And remember ... what threatens you

Vocals: Friederike Beck, Audio slopes

Not a breeze is stirring gently,
gently asleep resting the grove;
through the leaves dark cover
steals lights sunshine.

Rest, rest, O my soul,
your storms went wild,
have raged and have trembled,
like the surf when it swells.

These times are enormous,
bring heart and brain in need -
serenity, rest, my soul,
and forget what threatens you!

Text: Karl Friedrich Henckell (1864-1929)

Melody: Richard Strauss (1864-1949)

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2 Responses to "... and forget what you threatened"

  1. Tom Saw Ya says:

    And remember ... what threatens you!

    That would have liked the !!

  2. Friederike Beck says:

    It is in the very somehow current text matter that you can not keep continuously all the miseries of this world and all the dangers in mind. This leads to burn out, stomach ulcer etc. You have to find yourself again and again. The one with vocals, the other playing with his child or his dog aus.Der next will bring the garden in order.

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