Germany is the ultimate victim of EMU

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, "Telegraph", London, I read on 2.12.2011 an excellent analysis on the subject of Germany and Monetary Union, subtitle: "The German people were lulled." She's worth it to me to translate them:

Source: Bloomberg

Enough is enough. Please stop, because to defame outside in the blogosphere Germany. The Germans are not involved in a mercantilist conspiracy to subjugate and auszumelken Southern Europe. Perform no "war by other means", and - heaven forbid that - not trying to build a Fourth Reich.

The German people joined the monetary union from honorable motives, the Germans believed that one must so act as good Europeans. It is distressing for them to see these posters in Athens on Syntagma Square showing Chancellor Angela Merkel with a swastika or this sign "work makes free" to read.

They gave the D-Mark reluctantly under French and Italian pressure on, as the price for obtaining reunification. They joined the European Monetary Union with an overvalued exchange rate after the Reunification bubble at; thus they came half a decade in a fast-recession. Slow and hard she fought back the competitiveness by depressed wages and productivity driven upwards.

It is perfectly understandable that they now think Club Med should do the same. (But they are of course completely wrong, because Germany was able to lower relative wages a) during a global boom, b) compared to other countries in the monetary union, had inflation, c) and with key figures of borrowing, even during the bad days were low. None of these factors applies now to Italy or Spain. But this is the man or woman in the Berlin tram hard to explain.)

If the monetary union is now forcing Germany to mercantile supremacy - politically untenable position - so this is not intended. They provide good products here (and for this reason they should have a strong currency that appreciates, so that they can reflect this fact). The euro is the cause of all problems, not Germany's ambitions or motives. Germany is now more hated in Europe than for any other time since the second world war - for no other reason than that it allowed that other people are imprisoned in this ruinous currency experiment.

Chancellor Merkel defended the German Bundestag in emotional behavior today in the way. Your country not trying to dominate anyone, she said. "The policy has destroyed all confidence," she said. "The German and European unity are two sides of the same coin. We will never forget this. "

It has in a way completely right that they continue to euro bonds as under the current structures "unthinkable" excludes and sees them as a violation of the German Constitution; but that is no real answer to the historical challenge they end 2011 faces.

Germany can not turn back the clock. It has now even taken the fateful step of joining the monetary union and because of this terrible error follows a chain of strategic imperatives.

Just as the wise professors warned at the time that monetary union would inevitably lead to a full fiscal union, because an orphan currency would not be able to do without an EU treasury and an EU government to support them; but it would be a fiscal union, which is accountable to no one, because there is no European democracy, nor can it exist.

It would lead to pooling of debt and common budgets. Tragically, it would result in the loss of sovereign power of the parliament to raise and spend taxes. The key function of the Parliament would slip away towards EU mandarins.

It would lead to the emasculation of the exemplary post-war German democracy.

It would lead in the final result for the abolition of Germany as a nation state, even if the flowers on the window sill remained the same. Everything else was illusion and wishful thinking.

That is what the monetary union always meant and still means, though the trick against European citizens from zusammengeschummelten, dishonest contracts existed, which were in turn ratified dishonest.

That is the reason why so many have, for twenty years fought by us on this side of the Channel tooth and nail about the UK prevent them from submitting to this toy unaccountable elites, this project our self-government and our constitutional order so fundamentally threatened.

For this reason, Germany is now where it is. Either it must sacrifice themselves and the Bismarck-state tear in favor of monetary union or preparing to fund an orderly withdrawal from the monetary union (with the Finns, the Dutch and the Austrians) so that the South can breathe again and hope to recover.

Standing for election. Everything else is Larifari, displacement, nebulization, muddle and self-deception. So it is obvious now that the failure to solve the problem in the one way or another, is a danger to the global financial system. It threatens to kick off a global depression. Germany has to decide now.

It is a terrible decision. My sympathies are (literally of "infeudation" So speaks about the author: investiture or use as a fief) for the German people, the never a vote on this trapping and fault were allowed their peaceful country and was terribly disappointed by his own leaders and now can not understand why it is the goal of such angry and toxic global criticism suddenly.

The Germans are also victims of this ruinous project, the biggest victims of all. Their elites have led to a diplomatic and economic Stalingrad.


Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports in 30 years of politics and economy from Europe to the USA and South America, he is since 1991 the British "Telegraph", was Washington correspondent and later Europe correspondent in Brussels. At the time Evans-Pritchard is International Business Editor in London.

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6 Responses to "Germany is the ultimate victim of the European Monetary Union"

  1. EuroTanic says:

    "It is distressing for them to see these posters in Athens on Syntagma Square showing Chancellor Angela Merkel with a swastika or this sign" Arbeit macht free to read ".

    But not because it is painfully feel attacked us, but is painfully because it was. The EEC and the subsequent EU is a project of the financial elites who have served the nation nationalism to establish themselves in a warlike way world domination. The backers are certainly not set national German. Hitler was just her tool. When that failed have the same men, the EEC and the EU established, human, financial, organizational. Hallstein example, a well-known lawyer of SS blood and soil Nazi machine was logical after the war, the first President of the EEC. Next Nazi thugs roamed once again in the German and European justice, business and politics. From the Nazi swamp the Palatinate was funded with Federal funds Nazi. Helmut Kohl. And who made the Stasi Aunt Angela to his girl. Who does not believe googling times by Prof. Rath and IG Farben. There, everything is on video with reference to historical documents (Nuremberg Trials) clearly explained.

  2. Wolfgang Schneider says:

    It is so that we are not a sovereign state. We are a protectorate since 1945, and for every crap you aufnötigt us, the Nazi past must serve as a cheap justification. Each Bantu tribe in Central Africa may (and Austria) to search the state chief himself. Our next Federal Kasper but again named by federal Bonzenkonklave, but not elected by the people. Our national gold reserves (about 3,400 tons) are two-thirds in U.S. hostage, and the Americans have 80,000 soldiers stationed here, incl. Sloppy bearing Atoomwaffen in the Eifel, and any Iran campaign would run on the bases in Old Germany and be coordinated even here, so we unwittingly become a war party. We have just the wrong "friends".

  3. Durchblicker says:

    Excellent report. Shows him Helmut Kohl.

  4. country dweller says:

    de facto rages a financial war between usa and europe continental - and there is stupidly the brd of the economically strongest state. and if you wanted to seriously represent the interests of all eu -europäer, one would have in this undeclared war clear position relate. then, however, could also threaten us fate the Lybia. and if now the greeks the Nazi-merkel vorkramen - greeks are not smarter than German: a tangible enemy is always better than a quasi invisible. and also wall street, or just those who mastered the "divide et impera."

  5. Tester says:

    Mr. Evans-Pritchard is a mouthpiece for the CoL and goes after his task - Euro blacken so dollars and pounds can be saved.

    Will not work, my dear.

    On the subject of the fourth kingdom - the EU is exactly and corresponds to 100% of the time invented in the 40's plans for a "peaceful conquest" means a monetary economy. There were also former Nazis who have launched the EU. Therefore, the Greeks have quite right with the posters. These do not relate to the German people, but to the "upper" as Merkel. This pack is always committed to any State, they only serve the international high finance.

  6. Friederike Beck says:

    What is CoL? The topic "4th Reich "is a popular polemic. The EU's worldview or ideology is probably the exact opposite of the ideologies of the 1940s? If the tendency for large capacity. No, they were not former Nazis who called into existence the EU. Their ideological roots to the 1920s yearS. The EU is made by the U.S. and indeed in every detail. Former Nazis were only henchmen, following the motto: Anyone who has something to hide, can be used all the better ...

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