Concern for Westerwelle: A broken man? Or: The Libya Factor in Syria

Dismissed: Westerwelle. . Besides Clinton and French Foreign Minister of Fabius, looking questioningly at Westerwelle (Source: Keystone)

Guido Westerwelle was never a child of sadness. His triumphant optimism on FDP party days, his broad smile, are legendary and were taken regularly from political cabaret targeted.
Chaired by Westerwelle, the FDP in the general election on 27 September 2009 with historical 14.6 percent her best result to date.

In recent weeks and months, but it seems to be going downhill with him: Latest pictures of the Foreign Minister on the side of the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton show him as a picture of misery. He looks more and more slumped in to the empty view .

At the conference of "friends of the Syrian people," the beginning of July in Paris Hillary Clinton set the tone. In extremely verbally aggressive and threatening manner, it announced on Russia and China to consequences: "They want to pay". The two countries that had shunned Paris and repeatedly prevented a resolution in the UN Security Council against Syria after Libya's model, the unrestricted dislike of the US Foreign Minister attracted to.

The discussion turned to Chapter VII of the UN Charter, the coercive measures of economic sanctions to military force to restore peace and security in a country provides, if all other sanctions have been exhausted. Clinton is working hard to have this notice.

Guido Westerwelle was constantly seen at the Paris Conference on the Clinton side. He has obviously learned from the Libya debacle. His rhetoric was oriented in the case of Syria from the beginning to the official Western (U.S., GB, F) language rules of the crazed dictator who shoot at his people, who had lost his legitimacy, which would clear the way.

Basically makes Westerwelle always Assad immediately responsible for the terrible massacre became known (Homs, Hula, Temseh), without at the time any findings about the authorship could be him. The same "logic" was followed by the expulsion of Syrian diplomats in Berlin in February this year.

His exemplary alumni pattern occurrence is not diminished by the fact that he respect Chapter VII of the UN Charter more stressed the "non-military action" in Paris. These are nuances, things that bring bottom line nothing, neither Westerwelle nor the people of Syria. For in Paris adopted the "Friends of Syria", increase support for the rebels "massively" to. That can only mean increased arms shipments over friendly states in practice.

Even more clearly, it was in rare absurd manner Hillary Clinton on July 8 at the Afghanistan Conference in Tokyo: The opposition forces were beginning to be "efficient" in their "offensive against the Syrian military and the Syrian government militias". "Those who support the Assad should be perfectly clear that their days are numbered." And Time was running off to preserve Syria before a "catastrophic attack".

The U.S. Secretary of State must be clairvoyant - the catastrophic bombing of a meeting of senior government and intelligence members in central Damascus on July 18, which included the Syrian defense minister, the deputy defense (Assad's brother) and the second vice president of Syria died, is exactly that "catastrophic attack" barely ten days later, and he was directed actually against military and government. And in fact: the attack was "efficient" ...

Westerwelle has no words of condemnation against the perpetrators of the recent terrorist acts to undermine a sovereign state, which at the moment - this is the reality! - Is held together by the person Assad. Instead, he called like getting a UN resolution against Assad and sets the stupid and unimaginative policy of blackmail Russia and China continue, leading to nothing.

Anyone who has ever even dealt only half an hour by z. T. highly disgusting footage that the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) offers a continuous stream into the network, can vividly imagine what in the Christian, Alawite and Shiite minorities will happen this country if Assad falls. And with the many supporters he has. (The massacre in Houla affected families who were known as supporters of Assad, as it turned out - a taste?)

The rebels of the FSA are in their majority obviously fanatical, well-armed from abroad, morally Nothing standing murderous gangs that call for every shot, they fire, "Allahu Akbar". Who can think of here, democracy and the rule of law were on the march, must be as deluded as the Allahu Akbar-caller who constantly talk compulsively-blasphemous in the name of the Most High.

When the German Foreign Minister began finally to abandon their own policies? Westerwelle's Waterloo has a date - 18.3.2011: In the vote on the "Resolution 1973" to Libya in the UN Security Council, Germany abstained.

Westerwelle's concerns were well-founded: Two days before the vote he had declared that the no-fly zone raises more questions and problems, as they promise to solve. There were a military intervention in was not even clear that they could be effective in a country like Libya. There is a danger that precisely at the end'm the opposite than what you intend to achieve with it politically. This was to be feared, when "our actions" would lead to more violence instead of freedom and peace. The result would be no strengthening but a weakening of democratic movements in the region, because the consequences of a military deployment to the entire North African region and the entire Arab world emanated. No one should be under any illusion, it'll go on a no-fly zone "merely putting up a traffic shields s". They want and should not be the "war party in a civil war."

This prudent entering an "old" Westerwelle today seems like something from another era. After the UN Security Council vote a hitherto not experienced "Shit Storm" against the German Foreign Minister was unleashed, led by proven PR people Transatlanto the elite:

It broke deafening howl of rage going on. Clock tsunamis against Westerwelle was the vain Atlanto-Zionist (Lévy: "Israel est intouchable" Israel is untouchable), media entrepreneur and philosopher of war ("The Art of philosophy is only valid if there is an art of war") Bernard-Henri Lévy , BHL shortly.

The French political Dandy referred to the German attitude as "a disaster, especially for the Libyans, but also for the German n." Germany had "all the basics of German foreign policy since the end of the war over the pile geworfe n" and would "pay more bitter".

Voilà, here someone once spoke out clearly what it is about: Germany must obviously do not represent their own foreign policy opinion. His threat is identical to Hillary Clinton against Russia and China in other respects.

