Rarely me a court judgment so happy as that of the Cologne Regional Court on the subject of circumcision for religious reasons!
The court ruled that neither the parental rights, nor guaranteed by the freedom of religion could justify this intervention. According to the report the first time providing a German court the religious custom of punishment.
The child's right to physical integrity and self-determination religious now weighs higher than parental rights and traditions.
This is a hopeful sign for those who give our law validity and archaic rules already want to illuminate bygone eras with the spirit of the Enlightenment and of modern scientific knowledge.
The verdict was immediately a huge worldwide acclaim and was honored as a "milestone".
Why only now? Everything tradition?
It has long been part of the general enlightened belief that female genital mutilation, thus cutting off most of the tip of the clitoris (sometimes the labia) are among despicable Verbechen perpetrated against defenseless female children with razor blades and all sorts of other sharp objects - millions of times around the world - by tradition.
Deliberately overlooked, however, had previously, that amidst our Geselllschaft and around the world, millions of defenseless, male infants and children are also subjected to an atavistic ritual of female genital mutilation -. Tradition more than 100 deaths go alone in the United States annually on their account.
This should now at least be an end in Germany, because the judgment is final.
The clitoris (dt. Clitoris) that is removed or damaged during female genital mutilation is extremely sensitive, especially in the area of clitoral glans (tip), where the nerves run together, packed with nerves, culminating in a large cavernous and are mainly responsible for the ability female sexual pleasure sensation.
The similarity of the female clitoris with the male penis in terms of function and feeling is demonstrated obvious and scientifically:
The functions of the penis foreskin include
- to keep the glans soft and moist.
- to protect against injury, dehydration and friction (friction, even through clothing, leads to reduction of irritability.)
And: The male foreskin contains many so-called special. Meissner's corpuscles (similar to eg the oral mucosa.). This makes them particularly true pressure and stretch sensitive and predestined them to pleasurable sensation.
What it now tells us about the religious traditions of female and male Gentialverstümmelung that they make exactly the parts to create, which are very particularly sensitive and capable of lust?
It is a characteristic of traditions that their origins lie in the nebulous. Was it a rite of passage, a ritual sacrifice, a symbolic castration or just a grain of sand, rubbed the lack of water in the desert under the foreskin?
The Jewish doctor and Rabbi Moses Maimonides advocated in the 12th century AD circumcision also because of their alleged sexual drive depressant effects:..., The sex organs should be injured and weakened that they still work, but did not permit any "excess" pleasure more.
So completely wrong Maimonides was not, as is masturbate, depending on how much foreskin is removed, only possible with lubricant.
In the Gensis says:
"And this is my covenant, which ye shall keep it between me and you and thy seed after thee: be circumcised Everything is male among you shall; your foreskin shall circumcise her. This shall be the sign of the covenant between me and you. Every man child, if it is eight days old shall, circumcised throughout your generations. [...] But when a Male is not circumcised his foreskin, he shall be cut off from his people, because he has broken my covenant. "
Threatened extinction so for the uncircumcised, for the LORD is a jealous God ...
In the USA, there has long been a movement that wants druchsetzen the self-determination of the newborn ( eg "Intact America". , she says, so-called "Intactivisten".):
Religious, traditional circumcision - not a problem as long as it is left with the entry Volljährigeit each individual himself, to enter into "covenant" or not. Here are 39 reasons to be there .
. The groundbreaking medical study of K. and J. O'Hara "The effect of male circumcision on the sexual enjoyment of the female partner" begins with the portentous sentence: "Male circumcision, the most common surgical procedure in the United States, away 33-50% of the penile skin and almost all neuroreceptors for the sensitivity of the penis. "
Already formed against the judgment of the Cologne Regional Court of indignados a Koaltition, anti-pleasure traditionalists and friends archaic customs and rituals. This Zirkumisionskoalition "per circumcisio" occurred so far at: Guido Westerwelle , Claudia Roth , Cardinal Meissner, Volker Beck , just to name a few.
Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle (FDP) said that had to be clear that "Germany is a cosmopolitan and tolerant country where religious freedom is firmly established and are protected in the religious traditions such as circumcision as an expression of religious diversity."
Green Party leader Claudia Roth told, cast the judgment "marginalizing over the long cultural and religious tradition of Jewish and Muslim life".
The parliamentary secretary of the Greens, Volker Beck, calls for legal rules to strengthen religious freedom. "It seems to me this case law is highly questionable."
The Chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany ruled : "An outrageous and insensitive act." This is not he meant the act of circumcision, the Brit Mila, but the judgment in favor of the 8-day-old newborn male child.
It's amazing what politicians practice court scolding and thus go against the rights of Allerschützenswertesten in our society: against the children!
Total contrast to the International League of Non-Religious and Atheists (IBKA ): Located the judgment of the District Court of Cologne to be circumcised for religious reasons.
"It was time circumcision is seen as what it is: a criminal interference with the physical integrity of defenseless and their parents delivered boys. It is irrelevant whether these irreversible mutilation is carried out for religious or other ideological reasons, "says Rainer Ponitka, spokesman for the IBKA. "T he ruling strengthens the rights of children against religious attacks. A circumcision without a medical necessity is Körperverletzu ng. "
Therefore: Stay away from the clitoris and foreskin! For a self-determined, intact, lust enabled life!
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Tags: Claudia Roth , judgment Landgericht Köln circumcision; Westerwelle , Cardinal Meissner , clitoris , Volker Beck , foreskin
So a Zircumzission is really extremely shit. How do I know this? Whence, if not from religious, but vielmhr for medical reasons. Even as a little boy with 3-4 years a physician had found me a foreskin, tied me to his bed and then started treatment without anesthesia, cut around me. He probably still ringing the ears of my cries.
Later, in adulthood, all voluntarily once more, but less barbaric. Everything is terribly swollen and very painful, even with the DeLux method under general anesthesia. And yes, underwear can rub a lot more than you would imagine so. Uncomfortable to painful. I had been told that the are with time. Was a lie, still hurts.
Religious circumcision, regardless of gender, are a barbaric, inhumane and backward expression blind superstition and a good reason to change his religion or even better not to kloppen in the bin to get yourself behind the mystery.
Claiming it is a monstrous, deeply blasphemous arrogance of these supposedly religious breeding dinosaurs, that God saw his children like circumcised. This has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with religion. Rather, it is the submission and opening of souls in an age where they can not defend themselves. It was, is and will remain a crime.
Westerwelle circumcision diversity
Hardly that the sub Scripture ink on the Cologne Regional Court judgment of 7 May 2012, document number 151 NS 169/11 dried, the religiously motivated genital mutilation underage boys explained on the offense of assault, breaks Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle Allerwelts mustard track and misses , hui, from the Quassel Tube: "The Cologne judgment has caused irritation internationally. It must be clear that Germany is a cosmopolitan and tolerant country where religious freedom is firmly established and are protected in the religious traditions such as circumcision as an expression of religious diversity. "
Here, WESTERWELLE is in the best company of the usual suspects: The German Bishops' Conference considers the judgment of "very strange", where you have the men concede some experience in dealing with underage male sex entirely. This also applies to child sex pioneer Volker Beck, a member of parliament for the Greens, who holds the decision "highly questionable", while his faction colleague Claudia F. ROTH - "I have been doing 20 years Turkey policy, which is many years" - the judgment "unrealistic" accuses: "It works marginalizing over the long cultural and religious tradition of Jewish and Muslim life." Shrill Bundestag Member Serkan TÖRENS tones: "A ban on circumcision would be the clearest signal to the Muslims in our country, that they have no part Germany, yes, "how far-sighted," are not even welcome. "CSU" right "-Politiker Norbert GEIS will even change the law so that the horror of genital mutilation remain unpunished. Who still has all the stones in the Western Wall and minarets of the mosque, can vividly imagine to what tirades swung open, the central council of Jews and Muslims. "Blatant and unlawful interference" and "outrageous and insensitive act" belong to the temperate filth.
From the admissibility of the intervention, the sensitivity of the act itself viewers could convince weathered the on September 3, 2008, 22:45 clock in the ZDF foreign journal article "THE circumcisers OF ISTAMBUL". Were shown in operetta uniforms Constrained Turkish boys, who had to publicly only undergo a syringe into the genital and then the cutting of their foreskin. Although the pale, haggard, acting as if in a trance, shamed to the core boys, were seen abused against their will and legs stalked from the place of mutilation at the end of the ordeal, the ZDF audacity not from a "boisterous FAMILY FESTIVAL" to rant. Mothers, their sons crying oppressive in itself prior to the procedure in dance movements had, as if petrified. Not unlike fathers who reported the cruelty of their circumcision, their trauma they followed up to the present. "Today," so the ZDF, then, nomen est omen, under the general director Markus Schaechter, "they are" six to ten year old children, "Men and can be forever proud to remember this day." And, of inhuman violence glorification not to beat: "Arda Onur and" two of the tortured, "seem to enjoy their day. The whole family celebrates the little hero and sees even the circumcision. "Nothing else is clear from the text to show http://auslandsjournal.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/21/0,1872,7302837,00.html .
