For years, tens of thousands of people die in our country of so-called. Hospital infections. Approximately 40,000 deaths are there per year. However, this is the media not worth mentioning - it can not send a new virus or bacterium names are connected and is almost completely hushed.
The "world": "Hospital infections not only cause a lot of suffering, but are also a major cost factor." (Klaus-Dieter Zastrow of the German Society for Hospital Hygiene ). You could say it too.
A special "germ problem" associated with hospital infections is the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. With a high percentage of people the bacteria on the skin is already detectable and causes no discomfort. . The case of a protracted wound healing in purulent processes or eg Mittelohrvereiterung but then would sometimes antibiotics are used to keep the symptoms at bay, however - the "critters" S. aureus is immune to the antibiotics commonly used. In addition, there is a seed in different variants. A whole group of S. aureus is offset by a whole group of antibiotics active against which the Bakterchen has become resistant.
Antibiotic-resistant S. aurei belong to the hospital germs, but there are still other representatives, z. B. Clostridium difficile (lives in the human gut flora and may also be antibiotikarestistent) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
I remember a small insect bite in the lower calf with a friend. The inflammation hourly step forward, the swelling came up to the bar before and the center of the stitch had to be cut deeply, accompanied by several days of chemotherapy, until finally a decrease in inflammation was achieved. The diagnosis was later "Staphylococcus aureus".
Now the EHEC "epidemic" was declared officially over. Was it ever a "epidemic"? The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) had announced, 50 people were the "aggressive bacterium" fallen victim.
Sadly, of course - but you should, given the approximately 20,000 flu deaths and 40,000 hospital deaths per year seed-not much rather speak of "epidemic"?
The media played uncontrollably high, assisted by the Robert Koch Institute, the national disease authority. Nevertheless, the frightened public could not be explained in a single EHEC death, which situation applies with regard to any pre-existing conditions and Medikmenteneinnahme among those affected. And how that is necessary for the digestion intestinal bacterium of the family of Escherichia Coli came about at all in the kidneys, where they allegedly triggered "renal failure"? Enigmatic.
Lying on the roadside of the media hypes were in any case the victims: Spanish vegetable farmers, German sprout growers and the trade, the tons of destroyed best vegetables.
The Heckmeck to EHEC was obviously more attractive than making tens of thousands of deaths annually due to antibiotic resistance thoughts. This is where it gets complicated: You'd have to talk about sense and nonsense of the often too hasty treatment with antibiotics and their routine use excessive eg in animal fattening..
But that would be too complicated. Even for highly paid specialists, although the world talking with their dubious chasing a bacterium, but brought forward one iota.
PS: For those interested in detailed explanations of the fundamental critic and microbiologist Dr. Stefan Lanka on the topic of EHEC, here is a link .
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Tags: antibiotic resistant , EHEC , hospital germs , RKI , Staphylococcus aureus