Appeared Bismarck's voice

A sensational discovery haunts the Media: 1889've Otto von Bismarck, Germany's 74-year-old Chancellor, sung in Thomas Edison's phonograph, he had even sung several songs.

The Audio Sensation was recently surfaced in the Edison Archive in New Jersey in New York "The Singing Chancellor". "The 74-year-old is not talking about a few unctuous phrases in the apparatus. Instead sings Bismarck, who unified Germany after three wars, an American song in the phonograph ... "(General Anzeiger Bonn, 02.02.2012).

Unfortunately our quality media just can not stick to the truth, not even in such simple things.

Hear it for yourself: Singing or recitative? Bismarck audio track.


Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), Friedrichsruh, October 7, 1889th

[Announcement] Friedrichsruh on the seventh Oktoberachtzehnhundertneunundachtzig. [Bismarck] In good old colony times,
When we lived under the King,
Three roguish chaps fell into mishaps
Because They Could not sing.Als Kaiser Redbeard lobesam
Drawn to the sacred land came
Then he must go with the pious army
Through a desolate mountains and leer.Gaudeamus igitur,
Juvenes dum sumus.
Post jucundam Juventutem,
post molestam senectutem
nos habebit humus.

Allons enfants de la Patrie
Le jour de gloire est arrivé
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'étendard sanglant est levé.

Exaggerating everything in moderation and morality, especially the works, but then the food, and, moreover, especially drinking.
Advice of a father to his son.

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One Response to "Bismarck's voice appeared"

  1. Matze says:

    It is always amazing how exactly pursue our dear reporter of their work. It begins at the small local journalists on the spot, as is true also rarely more than half. Even sad! They do that on purpose or are they too stupid to write a truthful article? Either way, it's bad!

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