Only a matter of time until Markus QUALITY BUTCHER & Co infibulation, the genital mutilation of Muslim girls, celebrates and WESTERWELLE she praises as an expression of openness and tolerance. Finally, already pointed MOHAMED the circumciser Om HABIDA in this expression of religious diversity is a: "But yes, it is allowed. Come closer so I can teach you: if you cut, do not exaggerate, because it makes the face more radiant and it is more pleasant for the husband. "
It was just the thanks WESTER WELLES interference and agitation chased from office President Hosni MUBARAK, the female genital mutilation that killed up to 90 percent of Egyptian women victims, said in mid-2008 to the offense and his wife Suzanne decided against this infernal cruelty fought: "Then I felt my flesh, my genitals were cut away. I heard the sound of the dull blade that went through my skin. There are no words that could describe the pain. 'Lord in heaven, please let it be over quickly,' I prayed, then I lost consciousness. When I woke up only began the worst part. With the thorns pricked holes in the skin, through which they pushed a solid white thread to sew me. The pain in my vagina was so terrible that I just wanted to die. "
Remains to be seen when WESTER WELLES freedom fighters overturn the anti-circumcision law. That spokesperson Lamia HUSSEIN now in the Egyptian state television must cover their heads with a head diaper, have to be so much revolution must, they already enforced.
As the Arab spring messengers, firmly anchored in freedom of religion and tradition, deal with undisguised, the British journalist Natasha Smith had to learn on their own bodies, as they wanted to be present at the Cairo Tahrir Square on the last Sunday in June, at the announcement of the presidential election result . The revelers, WESTER WELLES democratic election winner, tore her clothes off, "These men, hundreds of them, had turned into animals. She spread my legs and put on me. They scratched and squeezed my breasts and squeezed her fingers in me, in every possible way. So many men. All I could see were covetous eyes, always more mockingly grinning faces, while I was rumgeworfen like fresh meat to hungry lions. "Natsha SMITH, beaten by self-destructive, on naivety not be beat for blindness to reality a la WESTERWELLE, wanted just a documentary about women's rights in Egypt turn.
Remains to be seen when the Beaten transfigured the blessings of SHARIA. In the Light-version, one does not have to still the same take the whole hand when the thief, snip-ratchet, the little finger is enough. So much legal certainty must be. What does the Foreign Minister under, he has strikingly demonstrated when he recently in the same breath called for more law of Ukraine and the transfer of the there imprisoned Tymoshenko for intervertebral disc treatment at the Berlin Charité. It will be interesting when WESTERWELLE it makes strongly that the in Brandenburg because Offenkundigkeits-doubt live long weggesperrte Horst MAHLER may leave for therapy to Tehran.
With the introduction of Sharia as an expression of cosmopolitanism itself WESTERWELLE may incidentally eavesdropping nen trick the EKD Council President Nicholas SCHNEIDER, who revealed in SPIEGEL 46/10: "And the religious education serves society as a whole. That is why I am also of the opinion that we need an academically taught Islam in our country, which is capable spoke at our universities, so that we can make some headway on the question of integration. "
Particular attention must be paid to the occupation of the Department of Theoretical and Applied stoning (TAS). What a mess! Bury and cover with cloth or, as in Afghanistan and Pakistan, maybe not? Totschmeißen pregnant women immediately after the baby's birth or after weaning? Which stone size guarantees long suffering and late death by smashing the facial skeleton? Survivors or shoot to death with shovel?
Good thing since July 30, 1991 here there is legal certainty, at least in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the Criminal Law, Second Book, hadd punishments, is regulated in detail, where to go. From the verdict "In the name of Allah, the Merciful", about, must be buried as deep: men to the waist, women to ausbüchsender under the breast, up to the first litter and final Vergruftung self-Ausbuddler.
Sexually likes Mr. WESTERWELLE to be saved by his style. Whether that among those for whose religious tradition, he argues, even so see the crane operator?
Dr. Frank Kretzschmar
Krass, of this law, I knew nothing. I think it's generally very good, as everyone should decide for themselves, What hot and what religion he wants to accept. A verpfechter the blunt Aufklraurung respects Royal's own body and sexuality is Harri Wettstein, the following book has written: http://harri-wettstein.de/