Archive for Month June 2012

Archaic traditions circumcision: Enlightenment by court ruling?

Friday, June 29, 2012

Functioning of the male foreskin: A marvel of nature / God / Allah / Yahweh (Explanations of graphics: yellow = skin; red = mucosa; striped = cockstrap Source:

Rarely me a court ruling so happy as that of the Cologne Regional Court on the subject of circumcision for religious reasons!

The court, neither the parental rights, nor guaranteed by the Basic Law of religious freedom could justify this intervention. According to the report thus represents the first time a German court the religious custom punishable.

The child's right to physical integrity and religious self-determination now weighs higher than parental rights and traditions.

This is a hopeful sign for all those who give our law validity and archaic rules already want to illuminate past eras with the spirit of the Enlightenment and modern scientific knowledge.

The judgment was immediately a huge global reverberations and was honored as a "milestone".

Why only now? Everything tradition? (More ...)

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Wednesday: constitutional coup

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Germany is in the steady state of a constitutional crisis.

The pending the vote on Friday ESM treaty will unconstitutional surrender of Germany finances an international financial institution based in Luxembourg. Completely detached from the Basic Law, the German budget sovereignty is in the hands of a Board of Governors which can retrieve unlimited citizenships German taxpayers.

With Impetuous Did this constitutional coup should be whipped on Friday by the Bundestag and Bundesrat. The Federal Constitutional Court had to German President Joachim Gauck as a precaution fall into the ready for signature hand by publicly ausbat time for testing.

"I do not see that the willingness of the Government will be thwarted by the Constitutional Court", the President said in his inaugural visit to Brussels on 17 April on possible complaints against the euro rescue package and mingled so completely inadmissible in the future jurisprudence of the highest German Court one.

Under the Basic Law, the measures of EUdeologen are already no longer feasible, which is why it must be called into question. All of a sudden, the word "referendum" brought into the conversation. Wolfgang Schäuble is rolling ahead.

The former president of the Federal Constitutional Court, Hans-Jürgen Papier, but warns against an amendment of the Basic Law. I wonder why? Because Articles 1 and 20 of the Basic Law the "eternity bid", which can not be changed: (more ...)

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European Football Championship: All about?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Federal Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) is all the rage: Football is no longer just a nice, involving fighting, but ultimately unimportant game, but highly political state business: Friedrich turned demonstratively protectively Germany player Mesut Özil, who is vulnerable to attack on the Internet without protection , He condemned the racist Internet propaganda against the national team as "disgusting" and urged solidarity with all our players.

Since the German "summer fairy tale" 2006 in Germany a form of patriotism approved and publicly funded up to the Debilitätsgrenze: German football nationalism. The emotional appeal is made ​​with all sorts of black-red-yellow jester costumes, plastic-frills and plenty of alcohol feed, Public Glotzing does the rest. (More ...)

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