Archives for the month of September 2011

Libya: lawsuit against Sarkozy for "crimes against humanity" on the way

Monday, September 26, 2011

Away from the German media interest prepare three of the most respected lawyers in France, a complaint for crimes against humanity before the French criminal courts. They will represent the interests of the victims of the ongoing months since NATO bombing in Libya. Defendant: Nicolas Sarkozy.

The lawyers are none other than former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas and extremely eloquent Marcel Ceccaldi and the infamous Michel Vergès.

Dumas is also ready to defend Muammar Gaddafi before the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which has issued an international arrest warrant against the dictator. He said : "If they find him, they will kill him as Bin Laden. Some states now take the right out to kill - against every international law. " (more ...)

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Resignation from the "Western community of values" - Or: Does your shit alone!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Europeans are - so we transatlantic spirits explain again and again - with the United States in the so-called "Western community of values"..

These values ​​- they would not have to be explained - they are simply known and used against each other. Credo of transatlanticist. La-la-li-la.

This was pretty much always been the pride of a statement, the alleged value community ekes namely "law"-is a completely zombie-like existence. The values ​​mummy is regularly oiled and summoned. Inside it is hollow and probably not totally imploded only for libel, auftreibender putrefaction gases.

Revenge and retaliation replace on the big puddle clearly far general rule of law and international law: (more ...)

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Incandescent dictation: Prof. Schacht Schneider sees need for resistance

Tuesday 06 September 2011

In time for the prohibition of the 60-watt incandescent light bulbs by the EU bureaucracy proclaimed the giant Osram bulbs up to 25% price increase in energy saving lamps, Philips wants to October 1, to follow suit.

Thus, an exemplary EU action to promote certain industries is completed at the expense of the purse of EU citizens that will surely make school.

The gradual prohibition of environmentally friendly and sunlight due to their similar light spectrum eye health-promoting standard bulb accompanied by an EU-induced promotion program for the lighting industry giants.

About the eco-friendliness of the traditional light bulb and the harmfulness of energy saving lamps in many ways was at this point already reported several times (eg. B. here and here ).

The well-known constitutional law and EU-critic Karl Albrecht Schneider shaft is also of the opinion that a precedent set here - and encourages protest. He said in a letter to the author: (more ...)

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