Germany is in the steady state of a constitutional crisis.
The pending the vote on Friday ESM treaty will unconstitutional surrender of Germany finances an international financial institution based in Luxembourg. Completely detached from the Basic Law, the German budget sovereignty is in the hands of a Board of Governors which can retrieve unlimited citizenships German taxpayers.
With Impetuous Did this constitutional coup should be whipped on Friday by the Bundestag and Bundesrat. The Federal Constitutional Court had to German President Joachim Gauck as a precaution fall into the ready for signature hand by publicly ausbat time for testing.
"I do not see that the willingness of the Government will be thwarted by the Constitutional Court", the President said in his inaugural visit to Brussels on 17 April on possible complaints against the euro rescue package and mingled so completely inadmissible in the future jurisprudence of the highest German Court one.
Under the Basic Law, the measures of EUdeologen are already no longer feasible, which is why it must be called into question. All of a sudden, the word "referendum" brought into the conversation. Wolfgang Schäuble is rolling ahead.
The former president of the Federal Constitutional Court, Hans-Jürgen Papier, but warns against an amendment of the Basic Law. I wonder why? Because Articles 1 and 20 of the Basic Law the "eternity bid", which can not be changed:
"Amendments to this Basic Law affecting the division of the Federation into Länder, the fundamental participation of the Länder in the legislation or the principles laid down in Articles 1 and 20 principles to be touched, is not permitted." (Art. 79.3).
And what the constitution says in Article 20?
(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.
(2) All state authority emanates from the people. It is exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive, and judicial.
(3) Legislation is subject to the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary are bound by law and justice.
These constitutional order should now be lifted carefully off its hinges ...
"Where's reliability and predictability, it also falls to the populations easier to provide financial solidarity", says Joachim Gauck.
Solidarity with the archdemon of greed and lust or with the poor and needy, Pastor?
"No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon. "(Mt 6, 24).
Only a dangerous or naive dreamer can (TEU Not assistance clause, Art. 125) see more "reliability and predictability" are used in the violations of the past against the other EU rules.
The no-bailout clause should already ensure budgetary discipline - and was broken. Why should the "fiscal pact" now work? Because Saul ever became Paul?
"We do not want less but more cars in the crisis Europe - which is also my personal conviction." Greasy stains are best removed with oil and debt with more loans.
All a matter of faith! Zukunftsgauckelei, pastoral ramblings - never was lawbreaking incensed beautiful.
Gauck is overflowing with transatlanticism, "Western values" and sentimental euphoria. That had recognized at the very least, the German conservatives. "We are the Federal President," they shouted.
Now they are forced by means of their best authors write back piecemeal back to reality.
Moses led his people from slavery in Egypt Weiland to the Promised Land. The Federal Pastor makes it vice versa.
Article 20.4 of the Basic Law says, however:
"Against anyone who undertakes to abolish this constitutional order, all Germans have the right to resist, when no other remedy is possible."
We will see.
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Tags: ESM, the Basic Law, Joachim Gauck, constitutional coup
[...] Would like to point to a blog with the headline "Sunday: constitutional coup" begins and probably more than clearly the relevance of the vote in the Bundestag on Friday [...]
ESM = Brussels ATM = worse than war !!
[...] Which were snatched on June 29, 2012, the state sovereignty. On that day, the ESM (European Stability Mechanism permanent rescue fund with unlimited liability, coll.) Was [...]