Archive for Month May 2012

NATO summit: War veterans return medals

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just went to Chicago the largest NATO summit ever to end: What has not been shown in the German media, was a moving celebration of US veterans organizations in the former Iraq and Afghanistan soldiers their medals for bravery against the "global war on terror "towards the fence where the Vetreter NATO met, hurled. Each gave a short, moving address.

She recalled a similar event for Vietnam veterans 1971st

Many soldiers apologized to the Iraqi and Afghan people, the children who have no parents, the American soldiers imaginary who committed suicide because they no longer cope with their memories, reminiscent of Bradley Manning, the whistleblower, the death penalty threatened and accused those responsible of ...

"No NATO - no war". "We do not kill for you no more"

The protest was recorded by "Democracy Now".

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The decline of diplomacy

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mark Lyall Grant and his wife Sheila were both 1980 in the diplomatic service of Great Britain, that for 32 years they move in the diplomatic arena. Grant is currently his country's ambassador at the UN in New York. The diplomat couple has two children.

The same function at the United Nations currently exerts Dr. Peter Wittig of Germany made, it is also for 30 years in the diplomatic service (West) Germany. Wittig is with the journalist Huberta von Voss-Wittig married, the couple has four children.

Sheila Grant and Huberta von Voss-Wittig were opened recently together to take action against the wife of Syrian President Asma al-Assad, a course of action which would normally prohibit absolutely in diplomatic circles. (More ...)

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Finally! Erich Honecker commented on the banking crisis.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Inventor of parodies is Joerg Schmidt.

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Torture with electric shocks as a disciplinary measure for problem youngsters in the US

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sometimes you stumble on the net about things that you first can not believe: In Massachusetts, there is a boarding school with affiliated school, the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center, which "corrects" the behavior of problem youngsters - with special means. The inmates include, inter alia, autistic, extremely aggressive or auto-aggressive children and adolescents or those with ADHD problems.

On the occasion of the withdrawal of the founder and head physician with 78 years in May last year, left the hospital announced euphorically: "Matthew Israel is not only one of the most important personalities of behavioral therapy, but it is also a heroic figure for thousands of families through that door the JRC steps as their last hope. "

First, it is clear that it is the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center to a kind of "stop" is. It comes to serious cases that are "handled" by order of the court there. It is clear that all Jugendichen already have a history: they were "treated" with drugs, and, in such a way "beyond treatment", referred in this terminal.

The current scandal could only arise because video evidence from 2002 which had previously been "sealed" by a US court, have now been released recently. (More ...)

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Tomorrow elections in NRW: My Wahlomat. Irritation to CDU.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I have chosen already by absentee ballot and had me previously presented "my big question." Everyone has different priorities. It was important to see how the various parties to express ESM, the planned undemocratic Brussels monster away with the budgetary sovereignty of parliaments. This is to be assigned to a non-elected "Board of Governors", which also has immunity, so it can not be sued.

The Civilian Coalition had produced a video that pointed for the first time ever to the scope of the proposed law and roused a variety of people:

It is recalled that the CDU / CSU, SPD, FDP and speak indeed from the adoption of the ESM, which must be adopted by a 2/3 -Mehrheit in the Bundestag. Under the aegis of Christian Lindner, the "deserters" former FDP General Secretary and current leading candidate of the NRW FDP failed the membership vote against the euro rescue package in December last year, among others .Even in mind that the procedure was designed confusing.

Alliance '90 / The Greens are also known for the European crisis mechanism. And the Left? You can make it clear on the subject: (more ...)

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