Financial dictatorship demanded: EU before takeover

Already in my post "ESM or the imminent gutting the rights of the Bundestag" it came to the subject of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). The budget law - a centerpiece of parliamentarism - is the national parliaments have lost in principle and on the ESM management authority, ie the new Super Treasury in Brussels, will be given if a relevant public does not awakened from her coma.

The ESM authority to bypass the national parliaments at the discretion of the deposited funds and guarantees serve, especially those who were asked by Germany. A rise of the new EU super authority, a giant step towards the EU financial dictatorship?

The Euro crisis is so dangerous, not because of the survival of the euro could be at risk, but because it is used by certain politicians to lay the ax to the root of democracy and self-determination of peoples.

At the danger of the current situation reminds today's headline "Schäuble: Euro-sinners escape sovereign rights" (GA Bonn, 28.7.2011). That sums it up. The Euro-aids have its price ... "The integration must proceed, and a state with problems, will be helped, must give in return a portion of its sovereignty to the EU," Schäuble said.

Schäuble speaks something of economic reform and debt reduction in Greece. Illusion for the public! It is and was always to use the crisis for so Brussels, tearing a "sovereign right", namely the budget law itself. Remain stunted States under guardianship of the ESM authority. Schäuble speaks in the plural. He wants to evade What other sovereign rights?

In December last year, Wolfgang Schäuble had made it clear in a "trial balloon" to the British "Financial Times", what it it goes: On the question of whether the German Parliament could give its budgetary sovereignty to the European Community, he said, but admit it, although no consent. "Would you but give us a few months to work on it, and there would be the hope that other member countries agree to it as well, I see an opportunity." (Financial Times, 12/08/2010).

Wolfgang Schäuble is one of the most dangerous, yes skrupelosesten politicians in Europe for me.

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2 Responses to "EU before seizure of power: financial dictatorship demanded"

  1. monty says:

    Unfortunately, most people in Germany do not realize that the New World Order (NWO) is a big step just before its completion. Explosive and threatening messages, as described above, the dumb people will simply not true - it is deflected to satisfy; by the football, the personal telenovela, the formula I c .. Poor Germany - poor Europe.

  2. Euro crisis | Memories Forum says:

    [...] A conservative conspiracy? After Italy, Spain and now slipping into crisis. Under intense pressure from the markets of the socialist Prime Minister Zapatero throws in the towel and announced new elections on 20 November - the anniversary of the death of Franco. The conservative opposition is looking forward to the almost certain victory - while they refused Zapatero's austerity measures and acts as if she was going the debt and growth crisis for nothing. Irgenddwie reminded of the USA .. conspiracy billion for Spain's banking Costly rescue measures for financial sector. Substantial further stabilization is questionable. While Spain's population is shocked with ever new "austerity" Madrid both support the ailing financial sector with billions of euros. The banks on the Iberian Peninsula funded for years the dynamics speculation in the property sector with generously granted mortgages that allowed for a particularly large building boom. . before seizure of power: financial dictatorship called for in my post "ESM or the imminent gutting the rights of the Bundestag" it came to the topic the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). The budget law - a centerpiece of parliamentarism - is the national parliaments have lost in principle and on the ESM management authority, ie the new Super Treasury in Brussels, will be given if a relevant public does not awakened from her coma. The ESM authority to bypass the national parliaments at the discretion of the deposited funds and guarantees serve, especially those who were asked by Germany. A rise of the new EU super authority, a giant step toward EU-Finanzdiktatur? [...]

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