Due to climate change? Turtles could go extinct

250 billion plastic waste parts in the Mediterranean Climate Change? (Image source unknown)

"Scientists from the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn (ZFMK) are sounding the alarm. Climate change could lead to the end of all turtle species. "

Under the heading "dying turtles from?" Shocked again the climate pious Bonner General-Anzeiger be too loyal readership (28.2.2012).

Turtles - you should know - first appeared years ago, more than 220 million in the Carnian (Upper Triassic). The armored critters are therefore among the most successful species of our blue planet. There are 313 species and 200 subspecies of the shy, oviparous reptiles.

220 million years long so the air temperatures has always been and always stable, consistently pleasant and friendly for the armored carrier multiplication? Probably not.

For 30 million years turtles survive the current ice age (at least one of the poles glaciated), called "Känozoiosches Ice Age".

Wikipedia knows : "The Anpassungsfähigkei t the turtles has been able to keep their heads up to the present time." adaptability to all Klimafährnisse - that was to be expected with a track record of 220 million years! Turtles stick man so loose in the pocket.

Wiki adds: "human influences many species but are now in acute danger."

Write the researchers from ZFMK that more than half of the turtle species are threatened by anthropogenic causes such as habitat destruction and illegal pet trade extinction.

I had at this point already on the topic of "climate change" as Orwellian term " wrote: Instead of naming the factors sober, has recently warned geschwafelt and more and more nebulous. Is that scientific?

"It was to be expected prior to our analysis, that climate change could have ensthafte consequences for global biodiversity turtles." What then also "strong indications for the correctness of the assumptions" led ...

Climate change is just "in". To write more "in" than littering of the oceans, destruction of coastline for the benefit of tourism and soup pots, where turtles still overcame.

Climate change? Turtle in Chinese supermarket (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

In this case, the phenomenon of intensive hunting for turtles is not new. So there was the European pond turtle until the 19th century. Enter, but it was almost completely fished as fast food and disappeared not only from our local waters, but also from our consciousness as originally native species.

Drift net fishing, the turtle as a pest in the eyes of the peasants of the countries of origin, herbicides, pesticides, road construction ...

Conclusion: The climate is the least to blame, so the turtles already come clear - since 220 million years through all the warm and cold periods throughout.

What they do not get along, is the human self-indulgence.

Reconstruction of the mean temperature and precipitation history of the earth for 3.8 billion years: E = Ice Age, E (underlined) = age of ice with ice formations at the geographic poles, W = Warmklima.Klimawandel ice-free until today. Normal. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

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One Response to "Because of climate change? Turtles could go extinct "

  1. Orwell says:

    Very well recognized.

    However, the "human self-indulgence" as a Neusprechbegriff, "the people" are not, but only some that are excessive.

    Such generalizations always serve the green left ideologues when hammering their religious beliefs in innocent children denkjungfräuliche brains.

    Not "Man" is "evil", but a few copies to justify to the world to serve wealth beyond measure. This must be based on the markets would be wrong, because demand for all things superfluous is yes artificially manipulative of these subjects only.

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