Monthly Archives: April 2012

NGO Twilight?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

NGOs (or German NGOs), ie non-governmental organizations, live on their Nimbus to maintain just not close to governments and to abide by those in power away to ensure a critical distance.

All the more annoying it is when NGOs take party and the serious consequences: The Last Year circulated the legend of the mercenaries in Libya, which was conjured up in the mainstream again and again. Your alleged use by the Libyan dictator cruel moving the minds and delivered to a large extent the unwritten justification for the NATO bombing of the country.

Geneviève Garrigos Amnesty International spread this version, which was taken over by the mainstream unverified, in turn, turned the gossip mill. Garrigos spoke of "information" which have Amnesty. Several months later, she had to withdraw: You've heard "rumors". No, there is no evidence that mercenaries had been used. (More ...)

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Are noblemen degenerate? For example, shooting.

Sunday, April 22 2012

The explanation why Froilan shot in the foot ... (Source: private)

From Spain, I received photo opposite with the comment: "The explanation why Froilan shot in the foot." This refers to the 13-year-old grandson of the Spanish King Juan Carlos, Felipe Juan Froilán, who shot himself in the estate of his father, Jaime de Marichalar, the Game with a handgun in his foot.

The new evidence that man arms naturally viewed in royal circles as toys, reminiscent of Juan Carlos' own Vita: The 18-year-old had already completed a year at a military academy, when he 1956 "accidentally" his four younger brother Alfonso shot in the head. The Spanish royal family was staying at that time in exile in Estoril, Portugal. An investigation into the death by the Portuguese authorities never took place, Juan Carlos' father plunged the weapon personally in the sea and is said to have asked his son: "Swear to me that you have not done it on purpose!"

The current Spanish king was then formed as a protégé of the Spanish dictator Franco in Spain; in a deal with Franco was determined that the son Juan Carlos, not the father, Franco's successor was supposed to start. (more ...)

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Grass-poem. Or: No longer with the submarine to Wohlfühloase

Friday, 06 April, 2012.

The former head of Mossad, Meir Dagan, warned for months publicly against an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. He hopes to prevent a catastrophe: "You have to remember what happens after that day." An attack was terrible for Israel, a disaster of unimaginable proportions. (see. Spiegel 45/2001, S. 110.)

The Nobel Günther Grass also gave public, so to speak the day after. His "poem", actually a short analysis, a document of great concern for world peace is also a proof that an acquaintance in the public's patience finally ran out. For Grass is to thank.

A few days ago the leaders of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) had in New Delhi on their annual summit strongly encouraged to adjust the threats of war against Iran and Syria. They support the embargo policy against Iran and the escalation of pro-violence rhetoric and called for not to give a compromise and dialogue space.

For months, specifically for years, war scenarios military action is mainly in the US, but also the German media through debate, named favorable time frame for a first strike, called for, demanded. Foreign Policy magazines, thinking tanks and experts want to let the unthinkable seem conceivable and possible, the last dead point, which was brought to Israel in Match calculated, all 300 (!) Intolerable killed in a strike against Iran. The war players always hide it in their sandboxes but the possibilities of a domino effect in the Middle East, in which all voltages old scores could be unloaded and - more importantly - the unpredictable dynamics of war with a Russian intervention or even China. (More ...)

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Two Euro Fighter intercept jumbo jet, forcing him to land at Cologne / Bonn

Thursday, 05 April, 2012.

German Euro Fighter, Source: Wikimedia Commons

On 2.4. we read a surprising message in the newspapers about an unusual assistance which granted the Bundeswehr police:
"Two fighter planes of the Bundeswehr have intercepted a plane from Nigeria over German airspace during the weekend. The Euro Fighter had directed the machine to Cologne / Bonn airport. The Luftwaffe had been alerted by the Federal Police, when the aircraft had been reported stolen. The machine is now in a hangar of the Bundeswehr and should not start now. The alleged owner of the flier from Oxford in England had reported the machine as stolen. "

This evokes memories of four aircraft, where luck was not destined to be intercepted by the air force and forced to land at the nearest airport:

  1. The American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into the North Tower of the WTC on 11.9.2001.
  2. The United Airlines flight that crashed into the South Tower of the WTC on 11.9.2001.
  3. The American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon.
  4. The United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Shanksville.

The question of why chains of command on that fateful day were blocked and who is not giving orders, is the question of the gist of the matter.

Recent findings about the "failure" of the US Air Force at that day's z. B. Here in a 9/11 archive.

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