The Schulze Brussels: Who has the little cross, blesses himself.

What actually gets an MEP? Following is a summary:

  • A MEP receives 7646.99 euros gross per month, as members of the German Bundestag.

Of this amount, go income tax, solidarity surcharge and church tax, health and nursing care contribution from.

  • Continue to receive the MEPs from the European Parliament - as well as the members of the Bundestag, the German Bundestag - a so-called "general allowance". This is currently € 4,202 per month and is tax-free.
  • In addition, the European Parliament MEPs each month 19.364 euros available, so that he can deal with the information necessary for the performance of their duties staff in Brussels, Strasbourg and in his home country. These funds are administered by the European Parliament, so the deputies paid directly.
  • The daily allowance is 298 euro and is an MEP for each day on which he is working in Brussels or Strasbourg. It serves to cover the cost of external life, in particular the accommodation costs, because trips to Brussels and Strasbourg are missions.
  • In addition, the reimbursement of medical and drug bills: 3.2 of doctors and medication bills paid by the Parliament, or the third of the deputies from his net income.
  • Furthermore, MEPs must "do" family members for good 19,000 Euros per month at the expense of taxpayers, without making them work for it. (Transition).

"Because a performance assessment of such contract 'salaried' family members did not take place, the regime deputies was generally as an opportunity to supplement the family income. After finally had drawn attention to the massive abuse of the scheme as financial auditor, announced Parliament Vice President Ingo Friedrich (CSU) [2008] with great PR effort that the pro-forma employment of relatives and friends in the coming legislative session to an end in May will. [...] According to the findings of the WAZ, which should be confirmed to the newspaper by several parliamentarians, this week has lifted the ban on the employment of close relatives in a 'confidential' decision again. Now apply a 'transitional period' until 2014 Above all, the SPD politician Martin Schulz [...] had been working on such a scheme. "
cf. article "exit from the exit" by Peter Mühlbauer, Telepolis v. 25.07.2008.

And it gets even worse for Martin Schulz, the newly elected EU president . In a brochure on EU Election 2009 entitled " What you need to know for the European elections "knew Forum" Members Watch "feature to report Schulz:

"Martin Schulz: An SPD deputy in expenses swamp.
A few weeks ago, the SPD has nominated the EU Abgordneten Martin Schulz to its leading candidate for the European Parliament. With over 90 percent of the vote. And this belongs in the knowledge of the fraud. Schulz shown to give the deputies who have fraudulently daily allowances in the attendance register by fraudulent registrations. To prevent further research, he presented the plenary of the European Parliament's request that journalists should be prevented from to enter the Parliament building.
It is incomprehensible why the grand old SPD, which still sees itself as the Interessenwahrerin the little people, makes such a dubious character to their top candidates. But not enough, the SPD Federal Executive Board, the Martin Schulz belongs want, also make the man to the Commissioner, as the successor of the SPD's Verheugen.

The impotence of citizens
Had the citizens really have a choice, a man like Martin Schulz would no longer be selected with certainty. But these possibilities have not: For the established parties lay all alone decide who comes to their lists and who is at the front, a choice has not the citizens.
Martin Schulz, SPD, so sit back, despite his cheating with absolute certainty after 7 June 2009 at the European Parliament.
The citizens feel their powerlessness, with the result that more and more disgusted by the behavior of the established parties not walk, to choose from. This is their expression of protest.
But he is wrong, and they achieve nothing. Even if only ten percent of the voters would exercise their franchise: On the number of feeding into the MPs would not change anything. Therefore, the parties also do not care if the turnout is always lower.

Parliaments should be filled only in accordance with the turnout. Such reduced parliaments would certainly just as capable of work as the current mammoth parliaments (the European Parliament has currently 785 members). " Unless Abgeordnetenwatch .

Because it seems like a travesty if Martin Schulz in his inaugural speech as President of the EP says, "... here is the place where people's interests are represented. Here sit the representatives of the European people. "

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5 Responses to "The Schulze Brussels: Who has the little cross, blesses himself."

  1. Cornucopia: The Schulze Brussels: Who has the little cross, blesses himself. "The camp of the saints says:

    [...] Found at: Friederike's BECKlog [...]

  2. Det Mueller says:

    The Schulze of Brussels is my personal public enemy No. 1 and for the reasons you've listed. Symbol for the Zweigesichtigkeit and feixende shrewdness. I had a few years ago put together videos and other evidence on my blog, which occupied his fraudulent activities clearly.

    But it seems to take care of anyone, no voters and no SPD innovator. Probably all fear that their own cellar bodies would be discovered she leaned too far out of the window. He who is without sin cast the first stone. ...

  3. The Devil's EU President? on the lohas-blog says:

    [...] As a taxpayer, you should want to know why and how MEPs from 30,000 to 40,000 euros a month 'taking' and some of them still deceitful trick with dubious means more supplementary services at public expense. Be sure to read the post 'The Schulze of Brussels' >>> [here] ... [...]

  4. (Via Instapaper) | Christian Webfundstuecke says:

    [...] The Schulze Brussels: Who has the little cross, blesses himself. "BECKlog General ← (via Instapaper) (via Instapaper) → comment schreiben0 comments. / * / [...]

  5. Marcus says:

    Currently it looks just at the board for Mr. Wulff, as the taxpayers' money is squandered on the politicians. When we talk about cuts, you would have to start with these salaries.

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