The state of the euro: picture without words

Titelseite Bonner Generalanzeiger 13.7.2011

Title page Bonner General-Anzeiger 13.7.2011

Today: The title page of the Bonner General-Anzeiger. Final in the Euro zone. Comment superfluous.

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One Response to "The state of the euro: image without words"

  1. Stefan Wehmeier says:

    "I think civilization is a good idea. Just to start, try them finally someone. "

    Arthur C. Clarke

    Who play from a madhouse, in the naive savers "big investor", "leaders" something "regulate" want what can not be controlled, as long as it is not regulated by the liberated from capitalism play of market forces themselves, and believe "Spiritual" , the market economy was a "orchard" and the economy is anything but the devil wants to make a civilization, must first "love God" explain and explain away with it, so that the spiritually dead to understand anything at all to: traffic-in-paradies.html

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