The Spiegel article from 3/27/11 was titled "Westerwelle is a disaster." "Westerwelle must go actually, however, seem for his decision, not even to be ashamed, for this valley of shame '," says BHL.

Bernard Henry Lévy (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

BHLS recipe for success has already been tested several times: first a problem is located, the second diagnostic alleged or actual violations of human rights, an "Auschwitz in embryo", the third requirement of a military intervention.

In the style of Lévy generals announced on 19.3.2011 thus cheerfully in his diary Libya ("La guerre sans aimer" = war against his will): "The operations have begun. French bomber launched first, then Canadian, American followed them ".

BHL clung to the heels of the German Foreign Minister, bit into his calves, it happened in quick succession: On 31/03/11 the "time" offered BHL a forum that is also positioned itself against Westerwelle. The article carries the headline: "Libya-war: fire Westerwelle '. The philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy bombs against Gadhafi and the German, Populärpazifismu s' ".

Lévy discusses the Libyan rebels: "I think they are basically good people. And they know that the world is watching them. Should it come to a wave of reprisals, it is likely that policy initiatives be enough - and certainly not be a major military contingents necessary. "

The time " But perhaps in Syria, where a Libyan scenario is possible? "
Lévy: "Go a step further, and you are at: 'Since we can not be everywhere, we are better nowhere.' Let us beware of this trap! Currently, there is an operation in Libya. Which must lead to success. As for the rest, especially Syria: If we succeed in Libya, then the other dictatorships have reason to think, starting with Bashar al-Assad. But we fail and Gadhafi holds, then feel the other bastards rise. Intervention in Libya is practically a in Syria. ... The Populärpazifismus of Mr. Westerwelle has meant that the coalition lost valuable time. For decades, it has not so deep disagreement between Germany and France, where more. "
The time " How do you explain the German position? "
Lévy: "First, by evil chance. The unfortunate fact that a mediocre, incompetent, perhaps even unsuspecting Minister directs that, as then or now Berlusconi, Haider, is no match for the world disaster, ie Gadhafi. Then, by the fact that a man like zu Guttenberg, who - who knows? - Might put things right, was forced immediately before the crisis to go. And finally by the short-sighted choice tactics of a woman Merkel. "

It had Westerwelle competent people had at his side: Reinhard Merkel, Professor of Criminal Law and Philosophy of Law at the University of Hamburg, judged the resolution and the military intervention in Libya, which refers to them as illegal under international law .

The military intervention in a civil war on foreign territory is prohibited by numerous international legal standards, such as in Article 3 of the Second Additional Protocol "v Nicaragua. USA" to the Geneva Conventions of 1977, or the decision of the International Court of Justice in case of dispute of 1986, a military outside intervention is only permitted in extreme cases, namely when a genocide or systematic crimes against humanity under Article 7 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court must be prevented. Only a humanitarian intervention is legitimate.

This "extreme case", which alone could justify a military intervention from abroad against a sovereign state and was extremely controversial in Libya, should now be obvious herbeigemordet in Syria with greater "efficiency" and herbeigebombt.

After the abstention of Germany to the controversial Libya resolution and the subsequent attacks on German politician, a particularly deep kowtow was German hand over the Transatlanto elite course due. The submission addresses were:

"We are firmly committed to our allies and NATO, for whose use I have deep respect." (Angela Merkel, Young Leader alumna, American Council on Germany / Atlantic Bridge)

"Our deep respect and gratitude are also our allies, are crucial fallen into the arm Gaddafi killing units." (Philipp Rösler, Young Leader of the Atlantik-Brücke).

Deep respect and gratitude that is, for the eleven-month bombardment of Libya ...

"The behavior of the federal government in the Libya conflict with the abstention in the UN Security Council is one debacle. Perhaps the biggest foreign policy debacle since the founding of the Federal Republic. "(Joschka Fischer, European Council on Foreign Relations).

In the "mirror" Fischer made ​​on 27.8.2011 with the lobes of Westerwelle continued:
Title: "Libya policy fiasco. Fischer expects from followers with Westerwelle. "
"Several leaders have distanced themselves from Guido Westerwelle, now also attacked him still a predecessor: In a SPIEGEL Joschka Fischer called the Berlin Libya policy that 'perhaps the biggest debacle since the founding of the Federal Republic'. Does Germany need a new foreign minister? "

Then Fischer in the "Süddeutsche Zeitung": Germany can now have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council "to enter into the ton" he echoes Lévy: The German government will now get problems in their quest for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

A erkaufter with bombs and blood permanent seat in the Security Council as a reward for good behavior transatlantic? How embarrassing is that?

Also zu Guttenberg liked since not stand back and kicked against Westerwelle: "A foreign policy Wicht". (GA Bonn, 21.11.2011)

Westerwelle is in the Syrian conflict only as an emissary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov he earned from ridicule: The German foreign minister asked for Assad several times in Moscow. If he could not get asylum there. Lavrov had simply seen as a joke and not taken seriously: "Take him yourselves."

No doubt, Westerwelle has self-inflicted problems to be taken seriously. He, who had lost his position as FDP chairman in May last year acts today spiritually emaciated.

Unexpectedly therefore seems appropriate at the following recent comment:

"Here are ideological forces at work trying to prevent a political process of reconciliation with inhuman violence. The international community must not let the terrorists win. "

But unfortunately not from the comment of our Foreign Minister and unfortunately he is not even on the attacks in Syria, but about the attacks on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria. And Charlotte Knobloch .


Compare the following images:

  • Foreign Minister Westerwelle at the inaugural visit to Washinton, head and nose upwards
  • Westerwelle: grin with Clinton. Since the world was still in order
  • Blank look, Cabinet meeting on 04.24.12 .

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