always gone its all about love and art. The lady knows chameleons, unquestionably perfect take each role and to calculate their effect precisely.

The following video shows why we should take seriously the Lady in her role as "Government Hooker": your appearance for the rights of homosexual SoldatENund INSIDE is a dream for any government! The scene speaks for itself and really does not need to be commented on. Long gone seem the days when many artists Couleur made it their duty to contribute their music to protest the U.S. government and its war and Vietnam and shout "Bring 'em home"!

Lady Gaga roars contrast with it cracking voice: Let the gays and lesbians fighting on the weapons for America! She wants all politicians who do not believe that homosexuals "dedicated soldiers of the United States and excellent fighters are" send home ("Go home!") - Not the American soldiers from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and bring Libya back home, the homosexual under them not ... Instead, should be "sent home bias" only.

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6 Responses to "Lady Gaga" Government Hooker. "(With German translation) - (Part II)"

  1. Eostre says:

    But one has zeroed in on the Stefani. You absolutely want to prove that this apparent sleep sheep is a bad NWO agent. Never heard of role-playing games? When I would fall in love with it (do not worry), I would be in her eyes then as a "dream come true for any government"? Or I could have just proven taste and the fixation on emotional appeal? If I then wanted to be faithful, I would effectively homosexual - have been so brainwashed by the NWO or come to the abnormal world. A bit of erotic fun with women on the other hand is also evil. It must always be the "love". Here you go:

    "I could be girl, unless you want to be a man. I could be sex, unless you want to hold hands. I could be anything, be anything. I could be mom, unless you want to be dad.
    This verse speaks of arbitrariness, of exchangeability - even gender and identification with the male or female role. Everything is possible for the "Government Hooker" on command "

    Where? You will always be female. She's girl (child), unless he wants to be adult (man). Otherwise wär's also grenzpädophil not? She is sex, unless he wants to keep -only romantic-knack; it could be anything-what he möchte-, they can be the Caring (Mom), unless he would rather his dad. A varied relationship ... So something is done out of love. The other to fulfill the wishes, make him happy. Because a) it is felt that he deserved it, and b) to ensure that the relationship attractive and interesting for him - for this to be maintained.

    Because they do not understand times normal sexual and romantic allusions, they are much easy to the monastery. Since woman understands and respects their reactionary prudery. But merely not be gay! :-)

    PS: Interesting vote! Thank für's answers.

  2. Friederike Beck says:

    Are you a child? She was probably not, so do not even belong to the target group of Multimlilliardärslady. Your fundamental misunderstanding here: It's all about trade sex for money slips the "Hooker" in each role, all right? With "love" has absolutely nothing to do. That there is Rollenspielchen, the Kamasutra, etc. - who cares at this point ?, we are adults and can make in our bedroom, what we want, as long as there is mutual consent. Extremely criticism is against commercial sex, perversions, etc. represent an underage audience of millions over as desirable and standard. I will continue to criticize. I have never heard of any teacher in a school, the z. B. would in English class analysis times, these things with the students. The adult world largely ignores what the young people, the reinziehen so. But my main point was quite different: the tragedy that lies in that Gaga with her immense popularity and their financial resources are not striving to bring the U.S. soldiers finally home, no, homosexuals are also in the war and may likewise face "for America", like all the others. What a shame!

  3. Magnus Goeller says:

    @ Eostre & Friederike Beck

    I agree Friederike basically, let the one with the NWO-agent first aside.

    What bothers me is generally the glorification and even (sometimes even more than that!) Equality of homopolymers with heterosexuality: the former is barren, the latter is based on our lives.

    The school teacher, you, dear Friederike, here ansprichst who treated the times in school, would get nowadays very easily disciplinary proceedings to the neck.

    And even if he were speaking from what I have just said, this bare fact after the colon only, so would be for him might very quickly the whole gender and idiots hell.

    On the other hand: I'm just like you think that the U.S. wars are ended and Lady Gaga because - to put it elegantly - does not work just helpful.

    But if they are out, so I do not mind if gays and lesbians want to blow themselves up in any sandy countries into the air.

    Stupidity, delusion, perversion, criminality are no hetero-privilege.


  4. Andrew says:

    Yeah terrible times break upon us because the evil, rich and powerful Lady Gaga, the antanzt with a phone on the skull against Beyoncé and in a meat costume award goes too much influence on our youth has.
    We forget "fuck your mother" rapper Bushido but once, and we suppress the purple Pills acquiring Eminem wants to kill every song his mother ...
    But did you offset times in the position of what this woman has done? Personally, I am to be gay from the variety "infested" and I am grateful. Sure she is eccentric, is not she the first. Clearly plays a degree of commercialism in the matter, is not they the first.
    But she is the first to have succeeded to defend our rights and it does so whether you want it or not, most recently for the government.
    I understand this text rather than a very sarcastic but think he's pretty harmless as far as the development of a child's psyche, because all other influences have will prevail ... And also what Lena taken by a stranger interpret, itself leaves a lot.
    I too am against war, clear ... So it's not everything thought through what she is doing but also here it is instead for equality. I've finally not chosen me ... I was born this way!

  5. Andrew says:

    * But she is the first person who managed to defend our rights

    must correct that is to say, it is the first of the modern age, which has managed by their popularity to really effectively represent the rights for homosexuals!

  6. D. says:

    I think it is not lady gaga, the impact on any child has, they can do it and do whatever they want, since the parents should probably take care of their children. "Freedom of speech"

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