Beneficiaries of the Norwegian attacks and responses from the "2083 Manifesto ..."

No sooner are the dead of the Norwegian attacks is buried, the first politicians to make already claims and seek capital from the terrible event to beat: Above all, Hans-Peter Uhl (CSU) and the German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, which the prohibited by the Federal Constitutional Court reintroduction of suspicion-less data storage demand.

"Prior to the monitoring of Internet traffic and telephone calls must be possible. Only when investigators can trace the communication in the planning of attacks, they can thwart such acts and protect people, "said Uhl (CSU) yesterday the" Passau Neue Presse ".

Hans-Peter Uhl, since 2005 Chairman of the working group "internal politics" of the CDU / CSU in the Bundestag. Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich had last year issued immediately after taking office for the re-introduction of data retention.

Uhl: "Actions like those in Norway 'may be committed by radicalized individuals, planned to be on the Internet.' Why would the security authorities 'more than ever to go on the net on patrol.' You would have when they discover criminal and extremist content, they can assign a specific author. 'To this end they are only with the retention in the position.' "(GA Bonn, 26.7.2011)

The entering an Uhl is wrong and shows that he has not dealt with the current, sad case. The attacks were not "planned on the internet." Facebook entry and manifest of the alleged individual offender were asked only a few days or hours before the deed into the net. The part of the "2083 Manifesto", which deals with bombs and procurement of explosives would have been sufficient to initiate inquiries under the existing legislation. This requires no retention, but concrete steps by the authorities entitled thereto.

Occasion justice - - entering an appropriate one from the manifesto "in the following nonsensical requirement to 2083 - A European Declaration of Independence "by the Norwegian assassin are compared in order to bring the absurdity of the situation to the point. This of course is done in the knowledge that the authenticity and authorship is not proved this compilation of texts in the least. The manifesto is rather a hodgepodge of all sorts of political texts, eg. T. and European history, some quite worthy of discussion content. (An interesting side aspect is also that EU-criticism, criticism of the CO2 theory and criticism of immigration and problems with Muslim immigrants by this "manifesto" is now on a plane can be found with bomb-making and explosives procurement).

The authors of individual texts are indicated in each case, so have to do with the assassin only insofar as he allegedly picked the texts. Only a small part in the back of the manifesto seems superficially a work of the alleged author Breivik to be this part are then, as if to prove authorship nor attached some photos of Anders Behring Breivik.

After the immigration-critical, critical of the EU and climate-critical (CO2 theory!) Texts, the 1,500-page Textmonstrum changes completely abruptly in a guide to bomb-making and explosives procurement and are in the "I-form" concrete advice on how to have to take drugs for a fight as the "Knights of Justice" stepwise with steroids and other chemical substances. Towards the end there is still an interview with Breivik, in which he answered questions about his person, his family and his political background and told us such. B. about his Muslim friends. (His best friend is allegedly Pakistani). More questions than answers so.

About the efficiency of retention, the manifesto expressed as:

Under 3:18 we find the following text: "warfare with 'Open Source' - secret cell system - the most effective way of warfare in Phase 1 A clandestine cell structure is the way to organize a group so, so they actually immune to discovery, penetration and decapitation is. As such it is a critical strategic element of our operations. It is managed in any way by a fixed, fragile hierarchy, but works as an extremely divided movement, a resilient network that consists of small autonomous groups or cells. Each group is led by a cell commander who often solo works and all decisions that are based on fixed, fundamental principles.

Why we avoid the use of electronic communications (including mobile phones, e-mail and Internet chat), because electronic intelligence, signals intelligence, ELINT, SIGINT, a conventional military strength and counterintelligence organizations.

Only martyrs cells are completely unknown to our enemies and have only a minimal chance to be uncovered. The relatively indestructible and impenetrable character of the cell system allows the individual to remain hidden until he is ready to 'activate' themselves. Even then he will escape the surveillance, which is often reserved for young men of Arab origin. Optimally, it should be for good reasons have no affiliation with 'extremist networks' or to any extreme right movements. Thus, the national intelligence agencies will not be able to get the individual on their 'radar screen' / Monitoring. "

As one might ask the gentlemen but security experts: What now so the retention without suspicion? So please change argument!

The "ceterum censeo" the hour, read again: We must not impressed us from terror. Complete Enlightenment now! Instead wishy-washy journalism and unconstitutional pseudo-safety laws!

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3 Responses to "beneficiaries of the Norwegian attacks and responses from the" 2083 Manifesto ... ""

  1. Matt says:

    If they demand total control but you need to think of something, because the normal re-education through entertainment is no longer funktionieren.Sie be so also in the West must take off their mask and the police state ausrufen.Die Muslims know very well who they all the owe, and I must say that I very well think that the Muslim can not be transformed so eifach as we Wessi.Wir throw for a bowl of pottage, Hollywood and a little bread and circuses our inheritance of our culture in the Tonne.Diese indifference and satisfaction bordering SelbsthassDie Christians are too cowardly to call a spade a spade and make instead still common cause with ihnen.Wenn their jets soon release also on European soil again bombs or unmanned drone flying over our heads, we will know how it feels what for some time in Palestine, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and Yemen on the agenda ist.Nur here we still have the front to demonize the Muslim pöhsen.

  2. Berwick Manifesto 2083 - News, interpretations, and your part-Translator "document X says:

    [...] Beneficiary of the Norwegian attacks and responses from the "2083 Manifesto ..." [...]

  3. Tester says:

    Shall it but keep trying, and the blind. All empires of the past have failed in the same way, because they do not understand the law of nature - there is NOTHING in this universe that can exist in an eternal stasis. And there is nothing that the innate desire for freedom and (real) Selbsverwirklichung could abolish.

    Drop the masks, the Killer and Vulture goats their true colors more and more open, the more run all their plans into nothing and do not know why. The caricature is becoming increasingly apparent, this is the true meaning of the so often cited Apocalypse, which literally means "lift the veil (of illusion)".

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