Pickings from the Munich Security Conference (3-5.2.2012). (1)

"Munich Security Conference - place the transatlantic partnership" was the motto of the 48th conference of its kind in Munich. A transatlantic tryst, which is conducted since 2008 on behalf of the Federal Government of Atlantik-Brücke member (and former Young Leader) Wolfgang Ischinger.

The content of the conference as the intellectual level of the actors is manageable and can be summarized in a few words as follows:
• 1 point is the claim that the United States focused more in the future in the Asia-Pacific region, therefore, come to Europe, especially to Germany, a greater "responsibility" to. I mean, Germany must show more enthusiasm for war or warlike operations:
Example Libya: Wolfgang Ischinger: "How the Libya mission has shown that Europeans are not ready yet. We will in the future but can no longer trust that the United States stand ready in doubt yet. An improvement of common European capabilities but will only be the first step towards a renewed transatlantic partnership that contributes under the conditions of the 21st century. In addition, the United States is hoping namely on a stronger global role of Europe [...] The objects of the transatlantic partnership are therefore in future on a global scale - and not only Euro-atlantic -. Define "
• Point 2: Syria: Regime Change: Assad, the despot, an attempt on his own people, increasing the pressure on Syria, harsh criticism of the Chinese and Russian veto in the Security Council.
• Point 3: The (offensive) war with Iran (or how he could possibly be perhaps even prevented).

Munich is not peace but a "security conference". Security is a key word in Transatlantia for military operations. The word "war" but "security" is used now completely uninhibited without the condom vocabulary, signs that the German transatlantic staff has long since freed from burdensome requirements of the basic laws, that of German soil must never run out war again and a war of aggression thus is an absolute taboo.

Participation in the bombardment of Libya would have been unconstitutional in Germany - Germany "is not (according to Ischinger) so far" by pull together with other European countries as a month-long bombardment.

The Munich Un-Security Conference punished their highly extended names that fact alone lies because the NATO war in Libya, the country plunged into chaos, a torturous, inhuman transitional government armed to the teeth militia brought to the helm and news about the re-capture of the town of Bani Walid promised by Gadafi supporters no good, possibly a civil war.

The media reporting on the land set simply, the Munich-based "safety" - Conference beschweigt the topic.

Guido Westerwelle tried in Munich quite manifestly resembled the Libya-notch Germany last year's wipe out (= abstention in the UN Security Council) again: He was by far the most embarrassing figure from, blustered about increasing the pressure on the Syrian regime of injustice and insult - like the other Participants also - every citizen of this country, trying to find a differentiated and the truth as possible approximate analysis of the events in the Middle East. Guido is actually even real or just plastic?
(You knew too happy, would like Guido react if, say, suddenly masked gangs of young men in their prime, armed to the teeth and supplied from the bordering Germany States continuously with weapons, would begin to shoot at German citizens dignity., he just "oops" yell or get the Bundeswehr?).

Young Leader Alumnus Westerwelle vied with Young Leader alumnus Thomas de Maizière about to summon Germany's required role in the Euro-Atlantic security community. Significantly defined de Maizière this role with a Churchill quote: "The price of greatness is responsibility." Last'd Germany to 1990 "repressed and denied."

No, gentlemen, Germany has only one responsibility: to make His political action constitutional and to be as a lesson from its history an unconditional peace power.

It is tragic that compliant apparatchiks, Transatlanto-Leader, Men in plastic, Papmaché and Pappmatsche (I said men?) This great historical mission of Germany betrayed so cowardly.

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One Response to "Follow-up to the Munich Security Conference (3-5.2.2012). (1) "

  1. Armin says:

    Basically approval and praise for the good article.
    Except for the last statement: "Germany has only one responsibility: Its political action to make constitutionally"
    The Basic Law was that mainly created by the victors the Yanks. So also in their interest. Today, the BRD-Partein and politicians still lead through to their interest. It applies to rid themselves of it.

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