"Scientists from the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn (ZFMK) are sounding the alarm. Climate change could lead to the end of all turtle species. "
Under the headline "Death from the turtles?" Shocked again the climate pious Bonner General Anzeiger be too loyal readership (28.2.2012).
Turtles - What you should know - first appeared years ago more than 220 million in Carnian (Upper Triassic). The armored animals thus among the most successful species of our blue planet. There are 313 species and 200 subspecies of the shy, egg-laying reptiles.
220 million years long so the air temperatures has always been and always stable, consistently pleasant and friendly for the propagation tank carrier? Hardly likely.
Since 30 million years, turtles survive the current ice age (at least one of the poles glaciated), called "Känozoiosches Ice Age".
Wikipedia knows: "The Anpassungsfähigkei t of turtles has been able to secure their continued existence to the present time." Adaptability to all Klimafährnisse - which had been expected for a track record of 220 million years! Tortoise stuck humans so loose in the bag. (Read more ...)