CFR-Chief Haass: United States before military action in Syria because of alleged chemical weapons?

After verhehrenden bombing in the Syrian intelligence headquarters in Damascus on 18.7.2012, the famous U.S. interviewer Charlie Rose called the same day several people to talk together, including particularly interesting (!): Richard Nathan Haass, since 2003 head of the important Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the de facto hosts the American foreign policy.

Haass was in the round set the tone, its forecast for Syria was, most likely, an Iraq-like situation of decay in sectarianism. Here his most important statements and forecasts:

Haass: "The United States to continue doing what they already do Clearly, the CIA has people who work in the country.. You give no weapons, but they ensure that the weapons that reach Syria from Arab countries, are used optimally and maximally, they provide reconnaissance information, coordinate, see to that the weapons come to the right people, that sanctions tightened will. But what I would also like to see is more pressure on Russia by the Arab countries, it comes close to war crimes.

Against the people who support the regime still, threats were made. But basically things are going in the direction that everyone wants to have. The Syrian regime has lost control over many spaces between the larger cities, because you have the army and the intelligence agencies concentrated where most residents are. And therefore, this bombing was so important because he was behind the wall, so to wants.

So two things: It will be seen that the regime strikes back [grin at approximately 8:09 min.] To argue that one is not beaten yet. So actually it will be in the not too distant future to see that things are even worse, because they will want to send a message to the opposition. But I think when the history is finally written about it, so it will be said that this was part of the turning point, where the regime began to lose power. The desertions will only increase, which is crucial. Finally, this is the prelude, and it eventually comes to the most important point, where these guys go at some point and the question then what? Are we absolutely positive scenario as in Libya or likely see one that Iraq is similar in the sense of sectarianism? How once in Britain over the ancien regime said: Everyone agreed to get rid of the regime, but then you look zerstreitet. And of course that is the real problem. "

When asked whether Bashar al-Assad have chemical weapons and they will use:

"Of course he has chemical weapons. I think the USA should gather as much intelligence about the chemical weapons as we can, where they are, what condition they are. And quite honestly, if we were to believe that those weapons used or forwarded to a group like Hezbollah or anyone else even any reason, I am indeed of the opinion that this is a strong argument for a limited military action against no humanitarian action in the broader sense, but we would need to turn as many weapons as we can, before they are used or even fall into worse hands, or in a group, say Hezbollah, would be passed. As bad as the situation at the moment is: One of the rules on the Middle East is: Things have only become worse, before they get worse. We do not want to see this situation. "

Rose: You still have the ability to do that with special operations?

Haass: "Or with drones. Oh, absolutely! Or with special aircraft. But it comes to education. The crucial question is whether we have sufficient and timely information to do that. And I would simply say that this is something we should look at carefully. "

Click here for the original interview "Update on Syria" . I suggest you read 8:09 and 14:04 once to see Richard Haass' facial expressions at about Min accurate!

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2 Responses to "CFR-Chief Haass: United States before military action in Syria because of alleged chemical weapons"

  1. WebLog 12/08/2012 "humanzipation says:

    [...] . Haass was in the round set the tone, its forecast for Syria was, most likely, an Iraq-like situation of decay in sectarianism. Here his most important statements and forecasts: [...]

  2. WebLog 12/08/2012 "order without rule says:

    [...] . Haass was in the round set the tone, its forecast for Syria was, most likely, an Iraq-like situation of decay in sectarianism. Here his most important statements and forecasts: [...]

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