Rheinische country church gambled 20 million

This day nothing can astonish. You want to cry hypocrite and arrogant, the anrichtetet her because of damage, let there on your harmful actions! (This must be just refreshed again): Turn back to Him who said:

Thou shalt not interest him take [your brother] and shalt fear thy God, that thy brother lives next to you. Your money thou shalt not give him against interest, and thy victuals for increase thou shalt not. (Leviticus 25.36 to 37)

Jesus says: Continue to love your enemies and do good and lend without interest, without zurückzuerhoffen something. (Luke 6:35).

And now it's happened:

A 100 -% - owned subsidiary of the Protestant Rhenish country church, the "aid and compensation-center" (bbz) in Bad Durkheim "wanted to achieve with daring, externally zoom supported, dubious investment models higher interest rates than are currently common in the market is t "(GA Bonn, 30.11.2011). This was a problem thoroughly.

The bbz, the approximately 120,000 state aid cases and 25,000 personnel cases are billed every year, was facing bankruptcy. The national church had stuff from their reserves, the financial hole with 20 million euros. When you consider how many modernized kindergartens ...

Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5.3-12.)

And even that is in the Bible:
I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son ucnd of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Matthew 28, 19 f.).

The Catholic parish of St. Mary donated a portion of the proceeds of their parish feast for the construction of the mosque in Bonn. The Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council Markus Wagemann said "has long'll cooperates there with verschiedenene Islamic Einnrichtungen." (GA BN v. 12 / 13.11.2012 "Catholics support new mosque").

Conclusion: Both churches are obvious, sustainable emancipate on the way from the "good book"!

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